I know I need to eat!

Today has been a REALLY bad day! As a result I left in a huff this morning and ended up going for a 17 mile walk. I barely ate yesterday and just don't feel like it today, I'm just too frustrated. I have over 3000 calories to eat and no desire. In fact, the only thing I want to do is go workout, but I don't dare...

It's now 7 pm and I haven't eaten a thing all day. What should I do? HELP!

My ONLY consumption for the day has been 3 bottles of water.

I started my weight loss because of starvation mode. I don't want to go back. But, especially, on days like today I HATE food!


  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    You're going to make yourself sick that way!!

    How about a protein shake on days like this, or blending up a smoothie?? It not chewing so you can just down it and have something in your belly....:)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I think you should put some peanut butter on toast and force yourself to eat.

    You might be REALLY hungry tomorrow, so keep a LOT of healthy food around, and don't be afraid of going over. Tomorrow and the day after are days that you might be tempted to binge, so again, having lots of healthy, filling selections around that you can eat confidently will be good.

    Best of luck.
  • Agari1
    Agari1 Posts: 1
    You are right your day was NOT healthy...but eating 3000 calories at once tonight isn't going to help either you will probably just feel like crap if you try or get sick. Have a satisfying hearty meal tonight if you can stomach it and just start fresh tomorrow with your normal daily calorie intake for each day. Just don't keep on not eating and overexercising....that is starting on a road you definitely shouldn't go down that is definitely not healthy and won't help you loose weight or stay healthy!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    That's not good - you wont put on any muscle and you'll run out of energy pretty fast!

    I would go for tuna pasta bake (basically, can of tuna, pasta, onion, a can of chopped tomato, small can of butter beans) Cook the pasta, add the rest, bung in oven for 30 minutes. Serves 2.

    Adjust the portion of pasta according to calorie requirements.. personally I use penne and I over boil it (well... boil it, then turn off the heat but leave the pasta in to soak up the water for ages... Makes the amount of pasta seem more but its just water really...
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Oh, and I second the shake idea...
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with another poster: you might just have force-feed yourself some peanut butter tonight. :) Also, I'm gonna have to agree that eating 3000 calories in one sitting or even within a few hours isn't going to be much better. You're best bet is to have a normal (or maybe slightly bigger than normal) sized meal with a few high calorie items such as that peanut butter or avocado.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Just start with one bite. And then another. Pretty soon your body will realize it's feeding time and it's due for some food.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just start with one bite. And then another. Pretty soon your body will realize it's feeding time and it's due for some food.

    Oh, this also. ^^^^^^ :) Hehe. When I don't want to eat, I make myself take a few bites of something and within minutes my appetite is back!!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks all! I had a fair bit of fruit, mostly watermelon, but some banana, orange, and apple as well. Better than not eating.

    I don't keep junk in the house, never have. So that's no concern. I just really never have liked to eat, but I have, over the last few months, learned to do so and don't want to be derailed for an emotionally bad day. It's just too easy for me to not eat. I love to cook, I HATE to eat. I'm not a binge eater either, I just don't eat. I know few can relate, but it's what got me fat, my body stored what little I did eat because there was no promise of additional fuel.

    Today's a new day and I will do better...I hope!

    Thanks again!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    May I suggest having keeping some chocolate milk in the fridge for times like that? Nutritionally, it's far better than a piece of watermelon and it might not feel like "food" if you're really struggling, especially if it's drunk very cold.
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm bi-polar, hense the bad day, and chocolate exacerbates the problem. So, no chocolate milk. :( Additionally, due to allergies, peanut butter and avocado are off the list.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm bi-polar, hense the bad day, and chocolate exacerbates the problem. So, no chocolate milk. :( Additionally, due to allergies, peanut butter and avocado are off the list.
    How annoying for you to have to put up with those restrictions. What about banana milk? Strawberry milk?

    Actually joking apart, it's not something you can keep ready to drink, but a banana blended together with milk is a pretty healthy combination. How does a glass of that sound as a possibility for when you can't face a meal?