Fighting Negative Body Image

This discussion is for those of us who need support in fighting low self esteem, self image and damaging body image issues. Join us!


  • jennreimerca
    jennreimerca Posts: 2 Member
    Advice needed: how to stop negative body image issues from taking over your life? How to find joy again in life while struggling with feeling overweight, unattractive and feeling like a failure?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited July 2015
    For me I had to just accept what I was which was morbidly obese. Then once I did that I was able to make a plan and decide a goal to attain. As for the low self esteem issue what I notice now is what flaws I see someone else might not care.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    I don't admit this to a lot and it's something that I've been working on, but I do have low self-esteem and a low body-image. It doesn't help much when, for years, people and loved ones close to you have put you down a lot and told you how disgusting you look, etc. I'm trying to work on the outer, even though I was never MAJORLY obese, but the inner has been a struggle ever since I was a kid (I'm 42 now). I have made a few friends on MFP that have tried to help and support, but sometimes it's just hard- like today. I have been feeling like I'm having a "fat day" although I've been seeing some progress...and it doesn't help when every guy in the locker room this morning with their shirt off was just straight-up cut and toned, except me obviously.
  • Jessie_021
    Jessie_021 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm the same, always down on myself and picking out my flaws and just sort of obsessing over them.. Until one day I looked in the mirror and just went past all of those flaws and started to accept myself. It took a lot of time to do, it's not goin to happen over night.
    Yes there is bad days and that's when I decided not to let that little voice,that told me how bad I am and all, overtake me. I started pointing out some of my good qualities like a smile (: height, hair ect. It can totally be small things it doesn't matter.
    I suggest you do the same, start writing/saying all of your good qualities and soon you will realize how good you are! How you are perfect and worth it, because you are (:
    If anyone needs someone to talk just add me,
    Remember we aren't alone in this battle!
  • Jessie_021
    Jessie_021 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm the same, always down on myself and picking out my flaws and just sort of obsessing over them.. Until one day I looked in the mirror and just went past all of those flaws and started to accept myself. It took a lot of time to do, it's not goin to happen over night.
    Yes there is bad days and that's when I decided not to let that little voice,that told me how bad I am and all, overtake me. I started pointing out some of my good qualities like a smile (: height, hair ect. It can totally be small things it doesn't matter.
    I suggest you do the same, start writing/saying all of your good qualities and soon you will realize how good you are! How you are perfect and worth it, because you are (:
    If anyone needs someone to talk just add me,
    Remember we aren't alone in this battle!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    edited July 2015
    I feel so happy when I see changes or that I've lost weight. When I want to give up I think about how much more important being happy with myself is vs being happy for a few minutes from food, etc. Holding onto that is why I haven't given up.