
have just been really good and given the cream egg i was going to eat to DH!!! due to looking at peoples success stories and figured if i eat that then i wont get where i want to be!!
not sure if anyone else has this trouble but when i see how many calories i have left i think to myself well might aswell use them up by having some chocolate, or biscuits????
think i need to find a good evening snack, any suggestions.......please help???


  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    sugar free jello or pudding with some fat free whip cream....think it adds to right at about 35 cals! kills the sweet tooth everytime! glass of chocolate milk....not only is it sweet it's filling.
  • karikariboberry
    karikariboberry Posts: 28 Member
    Its not a perfect snack, but at night I have a cup of tea with some arrowroot cookies, you can have 5 for about 140cals, i look forward to it every day!
    Knowing i have something like that later on makes me more motivated to make a big salad with chicken for dinner
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    Seems silly, but I seem to have better luck going with a raw veggie (carrots, cucumbers etc)- it's the cruchy sound. If I don't pay attention to the taste, and just listen to the crunch it's almost like a dorito. LOL
  • etjaneausten
    etjaneausten Posts: 36 Member
    Any fruit or veggie would be the best choice, of course. But I am human, so I am planning for the second best...
    I made a bunch of 100 calorie bags from my favorite treats and snack on them as needed. That way I don't binge on the whole bag (as I was known to do), and am encouraged to continue with reasonable success.
    You can get little baggies in Micheals or Joanne Fabric, that fits most of what I pack.
  • sue2110
    sue2110 Posts: 12
    try caramel snack a jacks, there lovely if u have a sweet craving, it's like having a biccy with a cuppa, or try a meringue nest with strawberries, banana, grapes, kiwi and a toffe muller light poured over it very filling x
  • Rockin_Robyn
    Rockin_Robyn Posts: 40 Member
    I totally do that too!! I found that dark chocolate covered almonds or half cup of special K chocolaty delight helps knock out those remaining calories while satisfying my sweet tooth and they have way more nutritional value than those dangerously delicious eggs :)
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    A combo of carb and protein is the perfect snack! It will be more filling than just a large portion of chocolate.

    Try fruit with nuts, hummus and pita or baby carrots, a fruit/yogurt parfait or smoothie, trail mix, baked chips and salsa with beans, an omelet with chopped veggies and shredded cheese, toast with nut butter and a drizzle of honey, chocolate milk and berries, a low-sugar, natural granola bar, cheese and crackers.. there's plenty of combos! Just choose a calorie limit and pick a pairing that works for you!

    good luck!
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    Adding- when I'm craving sweet and nothing else will work, I go for an apple cinnamon rice cake. 50 cals and yummy :)
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I go for an avacado. Cut it up in chunks, and sprinkle a little salt or pepper whatever you like, and some lime juice. You kind of have your sweet, salty and I like the creamy texture as opposed to something crunchy.
  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    wow thats so much for the great advice. i hadn't thought of alot of the things you hav esuggested but i will give them a go and see how i get on :)
    this is what i love about this site, all the advice and support to do better.
    thanx so much guys :)