newbie :) ❤

vikhog Posts: 19 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Few tips would be great :)


  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    I'm new here myself but the best advice I can give you is to get stuck in and then don't be afraid to ask questions when you need advice on something. It's a great community here and you'll have a line of people try to help you whenever you need it :)
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you :smile: I'm on my diet a week
  • hlnebel
    hlnebel Posts: 71 Member
    The community here is definitely very knowledgeable, but they do have some pet peeves that you want to be aware of. For example, search for the answers you're looking for on the boards before asking a question. Because if it's something that has been asked 1000 times before, people might jump down your throat. Also, fad diets don't fly here at all. So don't even go there. ;)
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Have you tried entering a typical day of your diet into the food journal? It is a massive help to show you where it leaves you standing. How about plans on the other side of the coin, any planned exercise routines?
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    Ya I haven't been here long, but the popular opinion around here is to stay away from those diets that you go on for a week to super punch 10 lbs off right away. The reason for that is first its really unhealthy, but most people don't really care about that, but this however they do care about. After that one week crazy crash diet your bodies metabolism slows down and goes into starvation mode. This means that your body naturally starts to store fat purposely even if you are way under eating your calories. Its a survival mechanism, and most times you gain the weight back as fast as you lost it, and then you gain more because your body needs time to readjust its metabolism back to normal :) your best bet is to make a lifestyle change, and if you would like, u can always add me as a friend, over the past few days ive made alot of new friends, and its been nothing but support and motivation from everyone.
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    The diet I'm on ur Allowed certain foods and its a small list ha I'm not eating enough cals everyday I save my food intake on this its saying I'm not eating enough but I've lost 6 lb in a week . iv only 5 left to hit my goal weight which is 10 stone but I'm craving something sweet sooo bad
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    I have done any workouts this week cause I was told in the first week not to ?
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Breeticus makes a really good point, that 6lbs in a week is a ridiculously high amount. I'm not a professional nutritionist by any means but I do know that you are probably going to set yourself up for a fall. Just like he said, you will lose the weight that quick but also crash your metabolism which will leave you in a bad state at the end. I suspect that will cause you to start yo-yoing.

    Why not get your calories up to losing a max of 2lbs a week, two and a half weeks isn't that long to hold on for your goal. Get some delicious fruits in you for that sweet craving satisfaction and to add a few calories, maybe keep an eye on the sugars. I think you'll be so much happier a month down the line if you do it this way.
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    And that's the diet I'm on :( you lose a lot in the first week . ever heard of diet drops ?
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    edited July 2015
    I haven't no, what is that about? There is nothing wrong with changing to a different diet either if you feel it is for the best :)
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    Don't get me wrong I'm happy that I've lost a good bit of weight in my first week but I have a feeling when I stop its going to double back haha
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    Drops you put in your mouth
  • Jenfromtheblock84
    Jenfromtheblock84 Posts: 140 Member
    When you boil it down to calories in vs calories out... everything seems a little easier. Grab a food scale and make sure that you are documenting everything as correctly as possible... Remember when you cheat your numbers you are really cheating yourself so be as honest as possible. I've done the fad diets and lost a lot of weight by restricting myself to ridiculously low amount of calories but in the end I binged and gave up. My new lifestyle allows me more choices, more freedom, and this is the longest I've had a change stay in place in forever. Good luck on your journey and make sure to browse the boards to find even more awesome tips.
  • vikhog
    vikhog Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks @Jenfromtheblock84 I'm on a one of those diets :/ not eating enough cals , iv my sisters wedding in a few weeks so that's kinda what pushed me to do it , I'm just starting yo crave sweets or biscuits
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there, Vik! Sorry I hope i didn't rain on your parade, that was not my intentions at all :) Actually it was quite the opposite. I just didn't want to see you set yourself up for that, because I have before. I did the cabbage diet a few years ago. You pretty much eat nothing but cabbage stew for 7 days straight. After about day 3 i was dizzy from lack of nutrition, I did not feel well, i kinda felt diseased, and in the end I actually started to gain weight because my body started conserving calories and transforming them into fat. I know this is going to be a sad image to put in your head, but its the truth. When you see the pictures or videos of other countries with starving people, did you ever notice that their arms, legs, and faces were skin and bone, but they had pot bellies? That's because when the human body starts to starve it starts to conserve as well. Its the same as putting away a lil bit of your paycheck into a bank account. When your body stops getting what it needs everyday it starts to put away calories in a savings account just in case.

    You have to think our current species is several million years old, dating back to times when there were days where hunting was hard, and winters were cold and deprived the woods of gathering berries. Its a natural trait that links back that long ago, putting away a portion of calories into fat just in case the next day or few days they didnt have anything to eat at all.

    I also have to say im not a nutritionalist either :P but i have a friend who is a personal trainer, he graduated a year ago and he knows alot about these things, and this is what he told me when I used to starve myself thinking the weight would just disappear with that strategy.
  • hlnebel
    hlnebel Posts: 71 Member
    edited July 2015
    The weight you're losing now is most likely water weight. If you truly want or need to lose fat, it's a slow process. That's just how it is.