
has anyone else found themself in a mentality where they are living to loose weight and cannot wait until each day ends so they are closer to feeling better about themselves?

I hate feeling like this and wish I could 'enjoy the journey' but it's all I can think about and I can't wait until I can just get to my goal and focus on maintaining
The vision of being at goal seems so far far away (33lbs) that a part of me feels like this is pointless - the daunting feeling of having to do this for weeks and months on end almost fooling myself into giving up before I've already started /:

This is all just a poisoned mentality because I know those who are at their goal were once at the stage I'm in.. But carried on which is WHY they got to where they wanted to be.
Just wanted to know if there were any fellow obsessors out there or anyone with tips to rid this stupid mentality


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Nope, that would be looking at it as a diet, instead of a lifestyle change.
  • ashleypetrie4
    ashleypetrie4 Posts: 119 Member
    I occasionally have felt this way, especially when I first start getting back on track with my eating/exercising habits, BUT you have to keep reminding yourself that this isn't a short-term thing with an ending. You should think of eating nutritious, healthy food and exercising regularly as a lifestyle that you will always try to work at.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    maybe try living to be healthy instead of living to lose weight...living to be healthy usually results in the latter. when i stopped obsessing about some arbitrary number on the scale and started focusing on simply being a healthier and fitter me, that opened up a whole other world of awesome....

    also, if you don't feel good about yourself now, being at some magical number is likely not going to help anything...to me that would mean that there are some underlying issues that probably need to be addressed...simply losing weight doesn't make that stuff go away...if it did I wouldn't have had to spend 6 months in therapy.

    also...the mentality that you reach goal and you're "done" is not good...you need to wrap your head around the fact that living for health is a life long endeavor...not one that you're just going to do for a handful of weeks and months.
  • Karmyeboo
    Karmyeboo Posts: 33 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    maybe try living to be healthy instead of living to lose weight...living to be healthy usually results in the latter. when i stopped obsessing about some arbitrary number on the scale and started focusing on simply being a healthier and fitter me, that opened up a whole other world of awesome....

    also, if you don't feel good about yourself now, being at some magical number is likely not going to help anything...to me that would mean that there are some underlying issues that probably need to be addressed...simply losing weight doesn't make that stuff go away...if it did I wouldn't have had to spend 6 months in therapy.

    also...the mentality that you reach goal and you're "done" is not good...you need to wrap your head around the fact that living for health is a life long endeavor...not one that you're just going to do for a handful of weeks and months.

    Thankyou! I appreciate your reply, and agree with not feeling good about myself, also living to be healthy instead of living to loose weight makes the whole journey seem less laborious and focused on a number which is depressing.

    I know the journey doesn't stop there I am fully aware that going back to what made me overweight...will again, make me overweight. I'm talking about not having to counting calories and tracking things because I know I'm not one of those people that can do it for life so once in maintenance for a while, I'd stop