New mom who just started

Hey everyone! I am looking for new friends to help with motivation! I have a little boy, and I am struggling to get the energy everyday to do a work out. Anyone in a simliar situation and want to be friends?



  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I have 2 boys ages 3 and 1 and I work full time!!! I understand the no time or too tired to workout!!! Add me I'll be happy to help and I can use the support!!!
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I have a little boy, too. Well, I had a little boy....He's 22 and on the other side of the country in college. How time flies! :bigsmile:
  • moneil21
    moneil21 Posts: 20
    we're starting at the same time, so we can be there for eachother, both busy moms! We can do it!!
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a mom to an 8 year old girl, and 4 1/2 year old triplets (2 boys and a girl) I also take care of my mom, who lives with us. I'd love to be friends and lose weight with you! :)
    If I can find the time to take care of me...anyone can! :) Been doing this now for about 4 weeks. Feel so much better and happier. I'll friend you!
  • tosha07
    tosha07 Posts: 6
    I know the feeling my boys are 4 and 6months , Boys sure do keep you on your toes!
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there! I just joined recently too and have two lil girls, 3 and 5mths, so I know what you mean about finding the energy left to do something for yourself! Add me and we can totally support eachother and do this together!