Is 1043 calories a day too few?



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Rachel1534 wrote: »
    The general consensus is, that yes, it is too few. I figured that much, but why do both MyFitnessPal and both say that for a woman of my age, height and weight that eating between 1000-1200 is safe and recommended for weight loss? I'm not trying to be argumentative because I know people can't know someone's tone on a message board. I just don't understand why it is being recommended if it is dangerous.

    Where did you read that? I have never seen anything by MFP that recommends less than 1200 calories.
    The National Institutes of Health indicates that eating plans of 1,500 calories for men, and 1,200 calories for women, are safe and effective in achieving weight loss.
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    That's too few. I'm gonna eat a snack on your behalf right now! You are going to be HANGRY!
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    edited July 2015
    @DeguelloTex I think she may be referring to online calorie calculators. I have used several different ones and I have had many tell me to eat below 1,000 calories.
    Is it safe? Probably not...
    But as a short girl, if you type in that you want to lose 1-2lbs a week... less than 1200 does get recommended by calorie calculators.

    Also, an FYI - you can manually set your MFP calorie goal...
    1200 is the least it recommends but you can technically put in any number you want.

    This is all just for informational purposes ^^ bad... I just noticed she said MFP says this...
    disregard my comment then
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited July 2015
    Rachel1534 wrote: »
    The general consensus is, that yes, it is too few. I figured that much, but why do both MyFitnessPal and both say that for a woman of my age, height and weight that eating between 1000-1200 is safe and recommended for weight loss?

    All your nutrient needs can be met in a lot fewer calories than 1200. These numbers are just guidelines - the 1200 "limit" doesn't mean "don't go below this", it means "the further you go below this, the more critical all your food choices become".

    Now, whether your should/shouldn't go as low as safe to do so depends on your goals, contexts, discipline, etc. There is no way anybody here can answer that for you - you have to find the right path for yourself.
  • spodojjggf
    spodojjggf Posts: 7 Member
    Is there anything anyone could say here that would make you go, "Hmm, yeah, 1043 isn't enough"? Other than "1043 isn't enough for a 4'10" old woman in a coma"?

    Come on, surely you can see that it's a bit ridiculous to make that logic jump... 1043 isn't enough for a 4'10" old woman in a coma, but add 157 more calories, and there's no problem? One cookie, and it's the difference between barely sustaining life and healthy adult?
  • Rachel1534
    Rachel1534 Posts: 7 Member
    ov87ahjirlee.png This is what pops up when I've thought I was over 1000, but I wasn't at the end of the day and then I'll eat some more.
  • Rachel1534
    Rachel1534 Posts: 7 Member
    This is from today. I'm not done eating yet so don't everyone freak out thinking I only had 593 calories today
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    I know that MFP asks s to eat no fewer than 1200 calories for sound nutritional reason. I don't see a problem with eating 10 % less than that for a few weeks.. It probably won't really improve weight loss by a significant amount. Perhaps a pound over the course of 4 to 6 weeks.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Rachel1534 wrote: »
    This is what pops up when I've thought I was over 1000, but I wasn't at the end of the day and then I'll eat some more.

    Ah. I see they have changed the message. It used to be something about not eating enough would put you into starvation mode or some such thing.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    So THAT'S where people are getting it when they say "MFP says 1000-1200 is the minimum." Thanks for the screenshot!

    Also, if you can lose on 1200 calories per day why not eat AS MUCH as possible to still lose as opposed to risking osteoporosis, anemia, muscle loss, disruptions to your fertility, etc.?
  • shank35l
    shank35l Posts: 102 Member
    Yes, period. 1043 c/d is too few. Eventually, and by that I mean within a week the first problems will start to show up. After that start saying bye bye to your lean muscle and hello to a world of health issues.
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    I think you will lose some muscle no doubt and might be feeling more tired than you would expect
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    Yes its too low hun :( my goal is 1350 per day but I always eat back some of my workout cals burned
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Rachel1534 wrote: »
    I am 29 years old. Female. 5'1". Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Two anxiety medications. A two year old child. I'm 158.5 right now. I'm wanting to get to 132 by September 27th. Quick I know, but I want to slim down some before my beach vacation. I've lost 15 pounds all together. I was doing it really slowly, but I got some motivation by planning this last minute vacation. I'm not having any trouble eating that amount of calories and I'm still able to ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes a day. I just keep reading things about "starvation mode" and the body hanging onto fat. I personally don't think 1043 calories are too few for me, but what is y'all's opinion?

    You want to lose 25 pounds by September 27, 2015? What happens on this day that is so important that you must be 25 pounds lighter? You can have fun on this beach vacation without being 25 pounds lighter. In fact, if you do lose 25 pounds in that short of a time, chances are you will not be able to have a lot of fun. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

    September 27 is about 8 weeks away. 25 pounds divided by 8 weeks would come out to a loss of about 3 pounds a week. That goal is aggressive and not realistic at all. Since you have a medical issue that messes with your metabolism, you need to be talking to a specialist about your weight loss goals.

    Starvation mode is a myth as to us common dieters, and your body only holds onto fat if you eat over your total daily energy expenditure.

    1043 calories IS too low. You only have a little bit of weight to lose, therefore your goals should only be set to lose a half a pound a week. Weigh your food, log everything you eat, log your exercise and eat only about half your calories back, and you will lose weight...on more than 1043 calories a day.
  • arb037
    arb037 Posts: 203 Member
    With the stats you posted your BMR is close to 1381 calories/day.. this is what you burn at rest.. your TDEE @ light activity ( which is 1-3 hours exercise a week) is 1900 calories/day.
    Now generally you dont want to drop below your BMR when going in a calorie deficit.. as which has been mentioned above, stick to reasonable deficits, and be patient the fat will come off.

    Another note, the body can burn 31.4 calories per LBS of body fat per day, so if someone was carrying 30lbs of fat, then there body could have the potential to burn up to 942 calories from fat stores.

    On the topic of "starvation mode" true starvation mode does not come into play until you eat below 50% BMR for extended periods, OR stay in a fasted state till around the 28th hour or so..
    So in regards to that as long as you eat .8g to 1g protein/ LBM you will hang on to as much LBM as possible during a calorie deficit..
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, I dont know if you are reading these still, but I am in the same boat with the hashimotos. I am also short. You may not lose that much weight by that date, you may, depending on what your thyroid does. But please dont make yourself crazy about it. Depending on what the thyroid is doing it could go a bit crazy. It controls your metabolism.

    I think if I had listened to my body and not tried to eat 1200-1700 calories a day when my medications were still being adjusted I would not have gained as much weight.

    There is a Thyroid group on here that I am part of:

    and you may get better advice about calories and stuff there, check it out.

    You should also talk to your doctor or endocrinologist about eating that little per day, and tell them how much weight you are trying to lose in the timeframe you are trying to lose it. They can also tell you what you should and shouldn't be eating.

    Good luck and stay healthy
  • MissAbbee
    MissAbbee Posts: 41 Member
    edited July 2015
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    @DeguelloTex I think she may be referring to online calorie calculators. I have used several different ones and I have had many tell me to eat below 1,000 calories.
    Is it safe? Probably not...
    But as a short girl, if you type in that you want to lose 1-2lbs a week... less than 1200 does get recommended by calorie calculators.

    Also, an FYI - you can manually set your MFP calorie goal...
    1200 is the least it recommends but you can technically put in any number you want.

    This is all just for informational purposes ^^ bad... I just noticed she said MFP says this...
    disregard my comment then

    Calorie calculators tell me to eat ~950 cal a day. Ignore and move on. 1200 is the bare minimum. Yes, 1000-something is too low, OP. You'll be fine for a bit but then you'll start burning out. And even with that count, (If it's accurate) you'll likely not make your goal. Eat the deficit MFP gives you (1200 at least) and accept you started dieting too late to get your required weight loss. Have fun on vacation, regardless, because who cares? Are you ever gonna see those people again? :wink:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    In general that budget is too low, but given your height and disease, and provided you eat back at least some of your exercise, you may be a candidate for a low number. You need to consult a professional and may also be prescribed certain vitamin supplements. Alternatively, save your money and time and diet at a safer number. You may lose a bit slower, but you will minimize the risks and get to eat more food.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited July 2015
    Rachel wrote:
    I am 29 years old. Female. 5'1"... I'm 158.5 right now. I'm wanting to get to 132 by September 27th.
    ... I just keep reading things about "starvation mode" and the body hanging onto fat.
    1- You're short enough that 1000/day _might_ be OK short-term. What does your doctor say?

    2- Losing 26 lb in 2 months isn't realistic, unless you're morbidly obese, which you're not.
    You'd be better off focusing on weightlifting, and eating at a slight deficit, so you'll lose some fat, build some
    muscle, get strong, lose inches, look marvelous.

    3- Read this. Then read it again. Bookmark it so you can use it to explain to other newbies what "starvation mode"
    is and is not. What you're thinking it is, it's not.

    The body needs energy (calories) to run.
    It prefers to use glucose (blood sugar, easily-available carbs),
    then it prefers to use glycogen (slightly more complex carbs stored in liver & muscles),
    then it prefers to use fat,
    and as a distant 4th it uses protein (muscles).
    {Yes, we're all burning some of those all the time, but that's generally the order they're used.}

    Burning muscle is starvation.
    Part of the reason it's 4th is that it's an inefficient conversion. The body gets more energy per gram of tissue from
    the other sources.
    Also, it's a hail mary, hoping you will find (and EAT!) food before you lose so much muscle tissue that you can't
    move, or can't eat, or can't breathe, or your heart stops.
    It takes a long time of eating way below your healthy range to get there.

    The body WILL NOT "hold onto" _any_ calories (fat) if you're eating below maintenance.
    (Use a little common sense.)
    If it did, anorexia wouldn't be deadly.
    Neither would famine.
    POW's would be robust, not walking skeletons.

    This calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of
    various foods to eat to maintain that weight.

    It says that to maintain your current weight you need 1430 cal/day if you were inactive, and your BMI is 29.9
    At 132 your BMI would be 25, which is almost in the healthy range and you'd need 1312 cal/day inactive.
    So you're currently about 400 below maintenance, which is a bit much for the little you want to lose.
    If you did 1200 you'd still be below maintenance, even for your goal weight, but arriving there would be at a
    healthier (slower) rate.

    Then read these: