Ugh,...not a pound?

Hi ladies

I started out at 155 about 4 weeks ago and as of last week was down to 147
At first I never thought I would be able to adhere to the 1290 caloric rec.....
I'm done lots of research and have found some great options to help keep me full, and stay close to my 1290 goal

I was so excited to jump on this scale this am (only weighing in once per week) and the scale was the same...14-darn-7 (not that time of the month either)
I am so bummed....

Dh and I went out to eat at Olive Garden this was the first time we were out to eat in 4 yrs (we have no family in the area and a 2 1/2 and 4 yr old
I had 400+ calories left for the day and I don't think i did that bad...I know I went over as far as calories
I had water, 1 breadstick, a few spoonfuls of pasta fageoli soup (sp??)
As I main course I got my FAVORITE...chicken parm
I didn't touch the pasta and ate one of the 2 cutlets
Could that one meal messed up my whole week...I was so proud of myself for getting right back on track the next day

Any advice?


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi ladies

    I started out at 155 about 4 weeks ago and as of last week was down to 147
    At first I never thought I would be able to adhere to the 1290 caloric rec.....
    I'm done lots of research and have found some great options to help keep me full, and stay close to my 1290 goal

    I was so excited to jump on this scale this am (only weighing in once per week) and the scale was the same...14-darn-7 (not that time of the month either)
    I am so bummed....

    Dh and I went out to eat at Olive Garden this was the first time we were out to eat in 4 yrs (we have no family in the area and a 2 1/2 and 4 yr old
    I had 400+ calories left for the day and I don't think i did that bad...I know I went over as far as calories
    I had water, 1 breadstick, a few spoonfuls of pasta fageoli soup (sp??)
    As I main course I got my FAVORITE...chicken parm
    I didn't touch the pasta and ate one of the 2 cutlets
    Could that one meal messed up my whole week...I was so proud of myself for getting right back on track the next day

    Any advice?
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    there's no way that a single meal could have messed up your whole week. I had a couple of weeks like that where no matter what I did or how good I was nothing came off. Then I stepped on the scale last Friday and was down three pounds, so just hang in there. Your body is just being stubborn!
  • Erica92627
    My body is always that way. It is so annoying.
  • mini_mezzo
    Sometimes, because you're adhering to such a low-calorie diet, your body actually needs a "splurge" meal. It'll kinda kick-start your metabolism again. Your body gets used to only 1200 cals and so your metabolism slows down to accomodate it. Do some research on it. It's helped me.

    All the best,
  • newstart
    :grumble: I understand where you`re coming from..I have been on a plateau and tought that joinging here and counting calories would work for me ...I know it will in the long run but in the meantime seeing that scale stuck where it is drives me nuts!
    I have been so good and keeping track of evrything and only one day was I over cals by less then 100 calories but I was quite a bit over in burned calories so go figure...