How can I stop myself eating cr***y food?

For the last few days I've had intense cravings for sugary and carb-loaded food, and I've been giving in every single time I get a craving... I'm also finding it hard to feel satiated, even when eating a full and balanced meal.

I've tried to fight the cravings for at least 2 hours, but by that stage I'm going crazy so I end up eating some form of cr***py food (like sweetened popcorn, slices, cookies, chocolates, donuts or sweets). I've tried eating just a small amount of the particular food I'm craving but apparently I have zero self control. I don't even think about it when I have to actually go and seek out the particular foods. I've also tried eating something else like fruit or a source of protein to see if that will satisfying my body, but nope!

I'm hoping it's just temporary, my body is out a whack as I've just switched to a new antidepressant, but until I'm back to feeling in control, is there anything I can do to stop myself pigging out on rubbish?


  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    Don't buy it! !
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    1. Don't have that stuff in the house.

    2. If you have to go out and get it ... walk.
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    dawniemate wrote: »
    Don't buy it! !

    Like I said, I'm not even thinking when I'm buying it, when the cravings are at their strongest thinking 'oh, no, don't do it' isn't going to stop me!
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    1. Don't have that stuff in the house.

    2. If you have to go out and get it ... walk.

    Already doing both of these!
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    How large is your deficit? How flavorful is the rest of the your diet?

    I don't know what you mean by crappy food. Sounds like delicious food to me.
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    To make it even harder, I'm surrounded by cr*ppy food for most of my day - there's a whole shelf of cookies in the kitchen at work, there's a cafe in the foyer with slices all over the counter, there's fundraiser chocolate bars all over the office, there's birthday cakes and baked goodies that people bring in and push in your face... home is my only escape, even then I walk passed shop windows packed to the brim with food... I try so hard to ignore it all but at the moment it's near impossible and I want it all!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    What I have done in the past, is buy a huge chocolate bar, keep in freezer and after each meal I would slowly suck on two squares of the frozen chocolate, one at a time. Than that would satisfy me. I had to have control not to eat the dam bar but I knew if I did I would be doing more harm than good. Now if I want something I walk the 30 minutes to the store and 30 minutes back home. Hope this helps and best of luck on your journey
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    How large is your deficit? How flavorful is the rest of the your diet?

    I don't know what you mean by crappy food. Sounds like delicious food to me.

    Think my deficit is 400 calories. The rest of my diet isn't exactly dull, there's some nice flavourful foods in there.

    By crappy food I mean lacking in nutrition (or at least useful nutrition).
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    I've tried to fight the cravings for at least 2 hours ...

    What are you doing during those 2 hours?

    Maybe you need to pick a hobby or sport and go do that. Distract yourself. Every time you start to crave, hop on your bicycle and go for a ride. Go outside and shoot baskets. Grab some hiking shoes and hike a nearby trail. Go to the gym.

  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    I've tried to fight the cravings for at least 2 hours ...

    What are you doing during those 2 hours?

    Maybe you need to pick a hobby or sport and go do that. Distract yourself. Every time you start to crave, hop on your bicycle and go for a ride. Go outside and shoot baskets. Grab some hiking shoes and hike a nearby trail. Go to the gym.

    Usually working, or doing chores at home.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    To make it even harder, I'm surrounded by cr*ppy food for most of my day - there's a whole shelf of cookies in the kitchen at work, there's a cafe in the foyer with slices all over the counter, there's fundraiser chocolate bars all over the office, there's birthday cakes and baked goodies that people bring in and push in your face... home is my only escape, even then I walk passed shop windows packed to the brim with food... I try so hard to ignore it all but at the moment it's near impossible and I want it all!

    Yeah, I'm surrounded by all that stuff too ... but in order to acquire it, I have to pay money, and I'd rather save my money for a trip to New Zealand. Not to mention the price of some of that stuff is ridiculously high. If I really wanted it, I could probably make it for a lot less. But I usually can't be bothered. Too busy.

  • ThomasWright1997
    ThomasWright1997 Posts: 155 Member
    Donate a fiver to charity every time you do it.

    It's a win win!

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    How large is your deficit? How flavorful is the rest of the your diet?

    I don't know what you mean by crappy food. Sounds like delicious food to me.

    Think my deficit is 400 calories. The rest of my diet isn't exactly dull, there's some nice flavourful foods in there.

    By crappy food I mean lacking in nutrition (or at least useful nutrition).

    If it were me, I'd work the goodies in, rather than risk going over and losing my deficit by trying to refrain while looking longingly at them from afar and caving. Fats and carbs are macronutrients, so not exactly "crap"; not everything we eat needs to be full of vitamins and minerals. And carrying around extra weight is more concerning than not getting all of your B vitamins every day or whatever.

  • sunnyazgirl
    sunnyazgirl Posts: 271 Member
    edited July 2015
    I used to get cravings so bad my stomach would actually have pain and I would shake. Now that I have been doing MFP for almost a year and I am closing onto a 100 pound loss I am finding cravings to *mostly* being a memory. What I do is try to prevent cravings by making sure I eat something, even if it is something small, every two hours if I am hungry or not. I try to eat something satisfying to me. It is usually something full of bulk, like popcorn, or something that has a nice protein hit, such as celery with Laughing Cow cheese. Since I get my cravings in the afternoon (or between lunch and dinner) that is when I do my snacking. Sometimes my lunch is actually two or three snacks spread out through the afternoon instead of one big meal.

    I also usually try to have something sweet after dinner. Skinny Cow ice cream bars, Kozy shack Tapioca pudding or Jello Sugar free pudding are my usual go-to's. Easy and convenient for me.

    I have lost the attitude of there being "bad" foods. If I really want something I can have it. I use portion control and sit and take the time to eat it in a civilized fashion. Do I absolutely have to have a piece of apple pie? I will go someplace to have one piece, savor it, enjoy it, log it, and go on with life not feeling guilty. What I don't do is to go out and buy or make a whole pie to sit on my counter. If I do I am quite capable of eating the whole thing!

    I am still learning myself, but this is one thingI have learned to control in the past year. Good luck to you finding how to best control your cravings. I know you can do it. :)
  • jms5137
    jms5137 Posts: 26 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    To make it even harder, I'm surrounded by cr*ppy food for most of my day - there's a whole shelf of cookies in the kitchen at work, there's a cafe in the foyer with slices all over the counter, there's fundraiser chocolate bars all over the office, there's birthday cakes and baked goodies that people bring in and push in your face... home is my only escape, even then I walk passed shop windows packed to the brim with food... I try so hard to ignore it all but at the moment it's near impossible and I want it all!

    I feel your pain! I had the same problem at my previous job. People were always bringing baked goods, there were treats for birthdays, and (unhealthy) breakfast was often brought it for the office. It was very hard to decline, especially when I was hungry from starting on my new adventure of counting calories. The most frustrating part was when people would push you to eat something after telling them "no thank you."
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    How large is your deficit? How flavorful is the rest of the your diet?

    I don't know what you mean by crappy food. Sounds like delicious food to me.

    Think my deficit is 400 calories. The rest of my diet isn't exactly dull, there's some nice flavourful foods in there.

    By crappy food I mean lacking in nutrition (or at least useful nutrition).

    If it were me, I'd work the goodies in, rather than risk going over and losing my deficit by trying to refrain while looking longingly at them from afar and caving. Fats and carbs are macronutrients, so not exactly "crap"; not everything we eat needs to be full of vitamins and minerals. And carrying around extra weight is more concerning than not getting all of your B vitamins every day or whatever.
    Yes, i agree with this^^.
    There's nothing wrong with eating these long as it fits in with your allotted calories for the day and you're eating nutritious food as well.
    If you go over, just do some extra exercise to compensate!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I usually like to have some treats for myself as part of my routine, but recently, I've been snacking my way through the evening. I want to stop doing that, not because I'm gaining weight, not because I think there's something wrong with the stuff I'm eating, but because I'm not happy with how I feel.

    It's not mindful eating more than anything. And that's what I don't like about it. The thing about mindfulness is you start with noticing what you're doing, but awareness is only the beginning. There is information about mindfulness on google. Some of it is cr* but if you sort through you'll find some good stuff.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Are you eating enough protein and fiber and veggies?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Are you eating enough protein and fiber and veggies?

    Good question.

  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Nakeshia,

    it might sound like stereotype but when on calory deficit I regularly have those days during the month. I can't see if you're a woman, too. If yes, there's a whole bunch of threads here with tips for PMS cravings ;)

    If not, my apologies.

    Either way, you might still want to consider to have a few healthier options around. I made a whole list of my favourite munchies, healthier and unhealthier options, and how long they may need for prepping. This gives me a chance to organize in time and plan in the calories and/or exercise to make up for the extra intake. I also found that when I'm in the middle of Choczilla mode, I hardly can think of yummy healthy options. Having those ready to eat in the fridge or freezer in time, or with me in the office, I can forego the worst damage. It also helps making better choices in the middle of the storm. If I can only think "chocolate" I take a look at the list and find things like "cottage cheese or PB or yoghurt with fruit", "veggies with hummus", ..., which can redirect my cravings.

    For me, the best tool to re-program some bad habits :)