Sonic Java Chillers... wow!

Since I started tracking this week, I guess I started noticing how ridiculous some things are... starting with my beloved Sonic Java Chiller.... 720 calories for a small... WOW! time to start reducing my alot. LOL.


  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    lol. We don't have Sonic anywhere near me. I always wanted to try it.
  • danipani
    danipani Posts: 7 Member
    We didn't have them in Jersey/NYC until a couple years ago. then the whole area just threw up sonics. they are everywhere!
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Isn't it amazing how many calories are in some things you would never guess are that bad for you? It's funny.. When a lot of people say they like coffee, what they really mean is they like a somewhat coffee-flavored milkshake.

    It's probably a good thing the nearest Sonic to me is twenty minutes away, otherwise my starting weight for this adventure would have been much higher. They certainly have some tasty treats there!
  • shelybean1
    shelybean1 Posts: 53 Member
    I just posted a healthier version on this thread below.. Crazy right?! That's more than a meal!! :D
  • danipani
    danipani Posts: 7 Member
    that looks good, i'll have to try it.
    i always feel like i fail on "diets" because i try to restrict myself way too much and then it gets to a point where i just have whatever i want.
    i think if i am dying for the real thing every once in a while, i should just give in lol