July Walking Challenge 2015



  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,939 Member
    7/29/15: 20,675 steps - 10.03 miles. 2:52'48"
    Heat advisory still in effect...and it's still July...ices my feet down...
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    This past week I have been trying to start walking/jogging/moving more every day. I have tried to do 1-2 miles each day, but yesterday was SO hot where I am outside. I almost let myself slide but then I decided to throw on shorts and hit my old treadmill in my basement- I thought I'll just walk, but I actually jogged for 30 min!! That's a big deal for me, since I felt like I had jello-legs after.

    I'm glad there's a thread like this- makes me feel not so alone in this exercise routine I'm trying to stay with!
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,939 Member
    This past week I have been trying to start walking/jogging/moving more every day. I have tried to do 1-2 miles each day, but yesterday was SO hot where I am outside. I almost let myself slide but then I decided to throw on shorts and hit my old treadmill in my basement- I thought I'll just walk, but I actually jogged for 30 min!! That's a big deal for me, since I felt like I had jello-legs after.

    I'm glad there's a thread like this- makes me feel not so alone in this exercise routine I'm trying to stay with!

    Nothing like being together....in the whole wide world!!!! FTW!!!!

  • RealtyChamp
    RealtyChamp Posts: 5 Member
    How do you join a group?
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,939 Member
    How do you join a group?

    up at the very top, just past message boards, you will see a listing for groups, you can go and search "groups" and see what kinds of groups you might like to join, you can type in certain words to help you. You will see a join button once you get into the group area of the groups for the ones you like.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    July 28 - Walking 45 mins.

    Yes it was hot too, but I did the walk at night after things cooled down.
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    Well done on your achievements everyone! :#:# 7miles for me tonight x
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,939 Member
    7/30/15: 21,557 - 10.31 miles. 3:00'01"
    Good walk this morning...cooler, even if just for this morning.
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    Well done. Cool air is so welcome on the walk isn't it!
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    :# Last day of the July challenge- one last walk of the month! We can all do it :p
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    10.5miles - July is over .... Hello August
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    August 6 -40 min walk
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    August 6 -40 min walk

    Well done - theirs an August walking thread set up too x
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I"m sorry. I have been sick the last few months and haven't been keeping up with the threads. Here is the link for September: