Gained weight on a 500cal DEFICIT?!



  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Maybe you're actually eating slightly above maintenance now. I mean, especially since you're a bit iffy on the nutrition in your new proteins. Or you're retaining. Water for another reason. Inflamation, pregnancy, stress, not enough sleeps...
  • ishkur
    ishkur Posts: 41 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Maybe you're actually eating slightly above maintenance now. I mean, especially since you're a bit iffy on the nutrition in your new proteins. Or you're retaining. Water for another reason. Inflamation, pregnancy, stress, not enough sleeps...

    I'm not sure how I could be eating over, I'm pretty sure BCAAs and EAAs have a max of 6cal per gram, most around 4cal per gram. Even if it was the higher cal, me taking in around 22 would only be off by 132cal. Meaning I'd still be in a deficit of 368, the loss would be slower but it wouldn't be enough to gain... unless somehow it is a lot more? Water retention from new supplements is a possibility but I can't find anything about BCAAs and EAAs causing this. I feel like I'm sleeping well... I get lots of rest through out the day, but my bike rides have been draining me a lot more as the summer heat rises...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    ishkur wrote: »
    but my bike rides have been draining me a lot more
    When was the last time you had bloodwork done? Thyroid issues, anemia...

  • ishkur
    ishkur Posts: 41 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    ishkur wrote: »
    but my bike rides have been draining me a lot more
    When was the last time you had bloodwork done? Thyroid issues, anemia...

    About 3-4 months ago actually. Had a diabetic scare, my dad has type 2 diabetes and I wasn't feeling well and having a lot of the symptoms so I went to get it checked just incase. The idiot doctors got my tests mixed up and told me I was a type 1 diabetic. Sent me to an endocrinologist and they took blood tests TWICE that came out clean, no diabetes, totally healthy. I was just extremely stressed and it was causing symptoms like diabetes. I was moving from the country at the time. Its been months since then however and I feel pretty good, much better. Sorry for the drawn out reply, still very annoyed at the whole ordeal.

  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself? I can fluctuate several pounds from day to day.
  • ishkur
    ishkur Posts: 41 Member
    WakkoW wrote: »
    How often do you weigh yourself? I can fluctuate several pounds from day to day.

    I weigh myself every other morning, empty stomach. It has slowly gone up by around .5lbs from my starting weight. I know that it fluctuates, and I normally don't flip, some days I weigh normal and other days its skyrocketed up 5lbs... But this has been very steady and solid, which is why I worry.
  • LadyDaenerys
    LadyDaenerys Posts: 89 Member
    ishkur wrote: »
    WakkoW wrote: »
    How often do you weigh yourself? I can fluctuate several pounds from day to day.

    I weigh myself every other morning, empty stomach. It has slowly gone up by around .5lbs from my starting weight. I know that it fluctuates, and I normally don't flip, some days I weigh normal and other days its skyrocketed up 5lbs... But this has been very steady and solid, which is why I worry.

    I've been experiencing the same but I'm losing inches. Sometimes I still can't turn off the need to get on that scale and judge myself (I DO IT EVERY MORNING!). But the inches are coming off so thats the real deal!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If it were me, I'd give it another couple weeks. Then if I kept gaining I'd go back to whatever I was doing when I was maintaining. Stabilize. Then only change one thing at a time. If I STILL was gaining after another couple weeks, I'd see the doctor.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    ishkur wrote: »
    What's your eating like? Any high sodium processed foods?
    ... soy milk... half a block of extra firm tofu... soy yogurt... soy milk.... 1/2 block of tofu...
    Have you developed a sensitivity to soy, causing bloating/inflamation? I'm TOTALLY not knocking soy or veganism, but maybe switch it up with some different stuff? Like rice milk, almond milk, tempeh, seitan, etc.? Totally just a guess based on the huge amount of soy you list.

    I'm going to second this... I used to eat a LOT of soy - tofu, soy milk, etc.... and eventually developed a sensitivity to it. I can handle some tofu, but soy milk or too much Gardein causes rather TMI digestion effects.

    Maybe switch it up with almond or cashew milk? Almond milk is normally good about protein and whatnot, and is gentler on the stomach, I find :)

  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    Ok I did a little googling so don't quote me on this, but apparently BCAA's increase intracellular hydration so your muscles could just be a bit water-inflated causing the gain? I had a similar experience with a pre-workout that had creatine and just always felt a little wider than I wanted to because of it. Supposedly should only be for the first week so maybe give it another 2 weeks before re-evaluating. Maybe also check your body comp.
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    Soy is constipation..give it up for a few days you will be amazed.
  • matt88uk
    matt88uk Posts: 96 Member
    ishkur wrote: »
    Somehow I gained 3lbs in 2 weeks and am steadily going up. I have been lifting for 2 years so its not "noob gainz". I started the cut 2 weeks ago, consuming 1600cal. Macros are 120g protein, 160g carbs, 55g fat. I weight train (PHAT) 5 times a week at around 1hr to 1hr 30 minutes. I bike 1hr at a low - medium intensity 3-4 days a week (for fun mostly). I'm totally LAZY the rest of the day as I have no job, stay at home dogmom, pretty much sit at a computer all day. Before starting my cut I was maintaining my weight at around 2100 calories a day, lower on rest days. My diet is exactly the same, I kept protein the same and just lowered carbs and fats. However I did add a new protein with BCAAs and I now take a scoop of Muscle Pharm Amino 1 before training. Everything else is the same besides the fact that I'm eating LESS and now GAINING. :|

    Whats going on.
    impossible will be just water weight if you in a deficit you can gain fat period! :)

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Water retention and normal daily fluctuations.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ishkur wrote: »
    Somehow I gained 3lbs in 2 weeks and am steadily going up. I have been lifting for 2 years so its not "noob gainz". I started the cut 2 weeks ago, consuming 1600cal. Macros are 120g protein, 160g carbs, 55g fat. I weight train (PHAT) 5 times a week at around 1hr to 1hr 30 minutes. I bike 1hr at a low - medium intensity 3-4 days a week (for fun mostly). I'm totally LAZY the rest of the day as I have no job, stay at home dogmom, pretty much sit at a computer all day. Before starting my cut I was maintaining my weight at around 2100 calories a day, lower on rest days. My diet is exactly the same, I kept protein the same and just lowered carbs and fats. However I did add a new protein with BCAAs and I now take a scoop of Muscle Pharm Amino 1 before training. Everything else is the same besides the fact that I'm eating LESS and now GAINING. :|

    Whats going on.

    If your weight is streadily going up and is not the normal fluctuations, you are eating more than you realize. Do you weight and log your food? What about exercise calories--do you add those in? Where do you get the burn numbers from?
  • matt88uk
    matt88uk Posts: 96 Member
    matt88uk wrote: »
    ishkur wrote: »
    Somehow I gained 3lbs in 2 weeks and am steadily going up. I have been lifting for 2 years so its not "noob gainz". I started the cut 2 weeks ago, consuming 1600cal. Macros are 120g protein, 160g carbs, 55g fat. I weight train (PHAT) 5 times a week at around 1hr to 1hr 30 minutes. I bike 1hr at a low - medium intensity 3-4 days a week (for fun mostly). I'm totally LAZY the rest of the day as I have no job, stay at home dogmom, pretty much sit at a computer all day. Before starting my cut I was maintaining my weight at around 2100 calories a day, lower on rest days. My diet is exactly the same, I kept protein the same and just lowered carbs and fats. However I did add a new protein with BCAAs and I now take a scoop of Muscle Pharm Amino 1 before training. Everything else is the same besides the fact that I'm eating LESS and now GAINING. :|

    Whats going on.
    impossible will be just water weight if you in a deficit you can gain fat period! :)
    cant gain

  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    BCAAs can do that, I'm vegan and eat a ton of tofu and seitan. When I started taking BCAAs I got bloated. Try cutting that out.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Intracellular uptake - it will pass and a very common adverse effect of BCAAs. Just drink a few extra cups of water to help flush and you should see a drop in 5-7 days.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Checking your weight on the scale everyday can be nerve-racking. Track your inches lost and I guarantee you'll be pleased with the results. NSV for the win!