
i am going into my first weekend. How do u all stay on track? Do u have a cheat day or cheat meal? This week i have done great keeping my cal range between 1300 and 1600 range. I walk a ton. I am 6"3 275 pound guy.


  • lrachel011
    lrachel011 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't have a cheat meal or treats, my treat is seeing all of my hard work and determination pay off by not giving in to cravings. If you do have a treat, just include it in your calorie allowance.
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    Eat what you want and stay in your calorie deficit. Keep busy so you're not wanting to fill all your time with snacking.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    First, the minimum you should be eating as a male, is 1500, not even accounting for your size, it's going to be A LOT more. Remember, the number that is given to you when you input your stats, is already including your deficit. In addition, you earn calories through exercise. You'll want sustainability and over restricting yourself is just going to set you up for failure.
    As far as weekends, they're the same as any other day. Try pre-logging them to stay on track.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    Just eat the same things as you would in the week, that's what I do
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    As a 275 lb guy, why are you keeping your cals so low. You would be losing at 2000+ cals no problem. I would suggest setting your goal to lose 1.5lbs/week and eat back at least half the calories you burn from exercise.
  • sweatervest345
    sweatervest345 Posts: 1 Member
    you need to be eating 2000 calories at a minimum, more like 2200-2500. it's not so much about the amount of calories but the quality. you need to be getting 200 grams of protein, probably 150 grams of carbs (good carbs are energy) and about 75 grams of healthy fats. please stop eating so few calories, it's not good for you or anyone that has to deal with your mood swings due to low energy.
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    I have problems keeping within my goals on weekends, especially when spending time with family, which is the environment i gained weight in to begin with, but I'm getting better at it. Just make sure you continue to log everything, even if it means you are going way over your goals.

    Also, if you have Android MFP app, go to Nutrition and look at the "net calories under weekly goal" for the last 7 days and just try to keep that saying "under". I've heard it doesn't work on iPhone currently but it may have been fixed on other platforms.
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    I just track and stay within my calories as I normally do during the week. I dont plan a cheat meal because they usually happen randomly for me as friends want to go out for dinner last minute. I found when eating whatever I wanted on the weekends was just ruining the effort I put in all week and then I would spend the week working it off again. was a bad cycle for me.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    you need to be eating 2000 calories at a minimum, more like 2200-2500. it's not so much about the amount of calories but the quality. you need to be getting 200 grams of protein, probably 150 grams of carbs (good carbs are energy) and about 75 grams of healthy fats. please stop eating so few calories, it's not good for you or anyone that has to deal with your mood swings due to low energy.

    I doubt he needs that much protein. If you are unsure of your bf%, aim for 0.8 grams of protein per lb of goal body weight as a minimum. If your goal is 180 lbs that would put you at 144 grams. For fat aim for 25-30% and fill the rest in with carbs, which can be more than 150 as suggested here.
  • Eagles8080
    Eagles8080 Posts: 200 Member
    My cal is low because i am on phentermine which kills my appetite. I see dr monthly.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Here's how I now view weekends: Yes, there are going to be some fun events/occasions where I will eat something awesome...but let's be honest, those occasions are not happening during EVERY meal throughout the weekend. So let's say I have plans to go to a bbq Saturday. Cool. I will enjoy it (but log it). But I don't use it as an excuse to ALSO indulge the rest of the day on Saturday and Sunday. So I eat a "typical" breakfast and lunch on Saturday - likely the same or similar meals I eat during the week. I might eat a tiny bit less if I'm not that hungry. Then I go to the bbq for dinner and pick the food I really want, and skip the stuff that isn't worth it. I log it all. Sunday morning I'm back to my typical eating. I think a past mistake I made was saying "screw it! I'm going out to eat breakfast, lunch AND dinner!".

    Sure, I will end up eating more on the weekends. But I can also fit in a longer run on the weekends, and I eat a little less throughout the week. It almost always works out.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Until this becomes more of a habit, I would just keep to your calorie goal as you did during the week.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Eat more.

    Remain in a calorie deficit.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    bashore98 wrote: »
    i am going into my first weekend. How do u all stay on track? Do u have a cheat day or cheat meal? This week i have done great keeping my cal range between 1300 and 1600 range. I walk a ton. I am 6"3 275 pound guy.

    I exercise more on the weekends than I do during the week.

    So therefore I can eat a bit more while keeping my net calories below my maximum.

    No cheating.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    bashore98 wrote: »
    i am going into my first weekend. How do u all stay on track? Do u have a cheat day or cheat meal? This week i have done great keeping my cal range between 1300 and 1600 range. I walk a ton. I am 6"3 275 pound guy.

    Your calories are too low for a man your size, so you definitely could be eating more on a daily basis. If you weigh everything you eat, you'll find you can eat the foods you like and still stick to your calorie deficit, continuing to lose weight without binging or 'cheating'.
    Please read the first post in this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1235566-so-you-re-new-here
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I make my weekends active. For example if I want to get a burrito or some ice cream, I walk there and back!
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    Weekends, vacations, and traveling for business are super difficult. In fact, when I had to travel for work in June for about a week (I had lost about 15 lbs. at that point) my boss kept telling me, "Come on, you can't eat right and work out while you're traveling. Just order dessert!" It's hard when everyone around you keeps trying to get you off course.

    This is why I do NOT treat weekends as cheat days. Too easy to go back to old habits.