Girls Only! Around 5' 5, Needing to Lose 30-70 lbs. We motivate each other!!!



  • akcolli
    akcolli Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'5", currently 210 lbs (SW: 235) and amj looking to get down to 150 lbs eventually. I have always had issues with my weight and am looking for some motivation to help keep me on track.

    25lbs already! That's a great accomplishment! You've already made it this far! You've got this!
  • akcolli
    akcolli Posts: 6 Member
    kmacey27 wrote: »
    @akcolli C25K is one of my favorite apps I have every found!

    Thanks! It is awesome!
  • robingoblin
    robingoblin Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'5" and completely aghast at the number on the scale. How does it keep going up? I thought I had been starting healthy habits, but clearly not enough! The past year or two have been rough, and I did that whole emotional eating thing. I'm hoping to lose 20-40 lbs, but I'm trying to focus on health more than weight!
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey everyone! I'm 24 and almost 5'4" lol. I started (this is my second time losing) at 173lbs, currently 145lbs. I am aiming for 130 again. Between May and Sept 2012 I lost from 168lbs to 128lbs and it felt awesome! I want to get back there again! Anyone can add me for friends :)
  • lfrancis218
    lfrancis218 Posts: 5 Member
    Love all this support and encouragement!
    I'm 34 years old, 5'2 and would like to lose 75lbs... or i should say i want to feel good and feel amazing about myself. I'm down 11lbs since starting back on MFP 3 weeks ago... and down almost 14 inches overall. I've been exercising 6 days a week (fitness walking 3-4 miles) and eating between 1200 and 1300 calories a day. It's hard with 2 kids who love junk food and a husband who is supportive but "forgets" I'm trying so hard to eat healthy. I'm also on medications for Crohn's that definitely do not help but I'm not going to let that stop me this time!
    I know we can all do this!!
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    I am same height and trying to lose 30 pounds as well. I have a goal of 10 pounds for August and trying to lose the last 20 over a few months. I have been doing low carb / low fat and feeling so much better. Less bloated and more energy. Best of luck to you all!
  • starlightdreamer
    starlightdreamer Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 36, 5'4", and weigh 163. This is huge for me. Trying to overcome depression from failed pregnancies and get back to where I used to be. I haven't logged on to MFP in a long time, but when I did I realized I've already lost some weight (was 180 at my heaviest, when preg). I'm hoping for some camaraderie and motivation with this group! Goal weight is 120.
  • alsarve
    alsarve Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! Found this forum at the perfect time. I am 36 y.o., 5'5" and have quite a bit more weight to lose than the rest of u girls. My s.w. was 256, current is 251. Goal weight is 150. Joined the gym 2 wks ago and w MFP I have been cutting down on calories and eating a lot healthier. Cutting out soda was a big deal. I work night shift and would routinely go thru 2 20 oz. Mt Dews a night. Now at work I drink 4 20 oz waters. Would love some fitness buddies and some encouragement. Please add me, tho I am not sure how or what goes w that. Stay busy girls!
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 5'1", SW 200, down to 184 (1 year later), turning 36 on Sunday and want to get my *kitten* together to be fit by 40. I've just started the C25K program. I'm on W1D2.
  • jeanu01
    jeanu01 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi gals.i am 5ft and weigh 75 kgs. Need to loose 25 kgs for my ideal weight.(last was in 2005).i am 42 years old and could use some motivation.All the best all of you!!
  • vivrevotrevie
    vivrevotrevie Posts: 80 Member
    I am about 5'6-7", looking to lose 40 total. Down 5 or so now.

    Recently injured my knee during a women's field hockey game. Hoping it isn't bad (MRI next week) so I can keep up with the weight loss! If it is, would love to have suggestions on how to at least lose a little just through diet. I have always done a combo diet/exercise.

    I have been up and down in my weight since high school. Always been a very active person, playing sports and exercising recreationally, and a "healthy eater." Once I started logging foods I noticed a difference. It is amazing what those extra calories can do!

    Feel free to add!

  • kism
    kism Posts: 2 Member
    I am loving all your stories. It has definitely helped me in the last few days, of starting out clean (for the rest of my life). I know that this is the way it has to be. I am 5'3" 266lbs I never feel "GOOD" right now that's all I want. Please add me as well. I will keep you posted Thank you
  • caitsaunt
    caitsaunt Posts: 25 Member
    I am 44, 5'5" and looking to lose about 60. I lost down to about 178 1.5 years ago, my lowest since 2006, and have crept back up to 209. I can't stand it.

    I'm counting calories (eating based on Scooby's TDEE), avoiding foods that tend to trigger cravings for me (mainly sugar and wheat) and doing weightlifting/crossfit. However, I hurt my knee on vacation last week so need to chill for another week or so. :( Glad to find a like-minded group!
  • Erino505
    Erino505 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Erin from Oregon. I'm 5'6" and want to lose about 20. Right now I'm about 160, but in 2012 I had gotten down to 128 working with a trainer and on a vegan diet. I'm not worried about getting back there (it was a lot of work and very time consuming!) But I'd like to feel a little better and have a little less back pain. Please feel free to add me. My plan this time is to cut down on alcohol, be a little more aware of what I eat and to cook at least 80% of the time. Good luck to all you ladies!
  • FinallyFit28
    FinallyFit28 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Ladies, feel free to add me on. I'm 5'4 1/2 currently at 139 trying to reach my goal of 127. I enjoy getting to know and learning from people with like minded goals.
  • AshBur1988
    AshBur1988 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am 26, 5'5 and 232 pounds. 170 is my goal weight for my ten year class reunion this coming May. With 145 being my final goal. I have tried to lose weight off and on since 2008. When I started in 2008 I was going to a doc with my mom and got down to 170 but the pills he gave up to loose weight almost killed my mom and gave me a seizure. (It was fin fin which is illege but we didn't know at the time.) since then I gained all my weight back. I did weight watchers for about two years but stopped because it wasn't working. When I stopped I was ten pounds more then what I started. I am now doing Nurtisystem with my cousins and so far it is working. Already I have lost 5.2 pounds.
  • Jazzysoul
    Jazzysoul Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 45, 5'4" and 177lbs. I want to lose approx 30 with a goal weight of 145. This is not my first go 'round. I shed close to 40lbs a couple of years ago with MFP. I fell. I fell hard. Regained most of it back. I never left MFP but I never regained my determination and focus. I'm ready now. Feel free to add me!
  • AmberDalum
    AmberDalum Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 5'5 I weight 135 pounds and I'm trying to lose 10 pounds. I know 10 pounds isn't alot but iv been having a really hard time, I need motivation and support. I have a bad self image of myself. I want to feel better about myself. I'm trying really hard to not only diet but to be healthy and to change my life to be entirely happy with me my body myself and my weight.
  • Buppybup
    Buppybup Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently 192! Started at 199 with this app! I'd love it if some of you ladies added me! I need encouragement.
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    hey everyone! ur more than welcome to add me! havent figured out how just yet
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'5. I got down to 140 a few years ago but I am up to 160 now :( I need to get motivated again!
  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Posts: 12 Member
    5'3 and need to lose 70 lbs. Lost ~30 so far. Need ladies to motivate and support!
  • crysgoodson
    crysgoodson Posts: 3 Member
    29 female in the portland, or area looking for a workout buddy. I am 5'6 and currently 160lbs. Looking to lose 20 lbs. New to the area and hoping to find someone else with the same or similar goals. Up for the gym, hiking, walking, biking...
  • lacy8
    lacy8 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'3 and working to loose 50-60 pounds. I had surgery in June and I've just been released to start back exercising again.I gained 10 pounds during recovery. Before I logged daily and had over a 500 day streak. I love to give and receive motivation and encouragement. My friends list has gotten a little small and quiet other than logging. Looking to add some ladies who are ready to help me get back on track and I'll do the same for them. :smiley:
  • gaeo189
    gaeo189 Posts: 29 Member

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'1
    Starting weight (originally): 190; 170 (2nd time)
    Current weight: 140

    In high school the lowest I got was in the 150s. During college I became a very unhealthy vegetarian and gained 40lbs. During my senior year of college (2011) I lost 30, then gained back 10, I was floating there for a long time). In January of this year I decided on trying a new diet and lost 30lbs.

    Still going strong with a new goal weight of 130 or 120... Whatever I feel happy/comfortable with.

    I find that trying new recipes and workouts help a lot. I put a weight loss chart in my room so I can check off pounds I lost and also a list of rewards I get at each 10 pound milestone. I also hung up a size 8 dress near my closet so I saw it everyday and was reminded to keep going.

    Lastly, I joined Instagram (twentyfitteen) with a weight loss only page. I'm a visual person so seeing pictures of old me helped a lot and seeing a bunch of fitness related things/people was super encouraging.

    Stay strong everyone!!!!
  • whereslisa
    whereslisa Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'5 and currently 160lbs. I started at 204lbs though. I am looking to lose about 25 more pounds. But I will stop losing and start trying to maintain once I get to a weight that I feel looks appropriate/fits my goals. I've lost 40lbs in a little over a year. It has been an ongoing battle but you just have to keep reminding yourself how much you want it, or how far you've already come.

    In the past week and a half I have lost 12 pounds from a bad case of Colitis I have that is connected to Celiac's disease. It will take me months to get back to a normal diet, so its been a rough time lately. We could all use more support :)
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'5" and started at 175 - looking to drop 20 pounds. Planning on doing it slowly so could use some support for the long haul!
  • rawdogodwar
    rawdogodwar Posts: 4 Member
    5'1, 28. SW: 150, CW: 145 GW: 115. Log in steak 26 days. Feel free to add me. I don't comment, but I "like". I wouldn't mind someone who does the same.
  • hotpink1991
    hotpink1991 Posts: 7 Member
    I need some more motivational friends on here! Im 5'5" and looking to lose about 70lbs. Add me, and lets motivate each other!! :)<3
  • frazier18mn
    frazier18mn Posts: 1 Member
    5'5" and 159. Seriously plateaued here for the past 4 months. Started at 177. Hoping to be 130 or less by Christmas.