What motivates you?!

Day 2 of logging for me. ..60 lbs to lose!
I'm being motivated by the thought of my knees no longer hurting, imagining a thinner faced me in selfies, and husband's promise of letting me loose in Victoria ' s secret with the credit card.. when I actually fit in their things! :p

what's motivating you to lose weight?

Also,feel free to add me so we can support each other. Although I'm having trouble with my app and can't seem to like friends statuses or comment at the minute!


  • rhiannonarmstrong31
    rhiannonarmstrong31 Posts: 31 Member
    Old photos of me. The thought of running after my kids and picking them up without it being a huge effort. The thought of being confident particularly for my girls and showing all three of my kids to how to be healthy.
    And I'm 100% sure that sex was better when I had more stamina lol what a motivation!!
  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    Ooh YES to the photos! Hubby took a photo of me holding my 2 yo at the weekend, and my *kitten* looks huge. Like Kim kardashian sized, but not hot!
    And yes to the sex thing too! I felt much more confident in the bedroom when I was slim
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Today it was the almonds I brought for snack :smile: . Sometimes the immediate gratification is really what I want. Long term it is to avoid heart attack (at 35), high b/p (under control), high cholesterol (under control), type 2 diabetes (under control).
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    My motivation is about 90% fear of doctors, hospitals, medications and dependency on others and 10% vanity.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • alsarve
    alsarve Posts: 34 Member
    My motivation is my wonderful, caring, sexy bf, the cute clothes I want to be able to wear again and my health. Developed sleep apnea 2 yrs ago and can't even tell you how many brain cells I have lost to it. Sucks big time!
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    Fat comments. They make me cry, they make me wanna work harder
  • RegainFiks
    RegainFiks Posts: 180 Member
    To gain my confidence in all ways.

    And to wear whatever clothes I want not compromise for what I can fit even when I don't really like.
  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    I had another moment yesterday. took my toddler and baby to the park. A child said to me "how much food have you been eating because you're quite wide?!"
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I can't wait to see a new me who won't have the flabby arms, large thighs, round face, and the pregnant looking stomach that's been there for the past 5 years, pregnant or not.

    It's time for me to experience a serious physical change.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    the thought of what would happen if I stopped.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Fat comments. They make me cry, they make me wanna work harder
    I had another moment yesterday. took my toddler and baby to the park. A child said to me "how much food have you been eating because you're quite wide?!"

    Holy Crap...I cannot believe the ignorance of people, yes even the child. He heard that from somewhere...
    Even though it can be motivating when you get pissed off, change the thought to I am doing this for me and no one else. It helps with long term success. Make yourself your priority. You deserve to look and feel good, that may mean making some changes. Not all fun and easy but remember it is for you!!!!
    I am sorry people are so ignorant. No one deserves to be treated that way.

  • cherries12345
    cherries12345 Posts: 70 Member
    Fat comments. They make me cry, they make me wanna work harder
    Unfortunately, this. Also the desire to look great in outfits and not feel self concious about taking pictures. I think I would feel more attractive without the weight, even though my features would still be the same. I feel like the weight masks them. I keep picturing what it would be like to wear a dress or even a regular shirt without having to suck in.

  • karliebethell
    karliebethell Posts: 53 Member
    I have two small little kids who I want to do things with. I want to kayak and go on amusement park rides. I want to go places and not worry if I'll fit.
  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    Fat comments. They make me cry, they make me wanna work harder
    I had another moment yesterday. took my toddler and baby to the park. A child said to me "how much food have you been eating because you're quite wide?!"

    Holy Crap...I cannot believe the ignorance of people, yes even the child. He heard that from somewhere...
    Even though it can be motivating when you get pissed off, change the thought to I am doing this for me and no one else. It helps with long term success. Make yourself your priority. You deserve to look and feel good, that may mean making some changes. Not all fun and easy but remember it is for you!!!!
    I am sorry people are so ignorant. No one deserves to be treated that way.

    Yes I was quite shocked. I said to him, "that's really rude and cheeky. You shouldn't say things like that because you will hurt people's feelings. And I've just had a baby! "
    He was about 10. He looked quite embarrassed that I told him off,and went away nearly crying.
  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    I didn't shout though. Felt quite bad, but I do believe everyone should have manners and think about what they say! I am currently quite wide though, so he's probably dome me a favour by fat shaming me!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Fat comments. They make me cry, they make me wanna work harder
    I had another moment yesterday. took my toddler and baby to the park. A child said to me "how much food have you been eating because you're quite wide?!"

    Holy Crap...I cannot believe the ignorance of people, yes even the child. He heard that from somewhere...
    Even though it can be motivating when you get pissed off, change the thought to I am doing this for me and no one else. It helps with long term success. Make yourself your priority. You deserve to look and feel good, that may mean making some changes. Not all fun and easy but remember it is for you!!!!
    I am sorry people are so ignorant. No one deserves to be treated that way.

    Yes I was quite shocked. I said to him, "that's really rude and cheeky. You shouldn't say things like that because you will hurt people's feelings. And I've just had a baby! "
    He was about 10. He looked quite embarrassed that I told him off,and went away nearly crying.

    I think that was a great response. I usually revert to cursing immediately..lol I am sure you helped teach him a good lesson!

  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks. It's never happened to me before, but I always thought I'd curl up in a ball and start crying! Or waddle away as fast as possible!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks. It's never happened to me before, but I always thought I'd curl up in a ball and start crying! Or waddle away as fast as possible!

    lol you have a great sense of humor...which is key to success. Good luck to you!! Friend request sent, if you ever have any questions just ask. I will help if I can. I have logged daily for over a year and a half with no plans on stopping. I continue to learn and grow!!

  • katieboulby
    katieboulby Posts: 29 Member
    Haha thank you! Not everyone gets my humour! I've accepted your request, and look forward to keeping in touch