Anyone working to rock their body out after the weight loss?

I'm super excited to have lost the weight and seem to have a decent handle on maintaining the loss.

But, now, I want to lose body fat and build muscle so that I go from a "nice" body that's really pretty soft to a bikini body that's feminine and strong. This isn't going to be easy because I'm not in my 20's anymore and I can't devote myself to the gym. But I think I can find a way to get pretty close. :)

Has anyone else 35+ done this? If so, I'm eager to get advice and insights on how to do this without expensive trainers or over the top workout routines. I'm willing to make any food changes I need to, go to the gym 5 days a week and work hard while I'm there!

Also, is anyone starting out or on the way to this next challenge? If so, I'd love to add you as a friend or have you add me! We can keep each other motivated!!



  • 5050110
    5050110 Posts: 12 Member
    > This isn't going to be easy because I'm not in my 20's anymore and I can't devote myself to the gym

    Well, if you do a basic strength training program, you go 3 times a week, not more. You do 3 compound lifts for 5 sets of 5, and you're done. You keep tacking on weight every week.

    The key is good form, patience, good diet and consistency.
  • cparsons_60
    cparsons_60 Posts: 95 Member
    I'll be 57 in two weeks. I've lost 55 of my goal of 60 pounds (5'5", 200 to 145), and at this point I'm not focused on losing the last 5. If it happens, fine; if it doesn't, that's fine, too. I'm still logging most days to make sure I don't gain.
    I've found this MFP discussion fascinating:
    I realize I'm in a good place to start strength training and getting what posters call "newbie gains" -- I'm near my goal, eating at a slight deficit, still have some fat to lose, and haven't been training regularly. My YMCA offers lots of TRX and Body Pump classes, such that I can take one or the other most days. I've really enjoyed these and found them challenging. In a few weeks I'll start a lifting program, but these classes are a fun and challenging start. My form and strength have improved in just two weeks. Psych!
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Same advice: go to and start on page one and follow what it says. I only just started recomp so really am not showing results as of yet (although I am stronger)--per the thread, it is a slow process. B)
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    I am also working on dropping body fat % and building muscle. Add me if you like. I personally went the online trainer route since it is far cheaper than having one in person. I go to the gym 4 days per week. I have a nutrition plan (IIFYM style) and a training program that I got to have input on. So far I have had really good results.
  • Sparkle7
    Sparkle7 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone! Right now, I'm weight training with a 5 day split and also doing cardio 5 days a week. I'll definitely look at all the links!!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I'm 31 and don't go to the gym. I do Mark Lauren's program, You are Your Own Gym, but Insanity, P90X, or Convict-Conditioning are based on body weight training I believe. I've gained a ton of muscle while still losing. Almost at goal.
  • ptargino
    ptargino Posts: 50 Member
    I've lost 70 pounds and, since March, I'm working towards reducing my body fat. Last time I've checked, went from 20 to 12% whislt maintaining my weight (195lbs-ish, 6ft 3). Now I'm thinking about gaining mass.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    I'm working on reducing my bodyfat over the summer months. Being in Minnesota and not being as active in the winter I plan on using my Insanity videos over the winter to keep me active and increase my muscle mass.
  • Spice1973
    Spice1973 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 41 and working on building muscle as well. All I do is workout at home with weights and a workout dvd and an incline treadmill and it seems to be working pretty good. I've never been to a gym though so I can't really give you advice on what to do there.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I'm in the beginning of this new maintenance/muscle strengthening mode as well. I've started doing some bodyweight stuff like squats and lunges, push ups planks, and some light weights. I have a lot of learning to do too but its a start. Good luck to you!
  • stormyview
    stormyview Posts: 81 Member
    Oh, yeah! Me!

    I'm at a relatively low body fat % (115, 5'4"), so I think I'm seeing results already. Is that possible? Maybe I'm deluding myself. I do think that after about two weeks, my thighs are looking more defined and jiggle less. I'm sure results will slow down. I'm putting my initial gains down to newbie gains.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    Yes. Took 5 years off and went from dad bod to being in best shape of my life and probably almost my strongest. I'm 44.
  • sunbunny66
    sunbunny66 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me. I've been working on figuring out what my maintenance calories are. Gone from SW 154 to CW 137. I have also started strength training.
  • just4me123456
    just4me123456 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes! I'm 46 and 5'6 136 pounds after losing 30 pounds. 26.5 inch waist for the first time since my early 20s!
  • just4me123456
    just4me123456 Posts: 35 Member
    Forgot to add that so far iv
    Yes! I'm 46 and 5'6 136 pounds after losing 30 pounds. 26.5 inch waist for the first time since my early 20s!

    Edit to add I've been at this weight plus or minus three pounds for about a year now. Makes me think this might be my settling point, even though my original goal was a bit lower.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I'm 48 an working on the same. I really enjoy running, so that keeps the weight off pretty well, but have been trying to build a little more muscle. I go to some core workout classes at the Y - they are really fun and keep me motivated. I've been a little intimidated to use the weights at the gym, but know I need to get myself in there.
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Yes! Add me if you like. I'm 43, only about 1/3 of the way to goal#1 but trying not to lose muscle on the way there. In a few more months enough fat will have gone that I will be able to see better what I've got to work with :)
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Feel free to add me im 30 had 3 children slowly getting there
  • kristinels
    kristinels Posts: 315 Member
    Hi - please feel free to add me. I'm 44 and have 10 lbs to go to get to goal (SW 169 CW 145 GW 135 Height 5'6") I'm excited for the exact same reasons as you. I was going to wait until I get to goal, but why not start now? No time like the present, right?! ;) I have been working out daily since February doing various different body weight and light hand weight workouts and cardio/HIIT workouts. Most recently I've been doing the CardioSculpt program on - but tonight I'm headed to my first 'On Ramp' class for CrossFit. I want to start lifting and have been lurking on that recomp thread a few others have shared as well.