Back again.... and hoping to do better

tmtres Posts: 7 Member
Good morning, all. I've been a sporadic user of myfitnesspal for a few years, but am now at a point where I would like to give it a run for its money. In other words, after a loss of around 150 pounds, I have gained back close to 50 pounds due to having to concentrate on other things in my life other than me for about 9 months. Yes, I know what I have to do, but I'm trying to lay out the means of staying motivated to keep the numbers going back towards where I was at my lightest instead of creeping back up.

The plan is to primarily cut back on my calories which will include not snacking as much as well as cutting out the all too many times we were eating out due to what was going on. I also plan to increase my activity, which will be a little tricky with a foot that gives me problems due to a surgery gone awry. The biggest battle will be getting out of the habit of the boredom snacking, but I keep reminding myself that I had done this before and can do it again. I just needed to get my mind set back on track.

So, I will be on here reading what has helped some, asking for assistance as needed, and encouraging all that I can. We can do this, right?


  • gaga1969
    gaga1969 Posts: 2 Member
    welcome back and I am here for you and you can be here for me, okay? I had lost 50 pounds and I have regained 7 and that is not acceptable, especially since I am 20 pounds from a good for you and good for me!!
  • tmtres
    tmtres Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, gaga! And yes, I will support you in your endeavor. Great job on the weight loss!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Congrats on the 100 pounds lost. That's a feat in itself. This time around focus on making permanent eating habits that will stick with you even when you get disctracted with life. For example my problem wasn't snacking on junk food but just eating too large of portions during meals. So I'm really making a concentrated effort to get really good with eyeballing the quantity of meat I'm eating. I pick out a steak that I think looks like 6 ounces then I weight it and see how close I got to it. Then I cook it and weight it again so I see how much is being lost in weight from the cooking process. I'm doing all this so one day when I've finally stopped my diet I won't just jump right back into getting a 16 ounce steak. When I eat a steak at a BBQ or a party I'll have a really good idea what I'm consuming. I'm doing the same thing for all the typical items I usually eat. So when I finally get into maintenance I'll know what a 600 calorie plate of food looks like. We can't go back to our old ways of eating with reckless abandon.
  • smashlee430
    smashlee430 Posts: 3 Member
    In the same boat lost 20 gained in back in a few years starting my healthy journey back on track today!!!!
  • gaga1969
    gaga1969 Posts: 2 Member
    tmtres wrote: »
    Thanks, gaga! And yes, I will support you in your endeavor. Great job on the weight loss!

  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I am recently starting over as well. I am the heaviest I have ever been, which is up 30 pounds from my low last go round. I didn't realize I had gained that much until I was deleting my weigh in entries from the past. (I wanted my ticker to show my success vs my failure)
    I am right there with you. I have three kids and find myself putting everyone's needs before my own. It's easy to let yourself go. I too have a bad foot - plantars - which makes it hard to work out, or walk for that matter, but I am hoping the weight loss will aid in my foot recovery.

    One day at a time. I would love to support you in your journey
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    I am recently starting over as well. I am the heaviest I have ever been, which is up 30 pounds from my low last go round. I didn't realize I had gained that much until I was deleting my weigh in entries from the past. (I wanted my ticker to show my success vs my failure)
    I am right there with you. I have three kids and find myself putting everyone's needs before my own. It's easy to let yourself go. I too have a bad foot - plantars - which makes it hard to work out, or walk for that matter, but I am hoping the weight loss will aid in my foot recovery.

    One day at a time. I would love to support you in your journey

    i am with you there i also have plantars but on both feet and i have a 14 month old i had lost 72 pounds a year before i got pregnant and here i am again i gained like 90 lbs in 2 years from 138-225
  • tmtres
    tmtres Posts: 7 Member
    We can definitely support each other. It sounds like it'll definitely be a journey for all of us.