Gotta lose 100 POUNDS!!!!!

erica4nya Posts: 10 Member
I need to lose a whole person


  • jolin83
    jolin83 Posts: 19 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT ERICA!!!!! :smile:
  • LadyShepherd15
    LadyShepherd15 Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome! Some days will come easy, other will be hard. Just persevere and you can do it!
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    I need to lose 90 so I totally understand I just started 2 days ago Hopefully this gets easier for you and me both! what are you doing to lose weight? and when did you start I am doing Leslie Sansone's Walk at home videos and Zumba and I am going to start doing Strength training with weights 2 days a week I am a stay at home mom so i can't always get out :( But i wouldn't trade it for the world
  • maryhoytdickson
    maryhoytdickson Posts: 4 Member
    Let's do this Erica and Michelle!!
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    Let's do this Erica and Michelle!!

    Thank you so much :) I just started this and i ended up eating at 2 am last night and had way more cookies than i should of my husband is really overweight so not only did i start this he did too and were trying to get our children on better diets also So I really have no support My husband always gives up I'm hoping i can stick to this diet and lose this weight for not only myself but for my children's sakes i want to be able to play with them without getting really tired Thank you for the Encouragement :)
  • erica4nya
    erica4nya Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone it's hard especially at my HW:244 ever ! Besides when I was pregnant... And oh trust u learn how to angle the camera to make u look smaller things u learn when ur "plush pushing" lol but Iam currently goin to the Y, and am on a 1900 calorie intake "it freaking sucks fyi" and also I have a nutritionist helping me out so far I've lost 2lbs within 3days!!! Oh also I incorporated a lot of weight lifting and squats "they burn more calories"
  • erica4nya
    erica4nya Posts: 10 Member
    Oh and I started like last year but never stuck with it until 7/21/15 I decided that I was done with the "plush pushing" life..