Looking for supportive friends

just started last week and I would love to add some friends with MFP experience as well as people just starting.


  • iGROK1
    iGROK1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have found that people here on this site are very supportive and willing to invest in others journeys on here. Keep posting amd keep logging your food and you'll see. :)
  • franfran1821
    franfran1821 Posts: 288 Member
    Add me!
  • vvancleemput
    vvancleemput Posts: 7 Member
    add me too! i signed up a while ago but i'm just starting now. excited to see what's next!
  • taty914
    taty914 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. Started with mfp about 3 weeks ago, but have started my journey about 2 months- 15 pounds lighter as it for today, my goal is 20 more until end of year.
  • Jiveli85
    Jiveli85 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello. Feel free to add me!
  • gmarshiii
    gmarshiii Posts: 9 Member
    I too am looking for motivation on my journey back to 170 from 205 currently at 188 using MFP and Vivofit 2 mtn bike, swimming laps, 2-4 mile walks with my dog, 5-10 power walks, eating right. Live in beautiful Williamsburg, VA. Went from 205 to 170 last year purely mtn biking ( had not weighed 170 since high school class of '84) I'm 48 have a 14 yr old daughter with a beautiful girlfriend, Elizabeth who is also healthy and fit and she has a 14 yr old daughter, Morgan. I was in a pretty bad mtn bike accident last August breaking my collarbone in 2 places and back in the bike now for past two months trying to get back to the 170. Please feel free to connect with me!! Thanks in advance!