How often do you weigh & why?



  • SaffronSunrise
    SaffronSunrise Posts: 182 Member
    I don't have a scale at home so I weight about every 2 weeks, when I take my measurements. I thought about weighing every day at the gym, but the fluctuation freaked me out a bit. When I lose a little more weight I'll get a scale & embrace the fluctuations, but I'm relying on my measurements, because they're more important to me.
  • lmsaa
    lmsaa Posts: 51 Member
    Every day. I expect fluctuations and for my weight loss line to be a zig zag trending downward, so I don't get upset when I go up a pound or two for no reason, as long as the overall trend is downward. Weighing less frequently makes me more likely to cheat, thinking that I have several days to make up for that piece of chocolate cake or pint of ice cream before I need to get back on the scale again, and, of course, I don't make up for those calories and instead maybe decide to skip the weigh in for the week completely. So, daily weighing is not a scientific way to accurately monitor fat loss, but psychologically it keeps me on track.

    I see that some of you use different apps for finding the trend. I just look at the Reports graph for weight on MFP. If you increase the time period for the report, the line for your weights will appear smoother and show more of a trend.
  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    I recently put away my scale. It was too much of a distraction for me cause I so easily get discouraged if not much happened. For me measurements are more important, so now I'll probably just weigh myself every few months.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    Only when I notice clothing seems looser - and it is always good news!
  • SavannahStClair
    SavannahStClair Posts: 35 Member
    OMG, @Imsaa! I totally agree! I didn't even think about that! I totally used to do that when I was weighing once a week. It wasn't a big deal to have desert Monday night or Tuesday night because I wasn't weighing again until Next Monday morning! I never even thought about that but you're completely right!
  • amylou93xo
    amylou93xo Posts: 6 Member
    Once a week, Friday morning. I feel that weighing myself everyday and seeing gains that aren't true would make me feel less motivated. I can weigh anywhere between 1-2lbs more during the day than I will the following morning.