No weight loss then all of the sudden lose 5 lbs? Does this happen to anyone else?



  • GrandeHombre
    GrandeHombre Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2014
    I started out strong, losing 5-10 lbs. a week but I am bigger than most. I started in Jan. 28th and have had a few plateaus and am now in the phase where I go 2 or 3 weeks with little to no loss and then have a 5lb. + loss. My last two big weeks were 10 and 7 lbs with little to no loss in between. I am hoping to lose 150 by the end of the year but will be closer to 130. I'll take it.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    edited November 2014
    My body is so stinking weird! I try to weigh myself once a week but very consistently I gain 4-5 lbs of water weight between weigh-ins. I will give it a day or so (after I can tell I've dropped the water weigh) and I will have lost the water weight plus a few pounds. The first 2 times it happened, I was really upset. Now I realize that, weird as it is, its the way my body works.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I tend to stay still for a little while and then "whoosh." It's pretty consistent (i.e. not just around ovulation and/or PMS, but rather, probably every 8-10 days I'll whoosh).
  • WhoWasGivenToFly
    WhoWasGivenToFly Posts: 64 Member
    same here, I weigh myself daily because this works best for me personally. In Oct I went 2 almost 3 weeks with nothing them the scale started moving again and I am down 4 lbs.
  • tracyamituanai
    tracyamituanai Posts: 1 Member
    I just started myfitnesspal properly this week and feeling very discouraged. Need to get rid of this baby weight. Lost 1kg one day put on 1kg the next. I drink at least 2l of water a day and go to the gym 4 times a week. Lift heavy weights. Sooooo frustrating as the weight should be falling off. Eating 1200 cals of clean food. So sad
  • clarebear230786
    clarebear230786 Posts: 30 Member
    Happens to me all the time! I weigh weekly but I can still go 4 weeks with nothing then I have a woosh! :) this is where a lot of people give up, before the woosh!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Totally happens to me. I think the more fat you have the more likely it is to happen.
  • GoneGirl50
    GoneGirl50 Posts: 65 Member
    I just read an article on DOMS, and it fits with my pattern. I actually gain a pound or so before the whoosh. I think it has to do with the muscles retaining water after a weight lifting workout. I don't like to log those gains because it is discouraging.
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    This is me. I've lost 20lbs so far and it shows on the scale in "bursts". I hover in a 3-5lbs range for about 2 weeks, then drop and hover at a lower range for a while, it's a little frustrating at times (I weigh in every single morning), but hey, its working in the long-run! :)

  • tindeyy
    tindeyy Posts: 25 Member
    This happens to me regularly. Especially during my time of the month. I know if I keep eating at a deficit during those few days, at the end of all the bloating and what not, I come out way lighter. Usually even gain a few pounds of water weight as it nears my time of the month too.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    Happens to me, one day I've lost nothing, the next I've lost 4lbs for the week. The human body is the ultimate troll.
  • EkoDenny
    EkoDenny Posts: 1 Member
    This thread is not very new, but I thought I could chip in, so bumping this.

    I've been losing weight on and off for a few years now. Generally I can see improvements almost daily. Sometimes I've had plateaus for 3-7 days then a drop, but that's rare.

    I also had a period of about 40 days when I lost 100 grams every single day, it was like a clockwork.

    Last week I had a rather large whoosh. So, I was 79.2 one day, the next day I was 78.0, and the day after I was 76.8 kg. That's 174.6, 172 and 169.3 in lbs.

    That's 2.4kg or 5.3lbs loss in two days.

    From the experience I've had, after each whoosh it climbed back in one or two days, not necessarily back to where it was, but it always jumped up. In other words, I've never had a plateau after a whoosh.

    This time I was so excited about my big whoosh, that I had to go a bit crazy for several days, just so I could retain that number. So for 8 days already I've been very close to that weight right after the woosh.

    From what I've read women are more prone to whooshes, but I'm a male. So it is a mystery to me why it happens, but it does. I witnessed a 5.3lbs whoosh, so don't worry about whooshes and plateaus, just stick to the plan that works in the long run.
  • amritdhillon28
    amritdhillon28 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys.

    I'm a 32 year old male and started out at 185kg. My current weight is 161kg. From 185kg to 172kg the weight loss was pretty regular and incremental although I did get whooshes from time to time. As soon as I entered the 160s I found that weight on scales could be constant (or even sometimes gains) for as much as 7 days (despite perfect diet and exercise with strict discipline) but then eventually you get a 2lbs whoosh over one day. In fact today is one of those days. Moral of the story is continue to stay true to the principles you know work (e.g. IIFYM and IF), even if short term success is not coming as eventually it will pay off with a whoosh. Take a long term approach to your goals. I feel the MyFitnessPal weight graph is perfect for doing this. As long as the overall trend over time is down, then you know you're on the right path and its just a matter of patience. Good luck guys!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Yep! Its called a whoosh ! :smiley: our weight can stall for a few weeks and then bam/whoosh overnight we lose a few pounds in one go. If you have quite a lot of weight to lose your expected whoosh can be higher :smile:
  • batorkin
    batorkin Posts: 281 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happens to me, my most severe case was losing nothing for almost 4 weeks then losing 9 pounds the next week.

    Drinking lots of water will make it happen less in my experience.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Yup. I lost about 6 lbs in a month and I was feeling proud of myself, then I gained 4 of it back and it stayed there. I swear my body defies the laws of physics sometimes.

    But it is recommended to drink 64 oz. of water a day, that by itself weighs 4.2 lbs. So it makes sense that my weight can fluctuate by about 4 lbs on any given day. Also most of our body is water, some days we'll retain more water than others. There are a lot of things that cause water retention; sodium, hormones, medications, lifestyle, etc. I've noticed alcohol does some weird things to my weight also. Days when my weight is really low I'll actually worry that I am dehydrated instead of being happy that I "lost" weight.

  • I go up and down daily. Pure water retention - sodium levels, and glycogen (when working out). Took 2 weeks off the gym at Christmas and lost around 6lbs. Which shocked me I thought I would have gained over the holidays. Started back up in January and gained it back in a week. Now its the daily up and down with the odd whoosh and then up and down again. Best to look in the mirror and judge by that.
  • staraly
    staraly Posts: 54 Member
    Me too. I find that those weeks when the scales aren't going down, my waist often is. For motivation, I try on my favourite clothes that haven't fit me for a while to see if anything can be moved into my regular wardrobe. I'm very 'clothes motivated'.