Can't keep up with people in gym classes



  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Mostly. Go at own pace! It just matters that you're actually doing it. And you will keep getting better. Who knows, someone there might be trying to keep up with you!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    When you first started going to a gym class, could you keep up with everyone?

    No! Even after 3 months I barely keep up. But some people are very fit and have been working out for years. Me, a year ago I could barely walk upy own driveway. So I try focus only own progress.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Being an instructor, people sometimes get overzealous on their choices of classes.
    I understand what you're trying to say, but as a relative newbie my frustration is that there are very offerings for true beginners.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Should say: Very few offerings
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Being an instructor, people sometimes get overzealous on their choices of classes. Many times they take classes that have the fittest people because that's their goal. Unfortunately those members may have been doing this for a long time, so it's not uncommon for newbies to come in an not be accustomed to the speed or format. Repetition is important though. If you're consistent, you'll catch on. Stay at the back of the room so you can observe better and make sure to try to practice some on your own time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I've seen this happen at my gym. The majority of the members are very fit and a lot of them are just absolute machines. I've seen new people get quite intimidated but you can't compare yourself with people who've been training for years. People also gravitate towards what they're good at. I hold my own at my gym but if I was put in a dance class or even Zumba...nope! Can't do it, my body just doesn't work that way.

    It's the same with yoga - you can't compare your practice to someone else's. Everyone's body is different. The same pose can look different on different people. And I'm certainly not going to compare myself to the girl on the mat next to me who was a professional ballet dancer - that's a recipe for feeling bad about myself instead of focusing on how much my own practice has expanded.
  • mystgrl1604
    mystgrl1604 Posts: 117 Member
    Haha don't worry! When I first started, I can barely keep up. Now nearly 3 months on, there are still times I have to stop to catch my breathe but I've been able to do more and more each time. I think once I can go and push myself to the max without stopping for a breather, it will be time to find a harder class.

    P.S. I'm doing Zumba most days, interspersed with some Beam or Mat Pilates, and some Body Pump classes.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    True, I just dont want to fall too far behind
    Just sayin' then you should pick a better team to root for in baseball. That way maybe you won't fall far behind since rooting for a champion keeps you up. ;)

    GO GIANTS!!!!!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 185 Member
    I personally do better doing my own thing (just started a c25k). I don't do well in classes either because I'm too uncoordinated or just can't keep up - I have tried cross-fit through a work initiative a few years ago but ended up feeling worse about myself and struggling with a bout of depression. So I stick to solitary activities although when I do go to the gym am fine with a programme, just not group classes
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    When you first started going to a gym class, could you keep up with everyone?
    Exercise at your own pace. You are not competing with anyone. I am having fun in my line dance class. I do not know the steps but I have to learn to laugh at my mistakes and dance on. Will master the steps sooner than later. Do not give up!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Just remember, even if you are the "slowest" one in class, you are still faster than everyone who isn't there!
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Go at your own pace! Be so proud of being able to go and stay the whole time. You will get there!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Ooh another uncoordinated one here. Not a natural athlete by any stretch of the imagination either.

    I do/ did mostly solitary work, but found aqua fit - this really is a go at your own pace and no one can see you are uncoordinated. After a couple of months floating away and turning the wrong way I had the moves down and could really concentrate on exertion.

    I did belly dancing as my first land class, land classes scared me. Went all the wrong way, still do, but boy did I love it, and did it ever help me with posture and abs.

    Loved the look of the Zumba classes, but they were way to fast and intense, and I knew it. Found Zumba gold. All the same moves, but a little slower and alternates shown. Perfect, I love it even though I still can't coordinate after 6 month. No one cares and everyone is incredibly supportive.
    One class I over did it so much I went white, one of my classmates pulled me aside and sat me down before I fell, another rushed for water and a wet towel. They were great, as was the instructor, no one laughed or thought me a wimp. They were much more concerned as to why I had nearly toppled over ( a heavy day Christmas shopping without lunch, but refusing to miss class)

    Wanted to lift, signed up for women on weight class. The class was all women half my age and a lot more used to weights. I said I was interested in compound lifts and while others enjoyed the machines the instructor came up with free weight moves that could transform into a 5x5 programme. Everyone enjoyed the twofold approach, and no one cared that I could only move half the weight I could. They were supportive of my effort.

    It most certainly is a different way of exercising but I have found that if I go in friendly, open and put the effort in the class supports me when needed and don't care if I am not performing at their level.

    I have gone from someone who eschewed group classes to someone who looks forward to what class I can try next. I, and people who know me, can't believe that I will throw myself into the unknown so willingly.

    Sorry that was soooo long, just had to tell you- go for it, put your heart and soul into it, and you will get the rewards of friendship and a better fitter you.

    Cheers, h.
  • mystgrl1604
    mystgrl1604 Posts: 117 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Just remember, even if you are the "slowest" one in class, you are still faster than everyone who isn't there!

  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    My first day at a boot camp class, I puked. A couple months in I could do jumps onto a weight bench, 6 months I could jump over the weight bench. Keep going, you'll catch up. And it's supposed to be hard, even for people that are fit. Only gym bunnies go to be seen. I want to go to sweat!
  • DodgerBlue19891
    DodgerBlue19891 Posts: 18 Member
    I guess most ppl have been doing it a lot longer
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    We may have been doing it a lot longer now. But a few of us ( me) started with no inclination/ background in any kind of activity, entered into exercise with fear and loathing in our hearts, and found it wasn't half as bad as we expected.

    Try Zumba. We have 3 guys in our class of 16. They were well accepted, and once they got the feel of it, really joined in the ongoing banter. One is a supersize Father Christmas ( 6'9) and really throws himself into it though he giggles through the more ' feminine moves'. He is a hot- damn at belly dancing.
    Another brought his wife, a native Hawiian, now we have hula for cool down some days.

    Sorry, bit if a chatterbox there.

    Cheers, h.