Week 1 on 1200 and only one 1lb lost

Help. I'm being super careful, measuring and not going over my 1200. I noticed at the start when I was working out harder (running, Pilates, and Barry's Bootcamp) I had no loss at all and even a gain. Since I cut back on workingn out, I'm just down 1 pound from where I started (165 to 164). Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    How much were you expecting to lose?

    I think what's wrong is most likely: You have unrealistic expectations of how fast you should lose weight. 1 lb a week is a good rate of loss.

    Not enough information to tell anything else.
  • TiaGia101
    TiaGia101 Posts: 51 Member
    Well, according to MFP, at 1200 I should be losing 2lbs a week. That's why my confusion.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    • Are you weighing your food with an electric food scale?
    • Are you weighing accurately? i.e. using grams instead of cups
    • How are you obtaining your calorie burns? MFP, HRM or machines?

    Open your diary so we can see your logging and how long have you been in a caloric deficit?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    1200 is the lowest amount MFP will give you, so you won't be able to reach a two pound per week deficit without undereating. A pound is perfectly fine. In fact, I gained my first two weeks!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Still not enough information.

    MFP won't recommend lower than 1200 calories, so even if 1200 calories will only be 1lb a week and you tell it 2lbs a week, it won't put you lower. By the way, unless you have like 60+ lbs to lose, a 2lb a week goal is not for you.

    What are your current stats? Age, sex, weight
    What is your goal weight?
    Are you weighing all solids on a food scale and measuring all liquids?
    When did you start working out? Did you recently increase intensity?

  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    edited August 2015
    Potential pitfalls:

    --Overestimating calorie burn.

    --Underestimating calorie intake.

    Are you using a food scale? I can promise you, there is a great difference between measuring your food with cups and spoons and weighing your food. You may be eating more calories than you think.

    Lastly, if it is any encouragement at all, I NEVER lose at the rate MFP says I should be based on my food and activity. I am like you in that I am only losing a pound a week even though MFP's estimates say I "should" be losing 2 or more.

    Trying to embed a Youtube video but MFP is being difficult. I am doing the exact same thing I've always done to successfully embed a video, but it's not showing up for me at the moment. Here is a link to this video demonstrating the difference between weighing and measuring cups (in case I can not get the embedding to work!) https://youtu.be/XpHykP6e_Uk

  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    Your results will fluctuate. You will lose more than that some weeks and less than that others. Were you careful about weighing yourself under the same circumstances (after using the bathroom, wearing similarly weighted clothes and same time of the day?) If you weigh yourself several times per day you will notice you range between a few lbs.

    Also weighing food and getting portion perfect make a huge difference. MFP will over estimate calories burned in a workout so be careful not to eat everything back unless you know for sure that it's accurate.
  • TiaGia101
    TiaGia101 Posts: 51 Member
    • Are you weighing your food with an electric food scale?
    • Are you weighing accurately? i.e. using grams instead of cups
    • How are you obtaining your calorie burns? MFP, HRM or machines?

    Open your diary so we can see your logging and how long have you been in a caloric deficit?

    Yes, I'm weighing everything with a scale. And I'm using ounces instead of cups. I'm getting my calorie burns from MFP.
  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    Your headline states week 1. If this is indeed your first week, you really shouldn't be worried at all! And secondly 1 lb per week is good! Losing it slowly is much better & you're more likely to keep it off/follow your 'new' life style.
  • TiaGia101
    TiaGia101 Posts: 51 Member
    Still not enough information.

    MFP won't recommend lower than 1200 calories, so even if 1200 calories will only be 1lb a week and you tell it 2lbs a week, it won't put you lower. By the way, unless you have like 60+ lbs to lose, a 2lb a week goal is not for you.

    What are your current stats? Age, sex, weight
    What is your goal weight?
    Are you weighing all solids on a food scale and measuring all liquids?
    When did you start working out? Did you recently increase intensity?

    I'm a 38 year old female. As of today I weigh 164lbs and would like to lose 10-15lbs.
    Yes, in weighing all solids and measuring all liquids. I also eat "clean" and only organic. I have always worked out though I did try to step it up for weight loss as I have a desk job and am sedentary most of the day.
  • TiaGia101
    TiaGia101 Posts: 51 Member
    Potential pitfalls:

    --Overestimating calorie burn.

    --Underestimating calorie intake.

    Are you using a food scale? I can promise you, there is a great difference between measuring your food with cups and spoons and weighing your food. You may be eating more calories than you think.

    Lastly, if it is any encouragement at all, I NEVER lose at the rate MFP says I should be based on my food and activity. I am like you in that I am only losing a pound a week even though MFP's estimates say I "should" be losing 2 or more.

    Trying to embed a Youtube video but MFP is being difficult. Here is a link in case I can not get it to work! https://youtu.be/XpHykP6e_Uk

    I am using the exact food scale in this photo
  • robcha68
    robcha68 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't forget that you could be replacing fat lost with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, causes you to burn more calories and is generally a good thing.

    Don't let the scale be your only measure of success. Measure your arms, legs, hips, waist, chest, neck etc. to see if you are losing inches. Then use the combination of measurements along with how you feel and look to determine success.
  • TiaGia101
    TiaGia101 Posts: 51 Member
    Your results will fluctuate. You will lose more than that some weeks and less than that others. Were you careful about weighing yourself under the same circumstances (after using the bathroom, wearing similarly weighted clothes and same time of the day?) If you weigh yourself several times per day you will notice you range between a few lbs.

    Also weighing food and getting portion perfect make a huge difference. MFP will over estimate calories burned in a workout so be careful not to eat everything back unless you know for sure that it's accurate.

    Yes, I weigh myself every morning, post bathroom, no clothes on.
  • racheltrevino22
    racheltrevino22 Posts: 17 Member
    You're going to find that weight loss fluctuates from week to week as your body makes adjustments. Don't give up...stay the course. :)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    robcha68 wrote: »
    Don't forget that you could be replacing fat lost with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, causes you to burn more calories and is generally a good thing.

    Don't let the scale be your only measure of success. Measure your arms, legs, hips, waist, chest, neck etc. to see if you are losing inches. Then use the combination of measurements along with how you feel and look to determine success.

    It's not possible to gain muscle in a calorie deficit.

    OP, don't worry. 1lb a week is good! Plus it's only your first week.
    P.S - organic food doesn't have any less calories and isn't actually any better for you.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    robcha68 wrote: »
    Don't forget that you could be replacing fat lost with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, causes you to burn more calories and is generally a good thing.

    Don't let the scale be your only measure of success. Measure your arms, legs, hips, waist, chest, neck etc. to see if you are losing inches. Then use the combination of measurements along with how you feel and look to determine success.

    There's some good info here like not letting the scale be your only measure of success and body part measuring. Taking pictures also helps.

    OP isn't replacing fat with muscle tho.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Based on your profile, you don't have a lot to lose, so it's going to come off slowly.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2015
    TiaGia101 wrote: »
    Well, according to MFP, at 1200 I should be losing 2lbs a week. That's why my confusion.

    MFP would never put you at less than 1200 calories even if you tell it you want to lose 2 pounds, because based on your loss you would need to eat 700 calories to lose that much which is not enough nor healthy.

    It's actually misleading and I have seen it cause many misunderstandings. They should post a warning like "based on your stats, your expected weekly weight loss is xx and not 2 pounds".
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    I was having 1200 but lost nothing in a week. So i added more, i am now on 1370 and i weighed today and i have actually lost 3lb on my streak. =) redo your tdee and take away from that figure. Thats what i did thanks to people on here.
    You are lucky to lose that to be honest. =)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    TiaGia101 wrote: »
    Well, according to MFP, at 1200 I should be losing 2lbs a week. That's why my confusion.

    MFP would never put you at less than 1200 calories even if you tell it you want to lose 2 pounds, because based on your loss you would need to eat 700 calories to lose that much which is not enough nor healthy.

    It's actually misleading and I have seen it cause many misunderstandings. They should post a warning like "based on your stats, your expected weekly weight loss is xx and not 2 pounds".

    Yes, people get confused. If you go to update diet and fitness profile and put in your stats at the bottom it should say what you are projected to lose based on them, no matter what you asked for.

    For example, I have my activity level in as active right now, but even so if I ask for 2 lb/week (which is not realistic for me), it gives me 1200 calories and says at the end that I am projected to lose 1.4 lb/week.

    (I don't do that, it's just an example.)