be my friend/motivator

lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
Hi all. I'm starting over again. A couple years ago I was using this site religiously (I had over a year of logging in a row!) I was down 50 pounds and feeling great! Then I started an office job where I did nothing but sit on my butt in front of a computer and snack. Then the snacks turned into drinking pop again (which I had previously given up for almost 2 years). Then everything snowballed and I gained back that 50 plus about 25 more. I started trying again about a week ago. I was able to get 3 pounds off without trying too hard (just ate less than usual), so I'm hoping that now that I'm planning to add exercise back into my life that it will be easier. Anyway, most of the "fitness pals" that I had on here deleted me after so many months of inactivity. I would love some new friends to motivate me and comment on my statuses, etc :) If you're going to comment only about what I'm doing wrong, please don't add me. I have enough negativity in my life without adding some more cyber negativity! :) Those of you that just want some friends or want to support me, add away! :D I believe I can do this again. I can find that motivation that I need! :)


  • Blueswirly
    Blueswirly Posts: 59 Member
    I can totally relate! I'm making a commitment to leave my office by a certain time on workout days so I can take care of me and get home in time to make a healthy dinner. Just sent a friend request. :smile:
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    You can do this! Feel free to add me!
  • sillylittlebitch
    sillylittlebitch Posts: 5 Member
    Sent a friend request!