
i dont know what it is... Memorial Day was a killer and it has been hard getting back into the mind set. I was so motivated and going and going, but now i feel almost bored and dreading logging in. How do I get my mind set back. I did ok yesterday but I am still afraid to weigh myself after Mem Day. I need to get motivated!!!


  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    I was the same way. I just didn't weigh and started logging. One step at a time and you'll get back in to it. :flowerforyou:
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    So don't weigh yourself. Go back to doing what works for you, taking one day at a time, and in a week or so, weigh yourself then.
  • I'm right there with you guys. I didn't eat poorly but I didn't track anything either or go to the gym. Holiday mixed with the bday umm yeah just didn't. Back on it today.
  • I didn't eat the greatest and I also drank quite a bit of alcohol. But I see how far I have come and I have to keep going forward! Just do it!:)....I drank my weight in water yesterday and my weight is about 1.5lbs to being what it was before this weekend!!! Just log your stuff, have a nice sweaty workout and drink a ton of water to get back on track. YOu can do this:)!
  • Tyscheff
    Tyscheff Posts: 21
    I went to two bbq's in a row in two days and pigged out on hotdogs and hamburgers. It's okay to get off track for a few days and splurge, otherwise you're not working for anything.

    Also, it's ok if you don't log for a few days. Just make sure for those days you still watch what you eat and how much you eat.
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks. .. this site is really great about helping one another. Thanks again.
  • BeachLife76
    BeachLife76 Posts: 78 Member
    I was at my Mom's all weekend and just on the go! It's hard to track food when you are trying to spend time with family and go shopping, etc. Just take it one day at a time and get back on track. Don't weigh yourself until the end of the week next week at the soonest (Just my opinion). You don't need the extra stress of worrying about numbers! And most of all, know we are all here to support you!! If you need to rant, cry, scream or whatever, we're here!! :flowerforyou: