251 lb, started 257 last week.

Started at 257 lb (about 18 stone ish uk i think). I'm 27, female, always fail at weight loss, and want to succeed this time. I live alone and am looking for some support, particularly if there is anyone similar amount to lose.


  • vvancleemput
    vvancleemput Posts: 7 Member
    hello! though i'm just a littttttle bit smaller than you, we have very similar goals! i just started a couple days ago.. looking forward to the journey. add me! let's help each other out :)
  • ShadaeSoto
    ShadaeSoto Posts: 1 Member
    Let's support one another. Just hit 218 not to long ago and am ready for a change. I started doing a few small short workouts here and there not to overwhelm myself but to get into the habit!
  • turboscrub
    turboscrub Posts: 32 Member
    I'm sort of in a similar situation and I'd love to keep up with you!
  • christalm2014
    christalm2014 Posts: 5 Member
    Started at 257 lb (about 18 stone ish uk i think). I'm 27, female, always fail at weight loss, and want to succeed this time. I live alone and am looking for some support, particularly if there is anyone similar amount to lose.

    I am very similar to your goals! I'm 22 and just re started for the millionth time it feels like add me so we can help each other!
  • AuntieAnon
    AuntieAnon Posts: 23 Member
    We're pretty similar - I'm 26 years old, also living alone, starting weight was 235 after numerous failures. Joined MFP only recently. Let's do this!
  • idalis231
    idalis231 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel you girl... I have a history of failed attempts to lose weight and I'm seriously tired of it. I started my weight loss journey today. I had my baby in January and I need to get this ball rolling to a healthier life. We can do this!!!!!
  • idalis231
    idalis231 Posts: 2 Member
    By the way I'm 5'2 220lbs and ready for change!!