To Gym or Not to Gym, that is the Question...

btheoret Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2015 in Motivation and Support
I constantly struggle with the fact that I have a gym membership. Yes, I said I struggle with that fact. Reason being is I have a gym membership, yet I don't remember the last time I went to the gym.

I'm sure this is commonplace and I'm not alone in this situation.

You know the best thing you can do to rectify this situation? CLOSE your Gym Membership! This will be the first important step towards reaching your fitness goals.

Let's talk about our past...

What do you remember doing as a kid that you really enjoyed? Was it doing home run derbies in your back yard like me? Or swimming in your pool? Or hiking up Mount Mansfield in 5th grade? Think about what you used to do that was "active" and that you really truly enjoyed. Let's just say you used to love going out on the boat with your dad fishing... You could always try taking up kayaking or canoeing? Or maybe you liked softball or baseball as a kid... I'd recommend joining a baseball or softball league. Cold outside all the time? Maybe a basketball league. If you aren't up for competitive sports, no problem, just put on the walking shoes, grab your iPod and hit the streets.

Don't have the Gear?

Take a look on Craigslist or Ebay. There are always great deals on used stuff that people don't use anymore. Or go the free route, which is even better at Freecycle! Check these places out if you are strapped for the proper gear. You don't need the best, just something to get you moving. It's not the gear, it's how you use it!

Have the Gear but not the Motivation?

One thing to do is see if you can find a buddy that is looking to do the same thing. Oftentimes people are just waiting for an excuse to exercise. Think about it... If a good friend was to ask you to come on a walk, wouldn't you want to go? I know I would! Having someone to exercise, or walk, or job, or kayak, or hike, et. al. will make it that much easier to get out and do it. Some places I've found to be helpful is Check it out. You can join groups in your area that get together to do all sorts of things. I've been to a few local guitar circles and they have been a ton of fun. I know that's not fitness, but I wanted to share about my experiences so far. There are Ultimate Frisbee groups, running groups, walking groups, cycling groups, pretty much anything you could think of, there is a group for it on Meetup. Check it out! I insist!

I'm not expert on this subject and I struggle every day like most people do to find motivation to exercise. I know it's tough but I also know how good I feel after getting back from a run. I feel energized and motivated to do it again. Every time I go on a run I feel motivated to keep going and it builds momentum to keep me moving.

Tell me about your struggles and what you've done to try and find ways to push past them. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on what you do to motivate yourself to get moving.

Brian Theoret
- Musician, Mixing Engineer, Producer, Adirondack Style Ski Chair Builder -
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." ~ Bob Marley



  • Vanyahiril
    Vanyahiril Posts: 89 Member
    Horseback riding would be my thing, unfortunately, I don't have the money :( . Some day!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I love my gym. I go all the time. That said, it is not a typical gym. It specializes in small group circuit training classes, so there is always someone telling you what to do and encouraging you to stretch your limits. Also, There is no long term membership. You purchase a series of classes and they expire within 40, 50 or 60 days. So you're motivated to go and use up your classes so you don't waste money.

    So the blanket advice to give up your gym membership to reach your fitness goals is not the answer for everyone. Especially if you have trouble motivating yourself to exercise outdoors in 100+ degree weather or snow/sleet/ice.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    I love the gym. It's my social outlet. I also get motivated seeing others work out. Plus it's a small enough gym where you are accountable. people notice if you haven't been around, etc., notice when you've lost weight, encourage when you need, it's awesome!

    I don't do a lot of classes but there is a pilates on Thursday that I love [it's more pi-yo]. I mainly do weights and run indoors on treadmill when weather is bad. I also take spinning in the winter. There are many who love this class called body works [like a mini weight lifting] but I lift weights with the men in the free weights area. :O) Trish
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    I have tried on many occasions to do videos, etc. at home, and it doesn't work for me. I need the gym. I do run outside by myself no problem though. Go figure!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    I go to the gym, and I like it, because:

    - Injuries: I've got a broken leg, and I don't have space for a stationary bike at home.
    - Climate control: the temperature here in the summer is in the 90s and 100s, not good for an outdoor workout.
    - Safety: sometimes I have to exercise by myself, and I don't feel comfortable being out alone on lonely country roads, or when it's dark.
    - Variety and motivation: there's always something new to try at the gym. Taking a class, seeing what exercises other people are doing, or getting a tip from a trainer or another member makes exercise more fun.

    Besides going to the gym, I take dance classes, skate, hike, and bike (when my leg isn't broken).