Raw fruit and veggie allergy....now what

After I had my first son 13.5yrs ago, I became allergic to all fresh fruits and most raw veggies. I can eat lettuce and spinach raw and that's about it. How do I eat healthier without being able to have these major components? I miss fruits so much, it makes me so sad sometimes! Once in the summer, I will take a nibble of a watermelon and chase it with benedryl....it sucks!!! I can have apple pie (of course) because it's cooked and I can eat cooked veggies, as long as they are 'well done'. I need some ideas on healthy snacking that won't cause me to have to break out my epi-pen! Thank you!


  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Hard boiled eggs, turkey roll ups, popcorn, nuts, cheese sticks, popcorn?
  • caffeinatedcami
    caffeinatedcami Posts: 168 Member
    Wow that sounds just awful. I really feel for you because I love fresh fruits and veggies. I like light string cheese or plain Greek yogurt with honey as a snack. Can you eat nuts? Almonds are a good snack.
  • winnie141
    winnie141 Posts: 211 Member
    It's funny you said this my husband has a lot of allergies (nuts, bananas, raw carrots, raw celery) everyone told him it was in his head as far as the raw veggies goes (frustrating)He eats a lot of cheese (low fat) cooked veggies. Have you tried cooked fruit in muffins?
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hard boiled eggs, turkey roll ups, popcorn, nuts, cheese sticks, popcorn?

    Commas around the "nuts" is handy. Pun may or may not be intended.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    See an allergist. Could be a Oral Allergy Syndrome.

    I had this before it had a name and there were many people who didn't believe me. People tend to believe things with names more readily than things that are explained to them, lol. Small minds.

    Fwiw, I got a lot of the fresh foods back. There are still some I can't eat, but most of them came back. I hope yours come back, too. :)
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Just cook everything. What's the big deal. Stewed fruits are one of my favourites.

    And how can you be allergic to every raw fruit and vegie? I know of one compound in a lot of things that some people become intolerant of but its not true of all of them. And its also possible to recover from this intolerance. Perhaps you need to work with a specialist in this area to overcome whatever your intolerance issue is.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited August 2015
    First of all you can cook and stir fry all veggies
    Would that be oke? Because you sad raw specifically

    Now for fruits there are fruits that even cooked are delicious and make also wonderful ice creams
    fried apples with cinnamon and sugar, pears works really wel too
    cooked strawberries and peaches to jam, syrups, puree for over yogurt really delicious
    Cooked or oven broiled grapefruit ( with or without liqueur :) ) nomnomnom

    So if you only have it for raw veggies and fruit...than cook them make ice creams out of cooked and mashed pears/apples etcetc.
    Be adventurous

    however when it is for veggies or fruit cooked and raw...well than you have a lot of other food to explore and eat...healthy is not in what you eat. It is more in how balanced you can eat.
    Pizza everybody shouts...fast food, bad etc etc
    My pizza is pizza crust with fresh spinach and other veggies, and tomato herbs cheeses olives ( those i buy) some chicken breast etc etc and all out of my own garden I make my own tomato paste and of course lots of garlic and herbs ( yes i grow those myself too)...so pretty healthy
    And very gooood

    so dare to cook and explore lots of great food to make and eat.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited August 2015
    Patttience wrote: »
    Just cook everything. What's the big deal. Stewed fruits are one of my favourites.

    And how can you be allergic to every raw fruit and vegie? I know of one compound in a lot of things that some people become intolerant of but its not true of all of them. And its also possible to recover from this intolerance. Perhaps you need to work with a specialist in this area to overcome whatever your intolerance issue is.
    You're giving a very good example of what I encountered. "Oh, you're allergic to it fresh, but you can eat it canned in syrup?" said in That Tone that let's you know they're not falling for this lie. "You can't eat tomatoes on your burger, but you can in spaghetti sauce?"

    Yup! I couldn't eat fresh peaches or tomatoes. Still can't eat fresh tomatoes, but peaches I got back.

    The allergist believed me. My family believed me. So did close friends. Lots of other people didn't. They'd even say, "You don't like strawberries." No, I did like them. I just had to stop eating them fresh for a long, long time.

    It's a real thing. It has a name now. Oral Allergy Syndrome.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Fruit like pineapple, apricots, and peaches are great on the grill - you can cook them as "well done" as you need/want to. Or roast them along with vegetables that you enjoy. Most roasted veggies and fruit are also great after being chilled and "dressed" with a vinaigrette (you can use flavored vinegars and/or flavored oils). Cherries are phenomenal this summer - I would try roasting them and then eating them chilled.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Get an appointment with an allergist, there might be ways a specialist can help. We have a family friend who has something similar, and with time she has managed to eat some fruit. Still not everything, but some.
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    I have OAS
    I can eat a small salad, coleslaw and apples
  • 1linde
    1linde Posts: 34 Member
    I was also going to suggest a lot can change over the years and allergy testing is much better. Go and get retested and get to the specifics. The nature of my allergies have changed quite a bit over the years and also have changed when I have moved to different parts of the country.

    You may also be able to use supplements - I use a greens powder that I mix in a drink usually in a smoothie to mask the flavor and sometimes use a Gardens of Greens antioxidant ace drink where you drink link an ounce. They aren't raw and would give you the nutrients. There are so many products to choose from you can get your nutritional needs met without eating them raw if you have to - if you are correct then you can always consult with a nutritionist or get a free consult at a good natural foods store or vitamin shop - you should have one in your town that does consultations.
  • shay77223
    shay77223 Posts: 29 Member
    I suggest stewing, roasting, or bbqing peaches, eat them with milk and cinnamon and nutmeg on top. Soooo good! Can you eat dried fruits? A lot of bulk food sections at the supermarket have interesting options. You could make some tasty berries into jam, and make a pb and j tortilla wrap. You could cook the veggies/fruits then freeze them, use the frozen product for smoothies. Sautéed banana slices with honey and cinnamon is killer too.
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    Could you not steam them til soft? Then they will retain a bit more of their goodness?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Could you not steam them til soft? Then they will retain a bit more of their goodness?

    Steaming might work for some, but didn't work for me. Boiling did, though. Roasting - if they got left in there long enough.

    It's the most bizarre thing and different people have different foods they can and can't eat, different degrees of trouble.

    I still cannot eat melons. I like the flavors, but can't eat the fruits.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    What exactly are you allergic too? What substance do all fruits and vegetables share?

    But, there is nothing wrong with eating all your fruits and vegetables cooked. Raw foods are not required for health or weight control.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited August 2015
    What exactly are you allergic too? What substance do all fruits and vegetables share?

    But, there is nothing wrong with eating all your fruits and vegetables cooked. Raw foods are not required for health or weight control.
    For years, they had no idea. Allergists and doctors had talked to each other and found that they all had patients who had this, "I can eat it if it's thoroughly cooked or soaked in sugar for a long time, but I can't eat it fresh" thing. Nobody knew why.

    They said it might be the seeds. Then they said it was the hairs on the things. Then they said it might be some stalk remnant. I never cared much because the Why didn't change anything. I still couldn't eat my fruits.

    Now, they tied it to proteins in the foods that are no longer a problem after it's cooked. I assume the proteins are denatured by some kind of (or maybe just regular) heat, but I only think that because it makes sense to me and am not really sure what they came up with. The heat from canning doesn't do it, though. I could eat peaches in heavy syrup, but light syrup was more problematic.

    Some people still don't believe it, lol, but at least those who believe things with names will now believe it.

    Yes, you can cook the things and eat them. I could always eat banana bread but couldn't (and still cannot) eat bananas.

    Some things are harder. It's difficult to cook watermelon. So, some things are just out.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Not sure if you're having problems finding snacks because you have a mentality of what "snacks" should be, or if you need quick things on the go.

    If you're at your desk and need a mid-meal snack, don't limit yourself to "snack" foods; nothing wrong with roasted veggies or roasted fruits (all sorts of recipes online). There's also yogurt, spoonful of peanut butter, etc.

    If you need something on the go, try something like string cheese, jerky, boiled eggs, etc.

    As for missing foods you can't eat; it is what it is, and it sucks. If you can find preparations of the foods you like, that's great, but I have a feeling you're always going to miss fresh fruit because you can't have it. But, it's not worth the reaction.
  • tiffanyr824
    tiffanyr824 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing allergy immunotherapy for a year now, my allergy test was done and the allergist said it's the worst she's ever seen. Im allergic to every weed, grass ,tree on the test and when most people's results are around 7,8,9 mine were 20, 30, 35 etc. If I knew the answer to "how can you be allergic to every raw fruit and vegie"...I would let you know, I can eat lettuce and spinach raw, that's about it. I'm just searching for healthy snacks options that maybe I hadn't thought of...it really sucks, I used to eat bowls of fruit everyday, I'm hoping the therapy will help. The allergist said it may be 3-5 years before I see good results....thanks for the snack ideas!
    Patttience wrote: »
    Just cook everything. What's the big deal. Stewed fruits are one of my favourites.

    And how can you be allergic to every raw fruit and vegie? I know of one compound in a lot of things that some people become intolerant of but its not true of all of them. And its also possible to recover from this intolerance. Perhaps you need to work with a specialist in this area to overcome whatever your intolerance issue is.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You can roast edamame. It's very good. Maybe you can eat that.