
Exercise & eating right to reduce cellulite is kinda a given, but is there anything else?

Do those anti-cellulite creams work?

Or massaging the areas?

Any insite helps. :o)


  • Linnleex3
    Linnleex3 Posts: 20
    Did you know that taking in seaweed can help with that?
    You can eat it dry, boil it and eat it, or take it in a supplement :)

    Hope this helps!
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    I'm not sure if the seaweed idea is accurate, but I do highly recommend seaweed chips as a snack. I ordered a bunch off of amazon.com -- low cal, low sodium, so healthy and satiating!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Did you know that taking in seaweed can help with that?
    You can eat it dry, boil it and eat it, or take it in a supplement :)

    Hope this helps!

    Seaweed? Really?! I love seasweed, toasted, yay! :)

    Anyways, I was going to say toning and toning and toning. I don't believe the creams work at all.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Cellulite is a topographic skin change that occurs in most postpubertal females.[1] It presents as a modification of skin topography evident by skin dimpling and nodularity that occurs mainly in women on the pelvic region, lower limbs, and abdomen, and is caused by the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue, leading to a padded or orange peel–like appearance.[2] Cellulite is a description rather than a physical object.[3] The term was first used in the 1920s, and began appearing in English language publications in the late 1960s, with the earliest reference in Vogue magazine, "Like a swift migrating fish, the word cellulite has suddenly crossed the Atlantic."[4] Its existence as a real disorder has been questioned,[5] and the prevailing medical opinion is that it is merely the "normal condition of many women".[6] One cosmetic company has noted its historical place in industrialised societies as an "inappropriate term used by women to describe curves which they judge to be too plump and not very aesthetic".[7]

    Synonyms include: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy. Descriptive names for cellulite include orange peel syndrome, and cottage cheese skin.

    I got that from wikipedia...just like you can't use a cream to get rid of your gut fat, you can't use a cream to get rid of your leg fat...
  • Linnleex3
    Linnleex3 Posts: 20
    Did you know that taking in seaweed can help with that?
    You can eat it dry, boil it and eat it, or take it in a supplement :)

    Hope this helps!

    Seaweed? Really?! I love seasweed, toasted, yay! :)

    Anyways, I was going to say toning and toning and toning. I don't believe the creams work at all.

    Yeah, it's really good!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Just happened to read about this one of my websites. I'll try to post the link.
    It said grapefruit is GREAT for helping smooth out cellulite. They said eat it, juice it. I probably wouldn't drink grapefruit juice from the stores because of sugar. But you could squeeze your own and put some splenda in it. They said it takes about 2 weeks to see a difference. I'll go see about finding you the link. HTH's :)
  • Linnleex3
    Linnleex3 Posts: 20
    I'm not sure if the seaweed idea is accurate, but I do highly recommend seaweed chips as a snack. I ordered a bunch off of amazon.com -- low cal, low sodium, so healthy and satiating!

    I'm not 100% sure either, but Dr. Oz said so...and every little tip I've ever followed from him has worked...I'm only 18 but I've had cellulite (minor case) and the seaweed trick totally worked!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I have always had cellulite (thanks mom!) even though i am very slim. I have found that body brushing helps. Nothing major, but a little help is always nice. To be honest, the best thing is fake tanner. For some reason when my skin looks a little darker, it is less noticeable, haha :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    I got that from wikipedia...just like you can't use a cream to get rid of your gut fat, you can't use a cream to get rid of your leg fat...

    I agree. Creams don't work. Eating certain fruits don't work. You can't target certain fat by eating specific things. You just have to drink tons of water, eat SUPER clean (nothing processed, etc), cardio and LOTS of toning exercies. This means you need to do some strength training. This will reduce the appearance, but not make it go away all together. I've read brushing the skin with a soft bristled brush can help, using foam rollers as a massage sort of thing can help, and many other things. There are so many claims to make it go away. Trust me, I wish they all worked! And I wish it was easy. haha!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly what has helped my cellulite in the back is a ton of squats and lunges. I went from having a lot of cellulite on the backs of my legs and rear end, to have almost none.. its pretty much a miracle if you ask me.
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    I have it on the outside of my thighs. Since I've started running, I have noticed a difference.. but it's still there. It will probably always be there. Just learn to accept. That's the way I feel about my post-baby stretch marks. They are getting better, but they are always going to be around...Just gotta learn to accept it! You are beautiful with or without them!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I have always had cellulite (thanks mom!) even though i am very slim. I have found that body brushing helps. Nothing major, but a little help is always nice. To be honest, the best thing is fake tanner. For some reason when my skin looks a little darker, it is less noticeable, haha :)

    Having a tan DEFINITELY helps!! :) Yay summertime! haha!

    **Edit: Agree with newmommy, just gotta accept it. I have it on my legs and HATE it. Sometimes I don't even want to wear shorts, but I finally got to the point where I'm like, "screw it. It's summertime, it's hot, my husband loves me, I work out and eat healthy so I just gotta let go and love myself no matter what." you can only do so much.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Grapefruits contain the wonderful anti-inflammatory and skin-cleaning enzyme bromelain. Grapefruits are the mildest citrus fruit in acid-content, yet thay retain the strong antiseptic, mucus-dissolving properties found in all citrus fruits. They are also the mild in sugar content, making them gentle on the pancreas as well as blood-sugar levels.

    Sorry couldn't find the link. So I just copied the info.
  • Kiwi_09
    Kiwi_09 Posts: 65
    And just because you lose weight it doesn't go away. I've had cellulite while being at a size 2. It's not horrible, just on the back of my thighs but I don't think mine will ever completely go away.

    I found the the nivea cream helps reduce it a bit, but if you stop using it, it becomes more noticeable again.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am cursed with it too. i have it bad right now at 149lb .What i did before was drop to about 130 to 135 and do a bunch of butt and leg strength muscle building exercises to build under the cellulite and help flatten. I was over 200lbs before so my skin stretched and that makes it even harder for me to get rid of it but it is possible not 100% but 80% to 90 % which i will take.
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in the same boat...never had cellulite though until after I went onto the pill. I had horrid fast weight gain, and have had the worst time trying to get my thighs to get back to their normal size. There was always a little bit but never this much, and never as widespread. Though my legs have shrunk, I have loose-looking skin and the ever-present cellulite. I think it'll be tough, but time to just accept that some of it will always be there. Drinking water and trying to eat healthily seem to be the normal advice, but it's mine too. And just think, if there's a zombie apocalypse, it's there for you!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I have always had cellulite (thanks mom!) even though i am very slim. I have found that body brushing helps. Nothing major, but a little help is always nice. To be honest, the best thing is fake tanner. For some reason when my skin looks a little darker, it is less noticeable, haha :)

    I body brush every day and I agree that it does help. I posted about it the other day. It takes long-term commitment but I find I can get it done in 2-4 minutes, which is really nothing in the grand scheme of things and I LOVE the way it makes my skin feel! :flowerforyou: