New to calorie counting and my fitnesspal

just dropped in to say hi I'm 21 and trying to get from 155 lbs to 135 lbs been tracking for ten days! Lost 1 lb


  • lasita
    lasita Posts: 4
    Hey! Don't get discouraged! I wish you the best of luck!
  • tproctor
    tproctor Posts: 90 Member
    I gotta tell ya, I have always resisted counting calories as a weight loss plan. I mean, what a PAIN! But MFP makes it so easy it is almost FUN! I have learned a great deal about the foods I eat and that information has helped me make better choices. For example, there is a restaurant near my home that serves a great Chef's Salad. Little did I know it was a 1200 calorie salad! Anyway welcome! Add me as a friend if you like so we can share motivation!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Yes, having the smartphone app *really helps*. I have used it to make better choices before I eat. My first awakening was the first day when I posted my Starbucks Oatmeal Cookie *after* I ate it, saying "Holy Cow! 300 calories! I coulda had a MEAL for that!"
  • ariesangel
    ariesangel Posts: 15
    welcome!!! i also just started a few weeks ago. a friend pointed me towards this site. this is also my first time with counting calories as well. i always resisted going the calorie counting path because i thought it was so much hassle, but this site makes it so easy and im actually succeeding now. you can do this!!! its only been a couple weeks and i just hit my 5lb mark. 5 down, 140 to go!
  • Kscalbe
    Kscalbe Posts: 3
    One pound is great! Don't be discouraged. Your body will take time to adjust. Try Eating 5-6 times a day- healthy snacks between meals to let your body know you plan to feed it regularly. Keep up the good work.:love:
  • myronj62
    myronj62 Posts: 1
    1 pound in ten days is good you don't want to loose more then 1-1.5 a week. I lost 32lbs in 16 months. Just keep moving and whatching what you eat. Make two thirds of your plate fruits and veggies. Try and droop 500 cals from your diet or burn off 300 and eat 200 less. The more you work out and burn off the more you can eat!
  • Thanks guys you are all so encouraging it means Lot :) I just bought a new scale upgraded to LCD so now I really know exactly how much I'm loosing can't wait to get home and use it!