Intermittent fasting questions


I'm considering giving intermittent fasting a go, I believe it could really help me with my yoga practice (i.e. by helping me become more in tune with my body etc.) and from what I've read it could also help give my digestive system a break (I have IBS).

Anyway, I'm completely new to fasting and not sure which method to go with. At the moment I'm leaning toward one 24 hour fast per week, 1pm to 1pm. I have a few questions regarding fasting:

- Is there is any advantage in doing a 24 hours fast once a week as opposed to 5:2?
- If I go with the 24 hour fast, should I ease into it and start with say 12 hours and build up to a 24 hour fast from there?
- Should I eat more/less before/after a fast?
- Can I still have things like coffee, protein shakes (I have a vegan mix made with almond milk) and vegetable juice, or does that count as a meal?
- Do I log a fast in MFP?

Any comments would be much appreciated.



  • lajohnson2007
    lajohnson2007 Posts: 1 Member
    I do 16 hour fasts 6pm to 10am or 8pm to 12pm... I can't log the fast in MFP they don't let me, but I don't miss a full day of meals. After I am done with the fast I eat a normal size meal for my diet. I do not eat more. I do this once or twice a week. I don't think you need to go long periods of time on a fast 16 hours has worked for me. I have been on my diet and exercise plan for 25 days and I have lost 8 lbs in total. I would have lost more but had to stop exercising for a week after I injured myself. I lose about 2 lbs a week with no crazy diets or expensive workout videos. I would say 16 hour fasts are great and have worked for me. I went straight into it did not need to prep or do 12 hours first.
  • jaeisla
    jaeisla Posts: 56 Member
    I pretty much do the same as the lajohnson2007. The only difference is I do it 7x a week and I eat from 12-6. I started cold turkey after I heard the Hodge Twins and Brandon Carter talk about it on YouTube. I still drink coffee and protein shakes are necessary to meet my macro needs in such a short feeding window. What you eat is really determined by your caloric needs and workouts/lifestyle. Kara Corey and Stephanie Person are other YouTubers that can give you a female perspective on IF.
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    A 16 hour fast sounds very similar to simply skipping either breakfast or dinner? I was always told skipping meals was bad for you?
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited August 2015
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    A 16 hour fast sounds very similar to simply skipping either breakfast or dinner? I was always told skipping meals was bad for you?

    The 5:2 fast that you describe in your OP usually involves maintenance 5 days a week and 2 days with a meal of 500 calories.
    Dieters are recommended to consume a ‘normal’ number of calories five days a week and then, for two, non-consecutive days, eat just 25% of their usual calorie total - 500 calories for women and 600 for men.
  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    I eat my calories on a 5-2 basis. I have two days at 500 cals and eat around 2000 the rest of the week. The fasting days are actually a hell of Lot easier than I expected and I like being able to eat what I want within reason the rest of the time.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2015
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »

    I'm considering giving intermittent fasting a go, I believe it could really help me with my yoga practice (i.e. by helping me become more in tune with my body etc.) and from what I've read it could also help give my digestive system a break (I have IBS).

    That depends on the mechanism of your IBS. Some do horribly with fasts others do amazingly. Either way, you won't know until you try.
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    - Is there is any advantage in doing a 24 hours fast once a week as opposed to 5:2?

    5:2 can actually be a 24 hour fast. They are not mutually exclusive. All you need to do is to stop eating at a certain time the day before and go till same time next day when you would consume your 500 calorie meal. As for advantages, that's for you to decide. Since your goals are spiritual why not try, one, then then other then both together and see which style gives you better mindfulness and spiritual growth.
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    - If I go with the 24 hour fast, should I ease into it and start with say 12 hours and build up to a 24 hour fast from there?

    You could ease into it, but in reality it's not worth it. a 24 hour fast isn't as hard as you think it is. it only means skipping one meal.. many people do that often. It's just that the number is kind of scary (24= a day) at a first glance. People keep confusing this with a true full day fast (36 hours) where they would be consuming no meals.
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    - Should I eat more/less before/after a fast?
    It doesn't matter. Although stocking up on slow releasing carbs may be wise if you are not used to it yet or are prone to low blood sugar.
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    - Can I still have things like coffee, protein shakes (I have a vegan mix made with almond milk) and vegetable juice, or does that count as a meal?
    Most fasts allow nearly calorie-free beverages like coffee, tea and diet soda. Other beverages that contain calories like juices and shakes are considered food. One variation (the warrior) allows nibbling on things like fruits and vegetables, and sometimes protein shakes throughout the day. Other variations allow only water. Choose whichever fits your preferences and goals better.
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    - Do I log a fast in MFP?

    I usually do to make sure I don't go over 500 calories on fast days (I do every other day diet). If your goals have nothing to do with weight loss and you don't wish to log, then it's up to you.

    In short, there are no hard rules to fasting. Just pick a system, modify it to fit your needs, and go for it. No one is going to give you a bad grade if you, for example, choose to do 5:2 and eat 650 calories on fast days because that's what fits you better, or if you do a 23 hour fast instead of 24. Ultimately you decide. Whether your goals are spiritual or for the purpose of weight loss, the fast you are more likely to follow (even if not perfectly executed) is the right fast for you.

    All other claimed benefits and differences between the different types of fasting are too minor to matter, and in some cases too pseudo-sciency. If it helps you regulate your calories, it's a great tool for weight loss. If it helps your individualized spiritual goals, it's done its job. Everything else is noise.

    Edit: regardless of the fast you end up going for, make sure to drink enough liquids (mainly water) during your fast. Reducing food intake leads to reduced liquid intake (you are no longer getting the water found in foods you used to eat) which may cause headache and dehydration.
  • Bizzarrini
    Bizzarrini Posts: 69 Member
    I did a milk 'fast' yesterday. I drank a litre and a half of whole goats milk throughout the day and also had coffee and herbal teas. Milk is a great whole food and I didn't feel hungry because the fat and protein are satisfying. I came in at about 800 calories. Felt great and lost 2lbs after a 2 weeks plateau. Hopefully it shook up my body in a good way. Will try to do this once a week, although will be using raw milk from now on. I find it easier just to do the whole day which when I worked it out (having eaten dinner the night before at 6.30pm and then eating breakfast this morning at 7am) was actually a 36.5 hour fast. Easier than counting down the hours. Good luck
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    A 16 hour fast sounds very similar to simply skipping either breakfast or dinner? I was always told skipping meals was bad for you?

    We all were told that, but it is not true.
    I eat dinner and a large snack later before bed.
    I eat all of my daily 1400 calories and all of my daily protein in those two meals.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I do 21:3 and eat from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.. 10 weeks and 28 lbs lost.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    edited November 2015
    I do 16 hour fasts 6pm to 10am or 8pm to 12pm... I can't log the fast in MFP they don't let me, but I don't miss a full day of meals. After I am done with the fast I eat a normal size meal for my diet. I do not eat more. I do this once or twice a week. I don't think you need to go long periods of time on a fast 16 hours has worked for me. I have been on my diet and exercise plan for 25 days and I have lost 8 lbs in total. I would have lost more but had to stop exercising for a week after I injured myself. I lose about 2 lbs a week with no crazy diets or expensive workout videos. I would say 16 hour fasts are great and have worked for me. I went straight into it did not need to prep or do 12 hours first.

    You can change the titles tabs to read fasting..
    (fasting instead of breakfast. It works on all meals.) Change to what ever you want.
    I also fast. Skipping breakfast only because most days I am not hungry until close to noon.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm an IFer who follows the Leangains method. I do a 14 hour fast/10 hour feed daily since that's the recommended split for women instead of the 16/8 for men. I also carb cycle; 1700 to 2000 calorie intake of high carb, low fat on lifting days and 1200 to 1500 calorie intake of high fat, low carb on cardio and rest days. This method works beautifully for me. My hunger levels have changed and I'm more in tune with my body. I workout fasted and drink black coffee and BCAAs pre and post workout in the morning and break my fast with a protein shake at 9:00 or so. My last meal is at 6:15 or so.