Stopped a Binge in Its Tracks



  • freesia83
    freesia83 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, great post, well done,not easy but you did it. A lesson learnt thank you.
  • Djrundle13
    Djrundle13 Posts: 54 Member
    Great work!

    I find my challenging times are when I'm getting close to exhaustion stage. DUe to work, kids bad sleep, but those are rough days. don't feel like cooking, prepping, eating healthy, or exersizing. But reading these stories help me through.

    thanks for sharing.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Very well written post and I too can relate. I think the most important part of your post is that you need to be present in that moment otherwise a binge can spiral out of control. Thank you for writing this...I'm going to try to remember it the next time I have a craving.
  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you, really.

    My mum took me out for a birthday brunch yesterday (over 1400 cals for the "tea time"). She chose where we went. I had gone easy on the cals on Thursday because I knew it would be a heavy day Friday.

    Unfortunately, in the evening I kept eating. I'm trying today to start fresh. Normally this sort of thing would set me back for a couple of weeks. "why not take the whole weekend off" then on Monday, "why not take the whole week off" then next Friday "may as well have one more weekend and start again on Monday" - lather, rinse, repeat.

    I'm really trying to stop this one in it's tracks though. This post has just given me the extra boost I think I needed. :smiley:
  • Betsyx72
    Betsyx72 Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome post! It's great to read about someone else with similar issues. I am a stress binge-eater and MFP has helped me be more mindful and less emotionally impulsive. I think having a committment to logging everything has helped. One thing I did after a recent "mini-binge" (my first since joining this site about 3 weeks ago) is prelog the foods and calories onto the next day's diary entry, rather than adding it to the current day. That way instead of punishing myself for today (and giving up and eating an even more outrageous amount, like you talked about in your post), instead I made myself accountable for tomorrow. It helped me stop that binge, and also stopped the continuation of the pattern the next day (because of knowing I would need to log anything) and the day after that. And I also did exercise. Do you think this was an ok way of handling it? After reading posts from friends with eating disorders, I am a little nervous I might turn into someone obsessed with counting calories and get ED or something (so far, not), to replace my binging. I don't want to start any new unhealthy psychological habits.
  • cherries12345
    cherries12345 Posts: 70 Member
    I know this post is old, but I just wanted to say this really helped. I felt a binge coming on tonight or even tomorrow, and I was looking for some motivation on here when I found this. I really love your thought process. It's pretty much what I wrote in my "food notes" when I binged a few days ago to prevent myself from doing it again. I ate cake and cashews tonight and logged it for breakfast instead to make myself feel better, but this reminded me it's only a small hiccup. I feel like tomorrow might be a hard day to tackle, but I can get through it and resume a regular eating pattern.
  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
    I love the detailed accounts and thoughts.
    Do any of you find that the binges are brought on by emotions? I'm really working to try and relate my binges to a trigger and see if I can't stop them.
  • kelieghjane
    kelieghjane Posts: 31 Member
    I love the detailed accounts and thoughts.
    Do any of you find that the binges are brought on by emotions? I'm really working to try and relate my binges to a trigger and see if I can't stop them.

    Myn can be emotions, boredom or hunger

    I love the op you described me to a t. I'm really going to try and remember this next time I feel a binge coming and hopefully stop it before it gets to out of hand. I've promised myself to log all my binges and it is starting to show a patten