Calories vs calories

hey guys so iv been wondering...
When calorie counting would it be exactly the same eating 300 calories worth of nuts for example as it would be for a 300 calorie burger or pizza? Iv seen people comment saying you can eat whatever you want in a day as long as your within your calorie goal but surely if I used my 1200 calories on junk I'd gain weight not loose it?
Ps I have no intention of doing so this is mainly out of curiosity so I can get my facts straight x


  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    For fat loss it would exactly the same. Calories are calories. The reason vegetables and stuff are "better" is because they contain micronutrients. Those are important for general health, but they are not required to lose weight.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    No, you would not gain weight. Your health might suffer on the long run, but for weight loss/gain purposes, calories are calories. One problem might be though that when eating very calorie dense food, you might end up not filling full and going over your calorie goals because of this.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You will lose weight, as long as your in a deficit - regardless of which foods you eat. HOWEVER, you will likely feel like *kitten* eating 1800 calories in donuts and mcd's as opposed to veggies and fruits with protein. Also, you get more food when you eat healthy.

    Not going to lie, I have had days were all I ate was cake and ice cream...I could only have two servings and then the rest of the day I suffered. It sucks *kitten* - it is best to use the calories wisely.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It would be exactly the same. Calories are a unit of measurement, like an inch or a mile. Thats why calorie counting works to lose weight. Many people here have lost a lot of weight (including myself) without restricting food and by counting calories. I eat probably what you would consider "junk" all the time, if I restricted the foods that I love, i would have failed in my weight loss.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited August 2015
    It doesn't have to be all one way or all the other way.

    I eat about 80% of my daily calories with nutrient-rich foods. The other 20% can go toward whatever I wish.

    The 80% fills me up and meets my nutritional goals. The 20% keeps me from feeling deprived. Without that leeway, I'd give up and quit so I would actually end up eating fewer nutrients.
  • coralp123
    coralp123 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks guys I rarely eat sweets/ junk food normally only around 'that time of the month' I was just struggling to get my head how people cN still eat fast foods day in day out and lose weight but it's been explained perfectly
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Yes, 300 cals of x and 300 cals of y would be equals as far as energy.

    Where it can get complicated is whether the estimate of energy that x and y contains is correct or not. The energy contained in nuts and protein are believed by some to be overstated and if this is so then a diet consisting largely of meat and nuts might put you at a lower overall energy intake than a diet consisting of foods which available energy was accurately measured; if in both diets you were shooting for 1200 calories.
    This scenario playing out wouldn't mean that meat and nuts are therefore better for weight loss than any other diet, all it means is that measurement error has come into play and affected the outcome.

    Error in estimating energy will also be why a pizza slice that is generally estimated as 300 calories may actually be 400 calories, while the slice next to it in the same pie is 200 calories. Or why a 300 calorie burger might actually be 500 because the kitchen was extra liberal with the hamburger portion, the mayo and other toppings.

    The best you can do is try to be as accurate and as honest as possible when tracking calories to keep your errors in tracking to a minimum. If you eat a huge apple loaded with heaps of peanut butter, logging it as a small apple with just one serving of PB is going to be an error on your part in estimating energy. And it wouldn't follow from that error of course that apples and pb are poor food choices for weight loss.

  • jordanwhite91
    jordanwhite91 Posts: 2 Member
    You'll loose more weight faster if you ate healthy and nutritious food compared to eatting junk food.

    See I lost more weight when I cut out carbs to when I just cut my calories. Everyone is different so what works for some doesn't for others.

    Eat less and exercise = results.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    for the purpose of your question OP you've got your answer, and yes, if someone stays within their caloric limits while eating junk food they will lose weight.

    for the purpose of completion and more along the lines of the error issue raised by @Lourdesong food requires energy in order to be eaten, digested, and converted into energy by your body.

    The Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) is generally considered to be about 10% of your caloric intake. But different foods have a different Thermic Effect. So the thermic effect of absorbing the carbohydrates in a soda, for example, is different than the thermic effect of absorbing the protein from an almond.

    Additionally, certain harder to digest foods, "fake the count".

    So, the aforementioned almonds, for example, sometimes pass through your body without being completely digested. Essentially you ate the calories... and poo'ed them out... un-used, resulting in a reduction of the net calories you actually absorbed!

    Now, while all these effects are sort of neat to contemplate, and may affect your weight loss at the margin, they are certainly minor compared to eating at an overall deficit which is what will help you achieve weight loss (and eating the right macro mix for health and to protect your lean muscle mass).
  • jonnybhoy
    jonnybhoy Posts: 84 Member
    It's been my birthday week and although I have been eating the same 1500 kCal a day, I have been eating out and had cake, result is 3 lbs on - up to this point I have lost a total of 22lbs cutting out added sugar
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    food is food.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    You'll loose more weight faster if you ate healthy and nutritious food compared to eatting junk food.

    See I lost more weight when I cut out carbs to when I just cut my calories. Everyone is different so what works for some doesn't for others.

    Eat less and exercise = results.

    That's water weight.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Yeah sure, but I would rather have 3 meals than 3 pieces of pizza in a day. At my height and weight loss goal, I have a low calorie goal; not gonna starve for cookies lmao.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I didn't know I had to choose between eating 3 proper meals and stuffing myself with nothing but pizza. Guess I've been doing it completely wrong, having both proper meals and treats.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    A slice of thin crust pizza may be 200-250 calories. I'd certainly rather have three regular meals than 600-750 calories of pizza and nothing else. That would be way below any sensible calorie goal.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    In a nutshell:

    A calorie is a calorie. For CICO tracking, there is no "this is better than that".

    What you get it from will influence other factors ( macro and micro nutrient counts, health benefits )

    Its all estimates and guesswork, be as accurate as you can be.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    When it comes to weight loss, 1200 calories of salad/grilled chicken/veggies/fruits is the same as 1200 calories of pizza/cookies/soda. Nutrtion-wise, they're completely different.

    Those of us who tout eating in moderation/not giving up the foods you like, we still focus primarily on getting those nutrients in first and foremost. Any room that's left afterwards will then go towards a treat.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    When it comes to weight loss, 1200 calories of salad/grilled chicken/veggies/fruits is the same as 1200 calories of pizza/cookies/soda. Nutrtion-wise, they're completely different.

    Those of us who tout eating in moderation/not giving up the foods you like, we still focus primarily on getting those nutrients in first and foremost. Any room that's left afterwards will then go towards a treat.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    You'll loose more weight faster if you ate healthy and nutritious food compared to eatting junk food.

    See I lost more weight when I cut out carbs to when I just cut my calories. Everyone is different so what works for some doesn't for others.

    Eat less and exercise = results.
    Math works for everyone.

  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Food substances have many properties.

    The calorie measurement is just one of them.

    There are the nutrients, fiber content to leave you filled feeling, water content, minerals and electrolytes, the anti inflammatory index, cholesterol content, sodium, simple or complex carbs, on and on.

    So this idea that for weight loss, only calories matter is still incomplete.

    It all matters. Nobody wants to lose weight to the detriment of their health. Of course not.

    A calorie is just one attribute of food. Learn more about food to better manage your own health. It is your life and the only body you are gonna get.

    Saying a calorie is the only important thing about food is like saying the color is the only important thing in selecting a new car.

    Learn about food and manage it as a tool to meet your personal goals.