I have 100+ to lose and would love some partners!



  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @carinkay93 Thank you, I'll email you (:

    @amandapanda932011 added you! Thank you for your support and I hope I can reciprocate in any way!
    LAWNYBEE Posts: 46 Member
    Add me x lets do this x
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I love that you are reaching out after struggling to lose weight please get shold of me. I have used a program that has helped me tremendously. XXXXXXXXXXXXX is my personal email I can give my phone number through an email if you are seriously interested in losing weight.


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  • Cockamouse
    Cockamouse Posts: 5 Member
    You are not alone girl!!!! Please add me :)

    I have just rejoined MFP because I have gained 10 kilos since I stopped counting my calories.... 2 years ago I lost 15 kilos in 4 months just by taking seriously my calories intake and exercising.... Although MFP really helped me to keep on track.

    I have just decided not to lie to myself anymore, I need to take action and be in the game !

  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 33 and have hit my all-time high of....and i cringe with self-loathing as I admit this...295. I'm 5'4" so you know that means I'm as wide as I am tall. I decided to re-commit myself to this. Add me if you'd like!
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @Cockamouse welcome back! Thank you for adding me and sharing. It's so hard when your motivated for awhile and then get out of the swing of things. This app is stellar though so we can do it this time :D I'm rooting for us (:

    @chellec23 this all time high thing sucks! I hate remembering what I used to be on the scale and knowing I have to work to get back to a number I wasn't even happy with :/ but I'm here to help motivate you if you ever want to message me, and that goes to anyone, we can get it off and keep it off!

    Everyone here is so amazing, I just want to say thank you again to everyone who has commented, messaged me, added me, and motivated me. You are all wonderful individuals and I hope everyone reaches their goals!
  • GabrielaSamari
    GabrielaSamari Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 20 years old too! I've been struggling with losing weight all my life. And I know that I need to get healthy now so I can improve my future. You can do this! If you need a friend or support I'm here for you!
  • Disneyfan856
    Disneyfan856 Posts: 3 Member
    You're a very pretty girl. The hair is fun too
  • Sweep79
    Sweep79 Posts: 30 Member
    20 Is a great time to start. I'm 35 and have been doing this nearly all your lifetime already! Good luck - I'll add you.
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @GabrielaSamari sent you a request, thanks for posting, I'm here for you as well!

    @Disneyfan856 Thank you for the compliments, it is appreciated (:

    @Sweep79 I accepted! Thank you for the add and encouragement !
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    You can do it, add me if you like :D
  • lilbitoftrouble
    lilbitoftrouble Posts: 2,052 Member
    You can do this my friend. I am 5'1" and my start weight was 199 and now I am at around 127 give a take a few with normal fluctuation. I took some weight off and put it back on but mostly I did this in a little over a year or so. You can add me if you want. I still have some things to work on but hey I have come a long way and so have you.
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Hey :) On every day and am an active support for my friends by liking and commenting on their stuffs!
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @TNoire added you !

    @lilbitoftrouble Congratz on getting to 127! That's awesome! I added you, and thank you for the inspiration!

    @Winterlover123 thank you! Your support will be awesome :D
  • Brandi92809
    Brandi92809 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me too :) we totally got this!
  • rorobonobo
    rorobonobo Posts: 12 Member
    It has to be said that you look amazing, but completely understand your journey. You'll get there for sure! Would definitely love to chat if you're ever looking for motivation or willing to give motivation! Hehe. :)
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @Brandi92809 added (:

    @b0nobo Thank you very much! I appreciate the compliment (: and definitely, I'll be here !
  • JuliaJuliaBoBulia
    JuliaJuliaBoBulia Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in! We have a similar weight loss goal actually. We can do it!
  • Plump2FitPanaQT
    Plump2FitPanaQT Posts: 121 Member
    I also have a little more than 100lbs to lose. I just recently started again and could use all the motivation to make sure I stick to it this time!!! WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!! :triumph::triumph: anybody feel free to add me!!
  • _Chack_
    _Chack_ Posts: 21 Member
    I have 200 pounds to lose and am on day 1. Would love to connect and make this journey a reality!