Why do people eat back their exercise calories?

I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    When I was losing weight, MFP gave me a goal that already put me at a calorie deficit without doing a bit of exercise. If I made that deficit bigger through exercise, I didn't want to run the risk of running out of energy, being too hungry, or losing a lot of muscle (as opposed to fat). Huge deficits aren't good for us. I already had the deficit I needed through my calorie goal, so I ate to fuel my workouts and sustain my wellbeing.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Try eating 1200 calories a day. Then you will understand why some people choose to eat back a portion of their calories.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited August 2015
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!
    Because most people follow the MFP method on MFP which is designed to give you a defecit without exercise..so when you exercise you burn more calories and get to eat more

    Because it is motivating to move more in order to expand your diet

    Because we need to fuel our bodies appropriately for life and fitness

    Because I don't want to burn through more LBM than necessary as I lose weight

    Because food is delicious and it's not an exercise in deprivation

    Because the wider the diet the less chance of crashing and burning

    Because it sets you on a good path for maintenance

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    MFP calories intake suggestions are what you need to lose weight without exercising. Because I am a short middle aged woman I am given 1200 calories without exercise. In order to feel satisfied, have adequate nutrition, strength and energy to be active I need to eat back most of my exercise calories. I have successfully lost weight at the recommended 1% of body weight per week. If I didn't eat back calories I might lose an extra pound a week but at what cost to my physical and mental well being?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I work out to get more fit and currently to train to complete various races. The calories I eat are based on what I think I need to lose some weight while fueling my performance/training so it's effective and I continue to make fitness improvements, and--important--don't lose more muscle mass than is absolutely necessary. At this point there's be no benefit to me in getting thinner if my body fat percentage did not decrease.

    Therefore, I figure out what my overall maintenance calories are including my exercise and take a reasonable deficit from them.

    MFP/eating calories back is a way to do this if you aren't consistent with exercise. Basically you (or MFP) figure out what your maintenance would be if you did not exercise, take a sensible deficit from that, and then if you do exercise it adds that back in and takes the deficit from that--which gives you the same number as if you'd planned to include the exercise all along and done it my way.

    What's NOT sensible is pretending you don't exercise when you do, taking as extreme a deficit as you can, and then adding to the deficit by exercising. If you actually count and log your calories properly, you won't be properly fueling your activity and will risk not making the fitness advances (if you care about those, I suppose some don't) or losing more muscle mass than you need to.

    However, if you don't log well then I suppose it doesn't matter. Better to try to log correctly, though, IMO.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!

    The way many people use MFP is to create their deficit using their non-exercise burns, and then adding in calorie burns for any "intentional" exercise. So the exercise burns end up being on top of the intended caloric deficit. If you're following that path, doing meaningful amounts of exercise with a big deficit and then not eating back exercise calories is a *great* way to crash and burn.

    It's a really poor way of doing it, for a variety of reasons, but what can you do, it is what it is.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!

    The way many people use MFP is to create their deficit using their non-exercise burns, and then adding in calorie burns for any "intentional" exercise. So the exercise burns end up being on top of the intended caloric deficit. If you're following that path, doing meaningful amounts of exercise with a big deficit and then not eating back exercise calories is a *great* way to crash and burn.

    It's a really poor way of doing it, for a variety of reasons, but what can you do, it is what it is.

    Works for me *shrugs*

    I even set my activity level to sedentary and allow my fitbit to adjust my calorie intake on activity alone as I find it motivating to know the bare minimum level at which my weight will maintain ..and know that each day that will adjust just from being out of bed and getting on with my day ...I like that part

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    edited August 2015
    Few possible reasons:

    1) To ensure that you have enough energy for your workouts. Probably more important for bodybuilders, runners and athletes.
    2) To ensure that you do not lose a lot of muscle. This can get complicated though.
    3) To ensure that you do not create too large of a deficit to the point where negative effects outweigh the positives.
    4) Because of the love of food!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    So ... you don't get how MFP works,then, right ?
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!

    The way many people use MFP is to create their deficit using their non-exercise burns, and then adding in calorie burns for any "intentional" exercise. So the exercise burns end up being on top of the intended caloric deficit. If you're following that path, doing meaningful amounts of exercise with a big deficit and then not eating back exercise calories is a *great* way to crash and burn.

    It's a really poor way of doing it, for a variety of reasons, but what can you do, it is what it is.

    Works for me *shrugs*

    I even set my activity level to sedentary and allow my fitbit to adjust my calorie intake on activity alone as I find it motivating to know the bare minimum level at which my weight will maintain ..and know that each day that will adjust just from being out of bed and getting on with my day ...I like that part

    That's what I do and yes, it works for me too!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I never ate back exercise calories until my intake got down to the point at which I needed more energy to keep doing my activity at an acceptable level.

    That said, like others wrote, the entire premise of MFP's approach is to net your calorie target, so anything you do beyond your activity level would need to be eaten back (taking into account the inaccuracy of burn rates) to do so.
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    You assume people exercise sorely to lose weight. This is not accurate. I enjoy being fit and moving.

    I am also one that has their activity level set to sedentary and let the fitbit do the adjustment for me.

    If you don't want to eat back your activity calories, you should set your activity at the appropriate level.

    Anyway, I lift weights 4 days a week and run 6-7 days a week. I enjoy participating in half marathons. So I have to eat appropriately to fuel my workouts.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    I find it handy not to eat them and then endulge a little on the weekend (alcohol). Helps keep me on track and I don't feel like I failed if I go too over. Can't be too strict or else life just isn't fun. I've taken away from my long life battle of weight loss is learning how to moderate everything and have fun. Being strict with diet and then going back to old habit was my demise all my life and now I'm fitting it all in within my limits and it's working, plus I'm happy not to be so restrictive and seeing results slowly but surely.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I like food and wine. I earn more of them through exercise.
  • Childfree1991
    Childfree1991 Posts: 145 Member
    edited August 2015
    So I'm supposed to lift weights and not repair my muscle tissue after? The body needs nutrients especially post-activity. That's how I lost weight and became fit in the first place. protein after a workout
  • Karmyeboo
    Karmyeboo Posts: 33 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I work out to get more fit and currently to train to complete various races. The calories I eat are based on what I think I need to lose some weight while fueling my performance/training so it's effective and I continue to make fitness improvements, and--important--don't lose more muscle mass than is absolutely necessary. At this point there's be no benefit to me in getting thinner if my body fat percentage did not decrease.

    Therefore, I figure out what my overall maintenance calories are including my exercise and take a reasonable deficit from them.

    MFP/eating calories back is a way to do this if you aren't consistent with exercise. Basically you (or MFP) figure out what your maintenance would be if you did not exercise, take a sensible deficit from that, and then if you do exercise it adds that back in and takes the deficit from that--which gives you the same number as if you'd planned to include the exercise all along and done it my way.

    What's NOT sensible is pretending you don't exercise when you do, taking as extreme a deficit as you can, and then adding to the deficit by exercising. If you actually count and log your calories properly, you won't be properly fueling your activity and will risk not making the fitness advances (if you care about those, I suppose some don't) or losing more muscle mass than you need to.

    However, if you don't log well then I suppose it doesn't matter. Better to try to log correctly, though, IMO.

    Thank you for your informative reply as are some others!!!

    For anyone who wanted to give smart *kitten* replies, you can remove yourself because I asked a genuine question and to be honest I'm fed up off the people on this forum who believe they are all knowing and enjoy giving unwanted rude responses to a question.

    Yes, I do no how MFP works and yes I still asked this question.

    I assume people exercise soley to loose weight because that's what I AM doing and there is nothing wrong with this lol.
    Maybe this question should be directed to the people who are approaching weight loss like I am.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    So I'm supposed to lift weights and not repair my muscle tissue after? The body needs nutrients especially post-activity. That's how I lost weight and became fit in the first place. protein after a workout
    It's pretty straightforward to eat protein after a workout -- leaving aside the efficacy of meal timing -- without eating back exercise calories, though.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I work out to get more fit and currently to train to complete various races. The calories I eat are based on what I think I need to lose some weight while fueling my performance/training so it's effective and I continue to make fitness improvements, and--important--don't lose more muscle mass than is absolutely necessary. At this point there's be no benefit to me in getting thinner if my body fat percentage did not decrease.

    Therefore, I figure out what my overall maintenance calories are including my exercise and take a reasonable deficit from them.

    MFP/eating calories back is a way to do this if you aren't consistent with exercise. Basically you (or MFP) figure out what your maintenance would be if you did not exercise, take a sensible deficit from that, and then if you do exercise it adds that back in and takes the deficit from that--which gives you the same number as if you'd planned to include the exercise all along and done it my way.

    What's NOT sensible is pretending you don't exercise when you do, taking as extreme a deficit as you can, and then adding to the deficit by exercising. If you actually count and log your calories properly, you won't be properly fueling your activity and will risk not making the fitness advances (if you care about those, I suppose some don't) or losing more muscle mass than you need to.

    However, if you don't log well then I suppose it doesn't matter. Better to try to log correctly, though, IMO.

    Thank you for your informative reply as are some others!!!

    For anyone who wanted to give smart *kitten* replies, you can remove yourself because I asked a genuine question and to be honest I'm fed up off the people on this forum who believe they are all knowing and enjoy giving unwanted rude responses to a question.

    Yes, I do no how MFP works and yes I still asked this question.

    I assume people exercise soley to loose weight because that's what I AM doing and there is nothing wrong with this lol.
    Maybe this question should be directed to the people who are approaching weight loss like I am.


    The reason why people were asking if you understood how MFP worked is because MFP is specifically designed for you to eat back your exercise calories so you don't wind up with a net calorie total that is too low. You can certainly use this app without eating back calories burned through exercise, but to ensure health, energy, and maintaining muscle mass, you would probably want to use your TDEE instead of the MFP generated goal.

    This isn't to say that people don't have success with using other methods or approaches, but that is how this app is designed to be used. When people act confused about why anyone would eat back their exercise calories, it does prompt the question of if they understand how the app is designed to work.
  • Karmyeboo
    Karmyeboo Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2015
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I work out to get more fit and currently to train to complete various races. The calories I eat are based on what I think I need to lose some weight while fueling my performance/training so it's effective and I continue to make fitness improvements, and--important--don't lose more muscle mass than is absolutely necessary. At this point there's be no benefit to me in getting thinner if my body fat percentage did not decrease.

    Therefore, I figure out what my overall maintenance calories are including my exercise and take a reasonable deficit from them.

    MFP/eating calories back is a way to do this if you aren't consistent with exercise. Basically you (or MFP) figure out what your maintenance would be if you did not exercise, take a sensible deficit from that, and then if you do exercise it adds that back in and takes the deficit from that--which gives you the same number as if you'd planned to include the exercise all along and done it my way.

    What's NOT sensible is pretending you don't exercise when you do, taking as extreme a deficit as you can, and then adding to the deficit by exercising. If you actually count and log your calories properly, you won't be properly fueling your activity and will risk not making the fitness advances (if you care about those, I suppose some don't) or losing more muscle mass than you need to.

    However, if you don't log well then I suppose it doesn't matter. Better to try to log correctly, though, IMO.

    Thank you for your informative reply as are some others!!!

    For anyone who wanted to give smart *kitten* replies, you can remove yourself because I asked a genuine question and to be honest I'm fed up off the people on this forum who believe they are all knowing and enjoy giving unwanted rude responses to a question.

    Yes, I do no how MFP works and yes I still asked this question.

    I assume people exercise soley to loose weight because that's what I AM doing and there is nothing wrong with this lol.
    Maybe this question should be directed to the people who are approaching weight loss like I am.


    The reason why people were asking if you understood how MFP worked is because MFP is specifically designed for you to eat back your exercise calories so you don't wind up with a net calorie total that is too low. You can certainly use this app without eating back calories burned through exercise, but to ensure health, energy, and maintaining muscle mass, you would probably want to use your TDEE instead of the MFP generated goal.

    This isn't to say that people don't have success with using other methods or approaches, but that is how this app is designed to be used. When people act confused about why anyone would eat back their exercise calories, it does prompt the question of if they understand how the app is designed to work.

    I see, Thankyou for your reply, much appreciated :)
  • momar23
    momar23 Posts: 292 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!
    Because most people follow the MFP method on MFP which is designed to give you a defecit without exercise..so when you exercise you burn more calories and get to eat more

    Because it is motivating to move more in order to expand your diet

    Because we need to fuel our bodies appropriately for life and fitness

    Because I don't want to burn through more LBM than necessary as I lose weight

    Because food is delicious and it's not an exercise in deprivation

    Because the wider the diet the less chance of crashing and burning

    Because it sets you on a good path for maintenance

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can

    I think I love you