How do you recover from have eaten everything in the house at breakfast time ...



  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you for the great support on here. I had had some stressful news this am- nothing major but enough to make me feel really anxious and then with the tiredness too I was reaching for coffee- and I think caffeine (although a stimulant) made me feel
    Much more anxious. So there were emotional and physiological triggers.

    So it's just get back on it!
  • labohn91
    labohn91 Posts: 113 Member
    350(cake)+204 (milk)+ 275 (Dark chocolate)+160=999.
    One thing you need to be careful of. That "I blew it" feeling can be very tricky and may tempt you to ruin the rest of your day. Don't let it happen. No use crying over spilled milk, but when you spill some of your milk you don't go and deliberately pour the rest of it into the sink. Try to combat that all-or-nothing mentality as much as you can and just continue your day as if you had a reasonable breakfast.

    Quoted for truth.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you have a therapist, maybe give them a call and ask what they advise. If you can't...well, you cannot uneat the food, so just have small amounts of healthy food for the rest of the day. One day won't kill you and problems like BED are not solved overnight.

    It's so much more important to work through this than it is lose weight or stay under a calorie goal on any given day. Plus, you should skip nutrients because you ate chocolate, KWIM?

    That's my $.02 :)
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    All1971 wrote: »
    You could go in the bathroom and throw that you've (probably) decided you don't want to go down the path toward an eating disorder, spend a moment and think about whether there was an emotional trigger or were you genuinely physically hungry, and then work at making better choices next time.

    You could get some sort of idea of how these boards work before you start posting stuff like this. We are here to SUPPORT. Not to make light of serious eating conditions that people on these boards have beaten or are currently going through. Not to give sarcasm to someone who is asking a genuine question about an issue many people here have also had to face on their 'weight loss journeys' (and i hate that phrase, but it sums it up nicely in this context).

    OP, lots of good advice here, and yes; write it off, knuckle down, go do some exercise and tomorrow is always a new day. Weight loss is not quick or easy, and we all have times where we slip up. Just got to grit your teeth, tel yourself you can do this and make it happen. You get out what you put in. Good luck :)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Figure out why you're hungry. Did you not get enough to eat last night? Maybe stress? If this isn't normal, need to find out why to correct it.

    As for the rest of the day, log it and move on. As long as you don't make this a habit, one day off isn't going to sabotage you. ^_^
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    All1971 wrote: »
    You could go in the bathroom and throw that you've (probably) decided you don't want to go down the path toward an eating disorder, spend a moment and think about whether there was an emotional trigger or were you genuinely physically hungry, and then work at making better choices next time.

    You could get some sort of idea of how these boards work before you start posting stuff like this. We are here to SUPPORT. Not to make light of serious eating conditions that people on these boards have beaten or are currently going through. Not to give sarcasm to someone who is asking a genuine question about an issue many people here have also had to face on their 'weight loss journeys' (and i hate that phrase, but it sums it up nicely in this context).

    OP, lots of good advice here, and yes; write it off, knuckle down, go do some exercise and tomorrow is always a new day. Weight loss is not quick or easy, and we all have times where we slip up. Just got to grit your teeth, tel yourself you can do this and make it happen. You get out what you put in. Good luck :)

    Thank you x
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    I am definitely struggling with the 3pm I want to eat all in the house thing... thanks so much for your support guys x
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    onmyown70 wrote: »
    I am definitely struggling with the 3pm I want to eat all in the house thing... thanks so much for your support guys x
    In all seriousness, make tea. Very purposefully, with thought and pleasure, make hot tea at 3 pm. Find some loose leaf tea, buy a cute mug, boil the water, think about the steam, think about how the hot water will infuse the leaves, then pour the tea. Smell it before brewing, smell it during and after brewing. Make it something to relish. Once it's a habit, drinking 4 calories of tea will be your 3 pm habit instead of eating (oh, and make sure you are eating at an overall sensible deficit, so binges are less likely overall when you do have a snack). -- or find another 3 pm "thing" to do. Go for a walk, do some yoga poses, etc.

    I'm not a therapist, but maybe you need one. Food isn't the answer to stress, and it kinda sounds like that's what you've been using it for. It can be hard to set new habits to cope with stress, but you CAN do it. We know you can :)

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Stop fretting, log it and move on. I would still eat a reasonably nutrutious meal today. New day tomorrow.

  • cherries12345
    cherries12345 Posts: 70 Member
    One thing you need to be careful of. That "I blew it" feeling can be very tricky and may tempt you to ruin the rest of your day. Don't let it happen. No use crying over spilled milk, but when you spill some of your milk you don't go and deliberately pour the rest of it into the sink. Try to combat that all-or-nothing mentality as much as you can and just continue your day as if you had a reasonable breakfast.

    One of the most inspirational things I've read on here. This "I blew it" situation is something I struggle with a LOT, but your metaphor makes total sense. Thank you.