This is my call for help. My SOS.

Hi. I was doing so well for so long. I had lost about 23 pounds and ran my first half marathon. After my half marathon I was told by my doctor not to run for 6 weeks and I think that mentally screwed with me. I have gained about 10 pounds back in what I'll call a six week binge and am so ashamed to admit that. I need help to get back on track and stay on track. I don't want to feel ashamed of myself. I want to get back to feeling good about myself. I think not having a clear cut goal and a race deadling helped de-rail me.

I struggle with self esteem and self image and was actually starting to say positive things to myself every day and was starting to feel better about being me. I need to get back to that feeling. I was cleared to start running last night and am hoping that helps pull me out of this funk.

If you're interested in helping me add me or send me a message. I will be your support in return.


  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it just take one day at a time...we all stumble don't beat yourself up dust yourself off and try again you will succeed. feel free to add me :)
  • bigtone89
    bigtone89 Posts: 104 Member
    You should be proud that you did that half marathon. Personally, I don't think that everyone is cut out for the constant pounding of running. Can you walk long distances? If so, maybe try 3-5 miles a day. Or maybe a rowing machine at the gym for 30-60min. Log in your walks/workouts and start using MFP to track your'll be back on track in no time.
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Do you ever do any cardio aside from running? Even when I was young and much more fit, I never was able to run successfully, and would have to spend more time walking than actually running. Don't dwell on past "failures" (and believe me--this is not one). Focus on the future, get back in the practice of logging, and you'll do just fine!
  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have logged in every day for the past 201 days but lately I've noticed I've been halfheartedly tracking my food. That is my number one goal right now... Just to start being honest with myself and weighing everything like I have done in the past.

    I've been doing physical therapy for the past 6 weeks to strengthen my hips and my supporting muscles for my knee. I'm going to go for my first run tonight. I have another half marathon in Novemeber so I'm hoping that the set date and the set goal will force me back into the good habits I had developed.

    I was told not to run or to bike at all for the past 6 weeks which had been my go-to carido activities. I need to get a gym membership for the local gym so that I can start rowing. I have enjoyed it in the past and it will help eliminate the excuse that I can't do any cardio. To be honest I was just being lazy. I should have been walking every day.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    If you can't run, can you swim?
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    To be honest I was just being lazy. I should have been walking every day.

    You recognize it, which is great! So you took an unplanned break. No big deal. You know that logging your food honestly and accurately is critical. Now it's just a matter of getting back into it.
  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    You recognize it, which is great! So you took an unplanned break. No big deal. You know that logging your food honestly and accurately is critical. Now it's just a matter of getting back into it.

    It is hard for me to admit. I was so good for so long that I feel like admitting it makes me a failure. I know that is the mental state that I've gotta get over. You're 100% right. It was just an unplanned break. That break is over now and it's time to get back to work.

  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    If you can't run, can you swim?

    I don't currently have anywhere to swim. I am looking into getting a gym membership at the local college so that I can do some no-impact cardio. I don't know how to swim like an adult but I'll work on it..
  • robv67
    robv67 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I've never blogged or typed a response on this site before. I came here because I am in a very similar situation as you and was thinking of asking for help. I have lost 27 pounds since February and reached my 1st weight loss goal in July. Since then I have slowly started to slide back into my old ways and have gained almost 4 pounds back.

    I hope you don't mind but I've stolen some of the good advice people are giving you and will apply to myself. Just know that other people struggle at times with the same issues as you and feel guilty and ashamed as well. I think we just need to stop making excuses and set new goals.

    I think once I hit my first goal I got lazy and felt like I could cheat some and it would be no big deal. People were and still are complimenting me on my appearance but I know that I am heading in the wrong direction. I have lost weight before and gained it all back and that is still my greatest fear. Feel welcome to add me. Maybe we could encourage each other to stay healthy, happy, and fit.
  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    robv67 wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind but I've stolen some of the good advice people are giving you and will apply to myself. Just know that other people struggle at times with the same issues as you and feel guilty and ashamed as well. I think we just need to stop making excuses and set new goals.

    I think once I hit my first goal I got lazy and felt like I could cheat some and it would be no big deal.

    This really hits home for me! I lost 20 pounds and ran a half marathon and felt like because I hit those goals that it was easy. Knowing that other people are going through the same struggle that I am is really refreshing. it's nice to know that I'm not alone. I'll add you and we can help keep each other on the right track!.

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    If you can't run, can you swim?

    I don't currently have anywhere to swim. I am looking into getting a gym membership at the local college so that I can do some no-impact cardio. I don't know how to swim like an adult but I'll work on it..

    Find your self a Y..
    you don't need to know how to swim to get in the pool
    #1 doggie paddle.
    #2 take a swimming board this board will keep you up, now all you have to do is kick from one end of the pool to the other end.
  • Jacqui_Runs
    Jacqui_Runs Posts: 68 Member
    See if there is a YMCA around you. They tend to have pools. Swimming is great cross training for runners. So is weight lifting. You can do it. You are back on.
  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member

    Find your self a Y..
    you don't need to know how to swim to get in the pool
    #1 doggie paddle.
    #2 take a swimming board this board will keep you up, now all you have to do is kick from one end of the pool to the other end.

    I know how to swim enough to move from one side of the pool to the other. I just don't have awesome form or anything. But I'll never get better until I try. The local college has a pool and I just need to get myself there and get a membership. Read: Stop being lazy and putting it off.
  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    See if there is a YMCA around you. They tend to have pools. Swimming is great cross training for runners. So is weight lifting. You can do it. You are back on.

    The next training plan I am doing for my half in November has built in cross training days and weight training days so I will hopefully be swimming a lot this fall. Thanks for believing in me. The support I've gotten today has been amazing.
  • mommyvudu
    mommyvudu Posts: 99 Member
    There are ways to exercise other than running and swimming. I workout at home with you tube videos and I'm losing weight super fast by working out daily and logging every bite I eat to keep my calorie intake low.