No Time

I am struggling mentally to reach my weight loss goal of 130 lbs. I weigh about 180 and am 45 years old. I work a full-time day job at a bank and usually walk in the garage and/or do the stairs. I leave my full-time job and go to my part-time job at Starbucks which is 30 min away from my day job and about 45 min from where I live (trying to get transferred closer to where I moved), sometimes I can come home and do some weights (upper/lower body), but this is rare.

I say all of this to point out that although I have tried different things I remain the same. I am thinking that the stress from working 2 jobs and having to be on the road in between is too much including lack of sleep which causes me to see such little results. I know that I am not mentally fit either because family members continue to tempt me with cakes, etc and I end up eating an entire slice and it seems as if I crave sweets with every meal mostly on the weekends :(. However at work I eat yogurt, raisens, carrots, and healthy snacks throughout the day unless I am asked to go out to lunch......................

I was without a permanent job since 2004 until I was hired on at the beginning of last month so if finances are in order by the end of this year, I am planning to quit working at Starbucks(which is a very tempting place to be), but really want to try to loose at least 1-2 lbs per week in the mean time.

Any suggestions?


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Are you traking your caloric intake correctly? Snacking throughout the day can really add up.

    Also, if you are pressed for time, know that you don't *have to* exercise in order to lose weight. Check the links in the my signature block.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Can you get up 20 mins earlier in the morning and work out? Even though you eat healthy during the day, to see any results it has to be a full time thing. A piece of 400 calorie cake a few times a week can really ruin anything you did during the day. If you haven't yet start logging everything you eat. You'll see how many caloires a day your really eating. Drink LOTS of water!! Litlte to no soda, WATER!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Having been in your shoes very recently let me say this.

    You have GOT to get your life in order before you start stressing about weight loss. Your financials are an immediate pressing concern, as is your mental well being. You have so much stress in your life that worrying about extra stuff really is only going to hinder you in all areas, not just one.

    That's not to say you should go crazy, just be reasonable.

    Stop eating out and save that money to pay off debt (unless of course someone else is paying :) ). Go to the grocery store and you can stock up on healthy foods to snack on that will be cheaper in the long run anyway. Do what exercises you can but don't stress about it too much because if you aren't getting enough sleep that'll only make everything worse.

    This might not be a popular opinion but since I have been there myself I hope this doesn't get misinterpreted as an excuse - fix your life, go from there :)
  • AW092565
    AW092565 Posts: 10
    Thanks for the quick response. I just started tracking my calories as of Monday (5/31) :smile: I will continue to log onto this sight to keep me focused and will check out the sights you provided.

    I am fortunate to have a no-stress day job and am able to check out everything.
  • AW092565
    AW092565 Posts: 10
    What you are saying makes so much sense to me and I am truly going to take your advise. I really needed to hear what you are saying because of the pressure I have been putting on myself and I know that this won't be an excuse but can use the extra time to focus on getting in a better financial situation.

    I will just have to spend more time walking on the job and eating right not only while at work, but also during the weekend.

    Thanks for your advise, I really appreciate it.
  • AW092565
    AW092565 Posts: 10
    Thanks for your advise!!! I just started logging my calories on 5/31 and am working on drinking more water. And will definitely have to learn to say NO to the cake, etc.