1200 Calories a day!



  • mommyvudu
    mommyvudu Posts: 99 Member
    I net around 1200 calories a day...I always aim to EAT only 1200 but I push myself to workout really hard, so I don't feel bad if I net the 1200 instead. I'm 5'6" and 166lbs now...I've been a size 0-2 my entire life so the fact that I have gotten this heavy over the past 8 months is pretty crazy in my little world. I'd love to be friends! I'm pretty hardcore about keeping up with MFP these days!
  • NFigurski
    NFigurski Posts: 18 Member
    Mine is set at 1250...I don't see a problem with it! Some days are harder than others but it's all about portion control and lots of water! I'm 5'2" 113lbs
  • Childfree1991
    Childfree1991 Posts: 145 Member
    I maintain at 124 lb with around 2000-2100 calories per day. Am 5'6. Honestly, I couldn't survive on 1200 calories per day. I'd die lol...
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Supper excited to start a weight loss plan!
    Need to stick to 1200 calories or less.

    What is your plan??

    No no no no no no no.

    1200 needs to be the bare minimum. You never go lower. And 1200 is really only for very small people. (I'm only 4'11" 5/8 and I'm still losing weight on a LOT more than 1200).
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    It also depends on age. My metabolism is slower. I am eating max 1200, sometimes falling under to 900, working out heavy for 5-6 days/week and still don't lose more than a steady 5-6 lbs/month. Which is fine as I don't want to get unnecessarily wrinkly. :)
  • lilypippili
    lilypippili Posts: 6 Member
    MFP also set me on 1200. I basically just cut out all the snacks I was eating because sometimes I would eat them just because I was bored. I'm a little over two weeks in and I've already gotten used to it. I've never counted calories before, but the moment I started doing so it encouraged to me to eat less because I hated seeing the numbers add up. Now I can't imagine going back to mindlessly snacking like I used to.

    Here's a tip: always keep an eye out for low calorie alternatives, because they show up in surprising places. For example, I only realized a couple days ago that the brand of hamburger buns I buy have way less calories than two slices of the bread I buy. Now I make all my sandwiches with those hamburger buns, and it tastes just as good.
  • immjok
    immjok Posts: 2 Member
    1200 too I'm only 5'3".. Trying hard to stick to it
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    You must be tiny to stick to 1200 or less. Even at 5'3 when I got down to 110 lbs I had to eat 1500 to maintain.
    Now I'm 145 and have to eat 1600 or under to lose.
    Good luck!

    Hum wonder if someone can help me change my calorie goal. I am just above 145 lbs. and MFP has my goal at 1200. I have tried many time to up it but it always reverts to 1200. To get around it I just eat some of my exercise calories and aim for between 1300 and 1400. But it does somehow feel like less successful than it would if the goal was set a wee bit higher. Silly mind games I know.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Supper excited to start a weight loss plan!
    Need to stick to 1200 calories or less.

    What is your plan??
    1200 is a popular number, but sometimes it's not enough to eat, and a person loses weight too fast only to gain in all back.
    Be careful!
    You may want to look into the MFP recommendations for steady, safe and lasting results that might come slower, but again, your results are long-term.
    Good luck to you, and welcome :)

    and that's EXACTLY what happened to me. Now I'm currently on 1600 and still losing.... and most importantly - am not starving!
  • amypenn
    amypenn Posts: 11 Member
    It's not too hard when you get used to it. But I don't have a plan per se other than saving most calories for a big dinner. I eat what I want and swap out higher calorie foods for lower calorie substitutions when I can and when they are palatable. Feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends.

    I have seen this a lot on here saving calories for a big dinner , what I have been told is Breakfast like a king , lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper - this is pretty much because you really don't need energy (much) to sleep , but more to fuel your body throughout the day ??
  • Haegar62
    Haegar62 Posts: 38 Member
    As many has said here the MFP give you a suggest it is not a strict value and you can adjust it your self.
    Myhome - Goals - change goals and say you want to adjust it manually then you can change it to somewhat higher. MFP suggest me 1580 but i know i feel better with 1800.
    You have to try and see what you are comfortable with this should be done without doing any extra exercise to find out if you can eat this and feel comfortable. The exercise will then give you some extra, to have if there is some outside eating where cal counting is hard or if you feel give you some extra because it is going well.
    Good Luck and take it easy the kilos did not come over night and will not go off overnight.
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    I rejoined mfp in mid feb and till a few weeks back I was on 1200 diet! Believe me I have never felt so stressed and unhinged. I was under a lot of pressure to stay within that limit and if I couldn't then I used to whine and rant on my wall. But luckily, I have good support system here so some suggested to increase my goal to 1500 a day. Believe me, I am lot satisfied, happy and rant less about my cal intake :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    lamurano wrote: »
    I'm set at 1200 too....and it's not a number I would have chosen! It was assigned to me by the app. I would have went with 1500. I add in all my activity calories and let myself have cheat meals about once a week (though they don't always push me over on calorie count). The thing that is odd to me is that Garmin Connect will often say I have a few hundred activity calories, but when I look at MFP they only add a few calories for extra steps. I know they're synced correctly because other data is in both apps.
    Anyway, I had 14 lbs to lose and am only 5'0" so maybe that's why I'm set so low. I've enjoyed reading the responses here but I'm pretty sure most of us at 1200 are there because the app said so, not a random choice. :-(

    The "app" doesn't SAY anything or TELL you what to do.

    YOU tell the APP that you want to lose 2lbs a week which may or may not be a suitable goal (hint: with 14lbs to lose and 5' tall, it is NOT a suitable goal), and the app tries to accommodate you without going below a minimum of 1200Cal a day before you eat back your exercise calories.

    Given your height you may be one of the few people who legitimately need to eat at 1200 in order to lose; though in all probability you could increase that with a little bit of exercise.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    bb1lopez wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »

    What did MFP give you? Do you exercise (if so, what kind and for how long)? Do you have any medical conditions (hypothyroidism, PCOS, etc..)?

    I have just started "dieting" again. Today is day 5. I am going to try and exercise at least 3 times a week, but I've been sentinel for so long, that I want to start slowly. So far I have stuck to this and have done: 60 minutes aerobics, which also included strength training, 60 minutes of zumba twice, and walking which I only include when I am going to/fro the gym as an exercise. As it was week 1, I needed to rest, because I was in a lot of pain. I have no body strength whatsoever. :(

    I haven't got any medical conditions, that I am aware of.

    Based on your stats you could love as a higher rate, especially if you are exercising. The app gave you 1200 calories because you selected you wanted to lose 2 lbs a week. The app is merely a dummy system that is based off your inputs. What most people don't realize, or don't want to follow, is if you exercise, you are supposed to eat back exercise calories since the deficit is already baked in. Personally, I would start you at 1600 calories (probably just less than 2 lbs per week loss if you are exercising. I would drop carbs a bit and up protein. So I would put your macronutrients at 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats.

    Custom goals can be set here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/my_goals

    And if you use this method, do not eat back exercise calories.

    And for those who are new, I would check out the stickies at the top of the page, especially the ones below.

    Calorie Counting 101

    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think.

    A guide to get you started on your path to Sexypants.
  • SamGonsalves2013
    SamGonsalves2013 Posts: 13 Member
    timtakel wrote: »
    I stick to 800 to 900kcal. The hard part is to find nutritious food, so you can have less calories, while still getting all the nutrients - but is helps you building a healthy diet. You should be fine with 1200kcal.

    800-900 is amount I used to eat when I had an eating disorder -.- 5'11" and I ended up being 125 lbs... please be careful !!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I like food. a lot.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    I find limiting carbs helps. I usually have a piece of fruit for breakfast so it's super low cal and then I can eat more for dinner or I'll have extra cals saved for a snack after I put kids to bed. High protein helps too. I had the worst diet ever yesterday and still stayed just under 1400. Bloated, but happy I didn't over do it, which is easy when there's a box of pizza in front of you!!!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    I maintain at 124 lb with around 2000-2100 calories per day. Am 5'6. Honestly, I couldn't survive on 1200 calories per day. I'd die lol...

    2000 would not be your net calories though.
    OP can eat more than 1200 too - that is her net calories before any excercise.

    And she is aiming for weight loss, not maitenance.
  • beccycentral
    beccycentral Posts: 2 Member
    I like food. a lot.

    Oh man me too
  • curvycutevet
    curvycutevet Posts: 5 Member
    I'm at 1200 to lose as well.