Looking to connect with fellow yogis!

MamaToMax Posts: 7
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone else out there really into yoga? Any and all types? Looking for other fellow yogis to friend and support one another! :)


  • spraguels
    spraguels Posts: 3
    I'm not super into it,but I'm trying it. I really like it so far. I have a yoga/pilates DVD that I got in the $1 at Target. It's about an hour long. I usually do half of it one day then the other half the next. I just started doing it again this week...I have a hard time sticking with exercise routines :/ But after my first day,I woke up the next morning and could definitely feel the effects of it! :)) That made me very happy. I'm definitely going to try harder to keep it up this time because I have a bad back and the stretching really helps my back neck and shoulders. I'm even getting my husband into it! Do you do yours from home or do you attend a class?
  • blazef16
    blazef16 Posts: 3
    I am doing yoga as part of p90x and struggling with it. I DO feel the benefits of it when I do it. Strentghening muscles while stretching others, when i can stay focused and get through it, it is as good as having a massage. The post-yoga benefits are not enough to make me excited before or during the yoga work out though.

    I am looking for a good beginner yoga video. Any suggestions?
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Yoga makes you strong, keeps you flexible, and can restore your soul! I'm a fan and practice regularly.

    Bonus for those trying to lose weight is it helps prevent injury from all those other activities that may be new to you or that you may have ramped up.

    Take care of your body - yoga is the perfect addition to your routine.
  • MamaToMax
    MamaToMax Posts: 7
    Yay for yoga lovers!

    One of my fave DVDs is the Vinyasa one by Seane Corn (she ROCKS!). I love it because you can either do it with her commentary and instruction, or just follow along with the one that doesn't involve verbal instruction.

    I prefer going to an actual yoga class (usually Hath Flow or Vinyasa), but it's hard to get there since I have to care for my toddler all day everyday (which is also why it can be hard to practice at home too on occasion.. haha!). So I always try to get to a Crawlers and Toddlers yoga class on Wednesday mornings because I can bring him along! He gets to play along side me and with other kiddos while I get some yoga in! I also like Jillian Michaels' yoga video, BUT I found it to be a little harder on the joints and more of a strength workout then yoga (although Level 2 in that video is more to my liking).

    My favorite local yoga studio in Austin does a 40-day yoga challenge a couple of times a year, where they encourage you to do yoga everyday for 40 days. I've tried it twice and couldn't make it! I'm determine yet again to do it when they have their next challenge.

    I'm also mega determined to get back in "fighting shape" and slim up and get strong because we're trying to get pregnant with baby #2 and it's easier to stay in good shape during and after pregnancy (and lose that post-baby weight!) if you were already fit to begin with... And, I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago, so I want to take advantage of every second I can getting myself in shape and losing excess weight. :)
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I am a total yoga fan. I've found that daily yoga is great for managing my joint pain, and for keeping my collapsed hip limber. I always do some yoga before a workout. Honestly, I wish I had tried it years ago. Unfortunately, due to my physical limitations I can't do all the moves, but the ones I do help me immensely.
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