Low-carb Struggle



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Wolfman, I can't stand the taste of Splenda, Stevia, etc. and I usually drink my coffee light and sweet. I used to drink it with French Vanilla Coffee Mate.

    I thought Ketogenic was under 20?? I guess I'm lost. My doctor gave me suggestions of where to start given how many carbs I was eating on a low calorie diet. I tracked on MFP and showed him the breakdown. Maybe I'm too low? I didn't really consider I could eat more carbs and still lose weight. I have been consistently losing every day while staying below 50.
    When one decreases carbs, one adds either protein, fat, or both.
    Maybe you can enjoy the coffee with full fat cream.
  • sierrabuccellato
    sierrabuccellato Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! I just want to thank all SO much for your responses!
    I had a higher carb meal last night that felt like a cheat, but was actually all carbs from veggies. I feel MUCH better today and in higher spirits. I think I am going to add in at least one of these higher carb days per week to keep me from feeling deprived. I don't mind giving up pasta or coffee, but the oppositional fat girl in me still wants to cheat "just 'cause" ! ;)
  • eatingfatbeingfat
    eatingfatbeingfat Posts: 41 Member
    Fat. Fat is awesome. All the fat. Low carb is difficult and hard on your kidneys when you are doing high protein. Fat is deeply satiating, and tastes delicious. Eggs, cheese, cream, avocado, nuts, bacon, meat - all will make you full as long as you are not eating carbs with them.
  • TheDisneyWisp
    TheDisneyWisp Posts: 2 Member
    Im right with you,i started a few days ago,the hunger crap goes away by day 3. Fill up on protien and fiber the best you can. Lets share meal ideas!! Who doesn't love eating bacon !!hang in there! We should chat and encourage eachother ! My kids are 13,8,9 how old are yours
  • annakellett11
    annakellett11 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm doing low carbs my self and struggle with wanting a lot of bread!!! I'm never ever hungry I just want to eat the "good stuff" so far so good. But I can understand your struggles!! Add me if you would like ☺️
  • sierrabuccellato
    sierrabuccellato Posts: 17 Member
    Im right with you,i started a few days ago,the hunger crap goes away by day 3. Fill up on protien and fiber the best you can. Lets share meal ideas!! Who doesn't love eating bacon !!hang in there! We should chat and encourage eachother ! My kids are 13,8,9 how old are yours

    I'm actually not even hungry! I just want bad stuff. It is all completely in my head. :neutral: At this point I don't make many "meals", I just do a lot of whole foods like grilled chicken, broiled salmon, and Turkey Burgers. It is easier for me because my kids (age 7 and 8) aren't on this diet with me.
    I'm doing low carbs my self and struggle with wanting a lot of bread!!! I'm never ever hungry I just want to eat the "good stuff" so far so good. But I can understand your struggles!! Add me if you would like ☺️

    That is exactly how I am! Hope you're having an easier time resisting than I am lol
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    I have focused on complex rather than simple carbs to get more filling meals. I start spiralizing veggies to make noodles instead of regular pasta. I've managed to cut almost 100 carbs off daily nutrition goals. Good luck!
  • LC_onelove
    LC_onelove Posts: 30 Member
    I follow Atkins 20 plan and go through the same thing. For me, I discovered it was more psychological than physiological. I crave those foods when it is a habit (foods at family get togethers, cake at birthday parties, etc...). I am learning to recognize when it happens and remind myself that I can change my relationship with food!

    Best of luck to you!
  • sierrabuccellato
    sierrabuccellato Posts: 17 Member
    LC_onelove wrote: »
    I discovered it was more psychological than physiological.

    That is exactly it! It is all in my head! But, as we all know, our minds can be very powerful.
  • lejoie
    lejoie Posts: 51 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi! I am so happy to see your post. I have PCOS as well and maintain an intake of 60-70 grams of carbs per day. For the sake of your happiness and your life, you need carbs! Sustainable weight loss happens best when you develop a rhythm that you are comfortable with, including finding a balance eating the foods you want, even if they aren't healthy. I lost 12 lbs last month eliminating grains, refined sugar and alcohol. I would recommend something to that effect for your diet... but it sounds like you're already trying to watch alcohol and thats good. People with PCOS seriously don't do well with those three things... but on the weekends, I allowed myself a few drinks and as long as I was under my calories, I still lost weight.

    Also, as with most endocrine disorders, you will feel miserable if you aren't exercising. PCOS is super manageable with a regular exercise. Are you exercising, too?

    Are you tracking your calories? I started at 1580 but have since changed my goal to 1450. Make sure you're doing tracking those, too!

    Best of luck. I'm here for you! PCOS is a beast but we got it.
  • lejoie
    lejoie Posts: 51 Member
    Also, be careful with chemicals in food. For PCOS, our bodies respond severely to chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. They're endocrine disruptors and make PCOS symptoms worse.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I don't have PICOS but I am prediabetic so I am also on the low-carb diet. It is frustrating, and I find it very difficult to give up certain things. I did meet with a dietitian today who gave me lots of meal choices and recipes. I'll be happy to share with whoever would like. It is hard to give up carbs and I'm hoping as soon as my sugar and insulin levels go back to normal I will be able to eat a little bit differently.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    im just curious as to seeing a oppen diary for a low carb person. I eat a ton of veggies, and oat bran everyday so low carb is not something I can even wrtap my head around. would love to see someones diary to get a better image of what this "diet" looks like
    I totally envision someone eating bacon all day :)
  • _julianne_fiastro
    _julianne_fiastro Posts: 337 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    im just curious as to seeing a oppen diary for a low carb person. I eat a ton of veggies, and oat bran everyday so low carb is not something I can even wrtap my head around. would love to see someones diary to get a better image of what this "diet" looks like
    I totally envision someone eating bacon all day :)

    Feel free to take a look at mine I aim for about 10-15% of my calories from carbs - 50% ish from fat. I eat a ton of cheese. (Like ALL the cheese)
  • sierrabuccellato
    sierrabuccellato Posts: 17 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    im just curious as to seeing a oppen diary for a low carb person. I eat a ton of veggies, and oat bran everyday so low carb is not something I can even wrtap my head around. would love to see someones diary to get a better image of what this "diet" looks like
    I totally envision someone eating bacon all day :)

    Lol Well, I don't eat bacon all day but I do eat a lot of lean meats! I love Turkey Burgers on a Romaine leaf with Relish and Goat cheese! (drool) I also eat a lot of high fiber veggies (for vegetables I count net carbs) because I LOVE them!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My doctor suggested I try a low-carb diet due to my PCOS. I was 270 at my highest (I'm 5'6") and have lost 7 pounds this week. I feel great... Logically. But I really want "normal" food! I want to eat the meals I prepare for my family and have a drink at the end of the day without feeling like I just ran over my neighbors dog.
    Right now it is 90° in my house and my kids asked if they could have cereal for dinner. I allowed it, and now I'm grumpy because I can't have any.
    I want to eat like a "normal" person, but I've never lost weight by doing low fat, low calorie, etc. so I feel like this is the only thing that might work for me.
    Should I just plan to be miserable until I get down to a healthy weight? Take cheat days along with the set-backs? Give up on low-carb, or try moderate intake instead?
    I'm so confused and frustrated. I just really need some support here. :(

    I've done low carb for a couple years now and i'm not miserable. Power through it.
  • geekysciencenerd
    geekysciencenerd Posts: 11 Member
    I came across this really awesome cookbook called "Saving Dinner the Low-Carb Way" (http://www.amazon.com/Saving-Dinner-Low-Carb-Way-Shopping/dp/0345478061) and I absolutely love it! I've done a lot of research that says eating a low-carb diet can help restore ovulation and reduce symptoms of PCOS. What I love about this book is that the food tastes absolutely great, leaves you feeling completely satisfied, and is super quick and easy. I am a high school science teacher, so I completely understand the no-time factor and I'm telling you, this book is AWESOME! It also plans 6 meals per week by season for 6 weeks (24 weeks total) and gives you the grocery list for each week, so all you have to do is buy the weekly groceries and you have everything you need for the week, including side dishes. It doesn't use any really crazy foods that you can't find at the grocery store either. I can't rave about this book enough because it has really helped make my lifestyle much healthier and I feel much better!