About to give up :/



  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    I had ice-cream for dinner yesterday and I felt a bit guilty afterwards. But today I woke up and got back to eating normal again.
    It's totally normal to eat unhealthy every now and then. It won't undo your journey. Look forward and keep going!
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I had a brownie for lunch! Not giving up, cause it fit in my calories. Even if it didn't I'm more powerful than that! If you're going to crumble every time you eat something you perceive as bad, you might as well quit. Maybe you're not ready yet. When you are ready, a cupcake won't derail you.
  • chastitygates
    chastitygates Posts: 6 Member
    I have those days I want to give up especially if I have something I know I shouldn't. I have to tell myself I am human and going to have some bad days but that cannot make me give up. Right now I have more bad than good, but I'm trying my best to work through it. I've used myfitnesspal for 2 years but never joined any of the community groups on here. I'm so glad I did, it can be very motivational.
    NJCJF Posts: 134 Member
    The most important thing I learned(besides using a food scale) is not to let those minor setbacks derail you. Cupcakes happen,chips happen,and for me - ice cream happens. I use to have the mind set that I screwed up so I just might as well eat everything. Now I refocus and eat a little less the next day. I'm 3 pounds from my goal and I've had many minor setbacks along the way.
    NJCJF Posts: 134 Member
    tinaolsson wrote: »
    I had ice-cream for dinner yesterday and I felt a bit guilty afterwards. But today I woke up and got back to eating normal again.
    It's totally normal to eat unhealthy every now and then. It won't undo your journey. Look forward and keep going!

    At least you didn't have ice cream with dinner ;)

  • tinaolsson
    tinaolsson Posts: 109 Member
    NJCJF wrote: »
    tinaolsson wrote: »
    I had ice-cream for dinner yesterday and I felt a bit guilty afterwards. But today I woke up and got back to eating normal again.
    It's totally normal to eat unhealthy every now and then. It won't undo your journey. Look forward and keep going!

    At least you didn't have ice cream with dinner ;)

    Haha you're right! Need to see it from the good side ;)
  • avila463
    avila463 Posts: 33 Member
    Girl.. I feel you... Last night I had Chinese food for dinner. Didn't eat a lot but still not healthy and even worse I had left overs for lunch. The remaning of food I threw out. Yes I feel guilty I even posted it but let's move on. Even though I have bad days I don't stop working out..

  • avila463
    avila463 Posts: 33 Member
    tinaolsson wrote: »
    NJCJF wrote: »
    tinaolsson wrote: »
    I had ice-cream for dinner yesterday and I felt a bit guilty afterwards. But today I woke up and got back to eating normal again.
    It's totally normal to eat unhealthy every now and then. It won't undo your journey. Look forward and keep going!

    At least you didn't have ice cream with dinner ;)

    Haha you're right! Need to see it from the good side ;)
    I ❤️ ice cream
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Why can't you eat cupcakes? I would cry if I couldn't eat cupcakes. (eating ice cream right now.)
  • janecarol61
    janecarol61 Posts: 45 Member
    Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo. You can do it!!
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    By saying that you already ruined your day is like me saying, "Now that I dropped my phone on the floor I might as well just smash the screen."

    Being healthy is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard!
  • ealoubier
    ealoubier Posts: 4 Member
    Luv the quote