Is anyone using Phentermine for weight loss?



  • A friend took it and lost almost 50 lbs. She did have sine hair loss but it grew back. She changed her lifestyle and works out. She's off it now and still has not gained it back. Been about 3 months or so. Good luck! BTW she looks great!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I have taken it in the past only to find I gain weight back b/c I don't change my lifestyle. It is like legal speed, made me grouchy too! Best of luck!

    That, plus it made my heatbeat funny. I found that I just really truly had to commit to make changes and give things up and I was able to lose 50 pounds so far without any fad deits or pills. Good luck, if you make changes and just use it to get over the "hump" it could help.
  • Jhosetta
    Jhosetta Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, I'm trying to use them only for the begining phase as I get use to reducing my diet. As long as I loose weight beleive me no one can me make feel bad. Great idea on the vitamins.
  • Jhosetta
    Jhosetta Posts: 7 Member
    A friend took it and lost almost 50 lbs. She did have sine hair loss but it grew back. She changed her lifestyle and works out. She's off it now and still has not gained it back. Been about 3 months or so. Good luck! BTW she looks great!

    That's encouraging..,. I definately plan on making lifestyle changes. So I hope I can ditto this post!
  • Jhosetta
    Jhosetta Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks to everyone commenting on the post.... thank god I didn't get eaten alive, I was really nervouse about that. I am actually TIRED since I started taking it... where is my energy. I am less hungry but it's only been one day, I'll let you know how it works!
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    I took it about a year ago for 2 months. I thought I needed to drop weight quickly to stay motivated and I did, BUT, I changed my eating habits completely and have kept the weight off. If you don't change your eating habits, you will gain all the weight back. I probably wouldn't do it again. I didn't have any of the side effects and it definitely suppressed my appetite. I have gone from a size 12 to a size 2 over the past year and although phentermine did give me the jump start I thought I needed, it was my lifestyle change that really made the difference. Good luck if you take it, just remember that you have to eat healthy when you get off and please see a doctor monthly to check your blood pressure and heart.
  • I took it about a year ago for 2 months. I thought I needed to drop weight quickly to stay motivated and I did, BUT, I changed my eating habits completely and have kept the weight off. If you don't change your eating habits, you will gain all the weight back. I probably wouldn't do it again. I didn't have any of the side effects and it definitely suppressed my appetite. I have gone from a size 12 to a size 2 over the past year and although phentermine did give me the jump start I thought I needed, it was my lifestyle change that really made the difference. Good luck if you take it, just remember that you have to eat healthy when you get off and please see a doctor monthly to check your blood pressure and heart.

    This is the key here, use it as a catapult to weightloss
  • rjc0704
    rjc0704 Posts: 3 Member
    I lost weight on my own and then added exercise 5/6 days a week and plateaued for several months. It's was so discouraging. Had my thyroid checked - normal. He recommended Phen to boost my metabolism and it is working. I have FINALLY busted my plateau! I've only been on it 8 days, but down 6lbs. I was given a two month prescription.

    It has done well suppressing appetite, giving some energy, but constipation issues are very very common as well as cotton mouth.. I have to take a stool softner daily or I get blocked up and don't lose wt, and sometimes even gain a little.
  • jovannadahling
    jovannadahling Posts: 20 Member
    It has helped with my blood pressure. Ive been on it for 2 months and have lost about 12 lbs. I'm using it to incorporate very healthy eating habits.
  • jovannadahling
    jovannadahling Posts: 20 Member
    If you are tired give it a break maybe for a day or 2 or eat some fruit and take some supplements. You need to eat very healthy when you are on phentermine/ topamax. When you get off of the pills you want to be eating very healthy and in a way where you will not gain the weight back
  • jovannadahling
    jovannadahling Posts: 20 Member
    I am taking phentermine/ topamax and sorry I am a health nut and needed to lose 20 lbs very badly and my Dr. knew I was not happy. It is a very good appetite suppressant. Phentermine just by itself is..but I think you should take supplements with it. You should learn to at least eat healthy while you are on it. I figured out real fast why I was 20 lbs overweight was because I ate too much every night. And at meal time I put the fork to my mouth too many times. I only plan to be on the phentermine for a couple more months but I don't plan on eating the way I did before I was on it.
    Some people can't tolerate the side effects. They are of with me because I am a night owl. HTH's
  • Pang29pang
    Pang29pang Posts: 103 Member
    my doctor prescribed it to me and i lost 20 lbs in 2 months...however my mouth was so dry and i couldnt sleep did give me extra engry but I always felt uneasy due it....and when i stopped taking it i gain the weight right back because it didnt change my habits if anything it made it worse...I wouldnt recommend it
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Lets get one thing straight, OP. Phentermine is not a "supplement". It is a narcotic. It will artificially suppress your appetite and you will not learn how to change the behaviors that caused you to become overweight in the first place.

    I used to be prescribed Adderall for years (similar properties to Phentermine, but used for ADHD) and when I stopped taking it I ballooned up 70 pounds. By taking a medication that suppresses your appetite for any period of time your body will increase the hormones that cause feelings of hunger. So when you stop taking it you are much hungrier than when you started.

    I was tempted to start taking Adderall again but I decided I needed to learn how to do it the right way and have had great success. You don't need a "push", you need to get your act together. Find discipline within yourself... not in a pill.

    Anyway, you're going to do what you want but just know that these pills are very addicting. I wish you the best.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I thought this was illegal.

    Nope! Maybe you're thinking of Crystal Meth? Or PhenFen? :laugh: :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I ordered phentermine here -

    My employer blocked that site:

    Your request was denied because of its content categorization: Suspicious

    Methinks that's not the safest place to buy pills.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Lets get one thing straight, OP. Phentermine is not a "supplement". It is a narcotic. It will artificially suppress your appetite and you will not learn how to change the behaviors that caused you to become overweight in the first place.

    I used to be prescribed Adderall for years (similar properties to Phentermine, but used for ADHD) and when I stopped taking it I ballooned up 70 pounds. By taking a medication that suppresses your appetite for any period of time your body will increase the hormones that cause feelings of hunger. So when you stop taking it you are much hungrier than when you started.

    I was tempted to start taking Adderall again but I decided I needed to learn how to do it the right way and have had great success. You don't need a "push", you need to get your act together. Find discipline within yourself... not in a pill.

    Anyway, you're going to do what you want but just know that these pills are very addicting. I wish you the best.

    Same thing happened to me except I was taking Vyvanse (similar to these other drugs). I lost so much weight. I was never hungry. I had so much energy and I did great at work. It seemed like a miracle drug at first.

    After I quit taking said miracle drug I gained 20 pounds and it wrecked my metabolism.

    When I was on it I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, it was a struggle to have a conversation with people. All I did was work, grind my teeth, and clean. I ate about 500-800 calories a day and slept three hours a night.

    After a few months my hair started to fall out, the medicine stopped giving me energy, I started having heart palpitations. On top of this I still couldn't sleep or eat. I was also almost skeletal I lost so much weight.

    When I stopped taking the drugs it literally felt like a truck had hit me. I curled up in a ball and slept for almost a week straight. I had to miss work it was so bad. I felt tired, depressed, general malaise for several weeks after. It took months for me to feel normal again.

    These drugs are all great when you first take them you have energy, you lose weight, you feel great but overtime they ruin you. You can't stay on them forever and when you stop the weight comes back along with more.

    Honestly, doctors claim these drugs are safe but I'm not the same after taking it. These drugs, Vyvanse, especially toy with the part of your brain that makes you aggressive. I'm not the same person I was before I took them. I used to be really mild mannered and I never lost my cool. Now, I easily become agitated or angered and I have a hard time biting my tongue.

    In the end, I decided I had to have respect for my body.

    I hope this doesn't come off as preachy I just wanted to let you know my story.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Lets get one thing straight, OP. Phentermine is not a "supplement". It is a narcotic. It will artificially suppress your appetite and you will not learn how to change the behaviors that caused you to become overweight in the first place.

    I used to be prescribed Adderall for years (similar properties to Phentermine, but used for ADHD) and when I stopped taking it I ballooned up 70 pounds. By taking a medication that suppresses your appetite for any period of time your body will increase the hormones that cause feelings of hunger. So when you stop taking it you are much hungrier than when you started.

    I was tempted to start taking Adderall again but I decided I needed to learn how to do it the right way and have had great success. You don't need a "push", you need to get your act together. Find discipline within yourself... not in a pill.

    Anyway, you're going to do what you want but just know that these pills are very addicting. I wish you the best.

    Same thing happened to me except I was taking Vyvanse (similar to these other drugs). I lost so much weight. I was never hungry. I had so much energy and I did great at work. It seemed like a miracle drug at first.

    After I quit taking said miracle drug I gained 20 pounds and it wrecked my metabolism.

    When I was on it I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, it was a struggle to have a conversation with people. All I did was work, grind my teeth, and clean. I ate about 500-800 calories a day and slept three hours a night.

    After a few months my hair started to fall out, the medicine stopped giving me energy, I started having heart palpitations. On top of this I still couldn't sleep or eat. I was also almost skeletal I lost so much weight.

    When I stopped taking the drugs it literally felt like a truck had hit me. I curled up in a ball and slept for almost a week straight. I had to miss work it was so bad. I felt tired, depressed, general malaise for several weeks after. It took months for me to feel normal again.

    These drugs are all great when you first take them you have energy, you lose weight, you feel great but overtime they ruin you. You can't stay on them forever and when you stop the weight comes back along with more.

    Honestly, doctors claim these drugs are safe but I'm not the same after taking it. These drugs, Vyvanse, especially toy with the part of your brain that makes you aggressive. I'm not the same person I was before I took them. I used to be really mild mannered and I never lost my cool. Now, I easily become agitated or angered and I have a hard time biting my tongue.

    In the end, I decided I had to have respect for my body.

    I hope this doesn't come off as preachy I just wanted to let you know my story.

    I went through a very similar situation while getting off of it. I had definite withdrawals, slept for a week straight, had to take off work and felt horrible. I could barely keep my eyes open for about a month after I quit taking it.

    It has been almost two years since I stopped taking Adderall and I finally feel like I am completely normal again. It took almost a year for me to have real motivation again. Adderall, Vyvanse, and all stimulants should be taken off the market. They can ruin your life. Almost did mine.

    Moral of the story, OP. STAY AWAY FROM PHENTERMINE.
  • sthomasthomas87
    sthomasthomas87 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes and it's the bomb! It works quick and will surpress your app. It is like liquid speed! Lol... Not intended for long term use but if you want to drop a quick 30 in two-four months...Adipex/Phentermine is the way to go. But take care of your hair and take extra vitamins because I recently had some hair shedding this morning...and the Adipex has to GO!
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Well your doctor would have weighed up the risks vs benefits in regards to phentermine and your current weight, and hopefully told you what those risks are. My father took phentermine and he ended up in hospital with heart problems that took 5 months to recover from. He was already a healthy weight but was trying to get his weight lower to help his running. If someone healthy and fit gets that kind of reaction from it then I wouldn't trust it, but if you trust your doctor to keep an eye on you while you are taking it then I wouldn't worry too much.
  • I have struggled for over a year to lose the pounds I gained with my pregnancy. I had tried almost ever single diet pill the drug stores had to offer.

    So after 2 days i noticed that I had to force myself to eat my breakfast because I just wasn't hungry.

    I don't know how it works. But I'm so happy that finally i can stay away from the fridge.

    I love this product and will continue to keep using it and recommending it to anyone trying to get in shape.