Weight Loss Buddy Wanted

Hi Everyone,
My name is Michelle. I am a wife and mom of a teenage girl, plus I work full time and have a church calling. I have struggled with my weight for 30+ yrs. I would like to get down to 200lbs. I am currently 260. I live in Phx, AZ. and would love to exercise with someone, but I am also open to an online buddy in another state. Just to inspire, and be inspired. To talk to someone who is in the same boat I am. Of course I will listen also. If anyone this sounds good to you please contact me and lets do this together!!!


  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    Hi Michelle! I live all the way in NY, so we won't be hitting the gym together any time soon, but I would LOVE to support each other here on MFP...we can use the "message" feature as a way to check in daily, check out each other's food diaries, etc. My name is Adrienne, I am 31 years old. My top weight was 225, currently at 190, with an ultimate goal of 160. If we connect well, we can even text each other or call for support.

    Basically, I want to log my food, and exercise, and be able to share that with someone each day, and help that person do the same. Sound good?
  • livingformykids3
    livingformykids3 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me