Oatmeal 1/2 cup with 1 cup skim milk. I'm I messing up?

I feel like this food is not allowing me to lose weight.
It's quick oats.
Millvilles - Aldi's brand.
(I'm not rich).
I add frozen blueberries and flax USA milled flaxseed.
I'm just looking for opinions. No right or wrong.
Maybe it's the added junk that is making me gain weight?
Maybe it's all the cabs in quick oats?
Maybe it's the skim milk? I can't make it with water.
Maybe the calories in quick oats?
Help, help, help. Anything. I'll take it.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Relax o:) Nobody cares where you buy your food...! No single food will make you gain weight. A calorie surplus does that. Are you sure you are gaining weight and it's not a fluctuation? How often do you weigh yourself, and how long have you eaten like this and weighed yourself? How many calories are in each of the ingredients of the oatmeal? How many calories do you eat per day? What is your calorie goal? Opening your diary may give others clues.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    What else are you eating the rest of the day to go with this? If this is all you are eating for the entire day then you shouldn't be gaining weight. Are you weighing all of your foods and liquids in grams using a digital food scale? Are you accurately logging all of your food, drinks, dressings, and condiments? Are you staying at your MFP suggested calorie goal everyday?
  • FallynBarratt
    FallynBarratt Posts: 5 Member
    It doesn't sound like a bad breakfast =). Maybe you should look at the rest of what your eating for the day. How many calories are you consuming. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories to loose 1 lb. So if you break that up in a week that is a deficit of 500 calories. Go and see what your BMR is (basal metabolic rate) and minus 500 calories from that. That is around the calories you should be consuming in one day. I had alittle slow down in my weight loss and when using this it put me back on track =). Hope that helps a little.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    just eat the amount of calories MFP tells you to eat. And dont stress about where you buy food. I buy things at my teeny rural grocery store, the walmart out of town, and the dollar store. No shame in saving money.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    why would you assume that your oatmeal is the big problem :o ?
    I eat oatmeal every single morning, nothing can keep me full in the mornings like oatmeal. I don't think from the calorie point view there is a difference between the quick or old fashion oat. I use now old fashion but for a very long period of time I used the quick oat and no issues there.

    carbs? LOL no like hell no, there is no problem with carbs, they are not evil and believe me the best investment that you can do when it comes to that macro is the glorious oatmeal; so worth it!

    I think your description looks like a very awesome healthy meal, go back and evaluate your WHOLE DIET and see where is the issue.

    and what added junk? blueberries and flax seed? #facepalm again nop I don't think they are the problem.

    pd: do you have a food scale? now that could make the whole difference when it comes to your whole diet.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited August 2015
    First, don't apologize for being a frugal shopper.
    Aldi is a perfectly good store. I know a family whose worth is in the millions that shops there regularly.

    Second, weight loss is all about calories.
    If you're not losing weight, you're eating more than your body is burning.
    It's not the fault of any particular food, it's the entire balance of what you're eating.
    Carbs are not evil, they're essential. Whole grains (like oatmeal) are good for you.
    Fruit (blueberries) is good for you.
    Flax seed is good for you. (Healthy fat.)
    Skim milk is good for you. So would be almond or soy milk.
    Look at your whole food intake (diet) and see what you can tweak to be slightly lower calories. Can you have
    nonfat yogurt instead of regular whole milk yogurt? Could you use ground turkey or chicken, or even leaner
    beef, instead of high-fat beef? Could you have 1.5 tablespoons of peanut butter on your morning toast instead
    of a full serving of 2T? (I throw that in 'cause it's something I have every day, and that simple tweak doesn't leave
    me feeling deprived, but saves 50 calories.)

    Third, according to your profile you want to lose 1 more pound. That's almost impossible to measure.
    In fact, that's normal daily fluctuation for most people. Some people do several pounds.

    Read these. At least read sexypants.




