Help! I've fallen...

off the wagon, and the desire to get back up is just NOT there!!

I am usually really good about logging my food and working out for an hour or more every day. Since the weekend, I have had no desire to watch what I eat, getting the motivation to work out is about as hard as chipping concrete with a toothpick. It's awful! Just today alone I had donuts for breakfast (FIVE of the mini powdered donuts), I did OK at lunch with a soup and salad....but then you throw in the FOUR breadsticks and all bets are off. I've also had THREE cookies to boot, and it's not even dinner time yet!

Rather than working out when I had the time, I took a nap.

I'm scared to weigh myself again, because I don't want to see that I've gained 5 of my 17 pounds back!


  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    Sometimes you gain a little in the journey, but one setback isn't going to ruin your progress. Even if you gain 5 pounds, you've still managed to keep 12 off so far. And you've lost 17 already, so you KNOW you can do it. Tackle the motivation thing one small deal at a time. Make it a goal to track everything tomorrow, don't stress about the exercise, just focus on tracking. Once you've gotten back into that groove get re-focused on exercise. You can do it!
  • hbabu
    hbabu Posts: 3
    Go for a walk this evening and enjoy the summer weather! And remember how awesome you feel after a good workout? That's one of the reasons I started trying to lose weight again, I knew I'd go to the gym more often and I really like how energetic and productive I feel afterward. I splurged yesterday and the thought of gaining even one of my 7 lost lbs back put me right back in the gym today. That's awesome that you've lost 17lbs though, don't give up now!
  • cazz5
    cazz5 Posts: 11 Member
    Everyone has times when they cant focus, try not to be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can, you are on here so thats a good thing! Hang on in there! :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Try to set small goals for herself.Like drink so much water,so much exercise.Getting motivated is hard.We can get off track so easy.So tell herself over and over I really want this.Talk to some of your motivation friends.
    Good luck
    u can do this!!
  • rosebudgirl
    Just get up dust yourself off (the powder from the you know whats) and climb back on that wagon. We've all been there. As long as you get back on the wagon forget the past. :wink:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Get a nice bottle of water and go for a walk - sometimes something simple like that re-motivates me. You are not the only one laggin' i was super lazy this weekend after my husband flew in from Kuwait. I ate horribly, did not work out as much as I wanted to and took a 4 hour nap on Monday. LMAO!!! Today is a new day though, baby!

    I walked on my AM break, lunch and going to walk on my PM break AND going to make my hubby go for a walk with me after dinner tonight. :)

    Tomorrow night we're going to get back into our strength/cardio routine now that he is back home. :)
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I did track everything today, and seeing how HORRIBLE I did makes me want to go run 10 miles! LOL :embarassed: