Recent College Grads & Young Professionals!

Hi all-- Hope everyone is getting thought the week successfully!

I'm relatively new to the site and wanted to see if there were any other young 20-year olds out there. I keep seeing significantly younger and older posters, but I wanted to connect with some people at the same point in life as me (starting new jobs, relocating, cooking for one/with limited supplies, active social life 21+). I am trying to lose the last 10 lb and have been fluctuating back and forth for the past few months (frustrating!!!) due to lack of motivation and determination. Let me know if anyone is in the same position & feel free to add me :)


  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    Yep. Just graduated college, can't find a job, & I'm still living off frozen food & other junk while trying to lose weight. Good times. I hope you're having better luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Yup.. I'm in this boat!

    Just graduated college in december, currently subbing as a TA/trying to find a full time job and living with Mom and Dad. I'm learning to cook for myself, manage my money and trying to get re-established with friends here. So crazy but so awesome at the same time.
  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    Just finished undergrad and am about to move to another state for graduate school. I currently split meals designed for two with my boyfriend but in the past I have spent one day on the weekend just cooking 2-3 meals and then splitting them into single servings and storing them in the fridge. That way I could just grab a single serving size of meatloaf/balsamic chicken/chicken salad or whatever to eat or pack up as my to-go lunch. Hope that helps, and good luck with the last 10, can't wait until I'm that close!
  • ivorythorns
    I graduated a few years ago -- 25 years old seems so old suddenly -- and am struggling to find cheap food that does not contain a lot of sodium. It's tough! Last summer, we visited the Farmer's Market every week -- if you have a local market, it's a pretty cheap way to get your veggies and fruits during the summer months -- and this year we installed a small garden.
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    I will be graduating in August and starting a new job while moving back home with my parents. I did a search for this topic because I too was curious about finding some people that would be more in my type of position than the older users and the current college students. Feel free to add me!