Weekend struggles - I heart wine



  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Weekly check in after the weekend. Once again I had many wines over the weekend, food choices were good to counter act the calories but not game to weigh myself. Having a super good Monday/Tuesday and hopefully will balance out.

    How did everyone else go?
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I did great Fri and Sat night but ate out tonight and blew it. Not so bad overall, but disappointing. Maybe this is what people call a cheat day?
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Not bad this weekend. Limited myself to drinking only on saturday night instead of all weekend. Went to an all you can eat buffet but managed to stick to steak and salads and only a tiny bit of dessert with lots of walking.

    How did everyone else go?
  • vickip1976
    vickip1976 Posts: 6 Member
    I love a glass of wine or two in the evening. I have started being a bit stricter. I use a smaller glass, and have two of them, as opposed to my larger glass, and having two of them (which is two thirds of a bottle). Summer hols with the kids home, is a real test. I unwind with a glass of wi be when they go to bed. I am going cold turkey this week!
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    Glad I found this. My problem is craft beer, love it. Saturday we go out and eat most weekends and that includes beer with lunch most times. Can't stop at one so it's a stop by the pub on the way home for a couple more. Then that continues on thru the night.
    Sunday I try to drink lots of water to flush my system out.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'm going to make a suggestion which i hope you take seriously and the right way. Go to AA. If you are drinking two bottles of wine a night, even if its only one night a week, i think you have a problem. But apart from that AA will help you keep strong if you are serious about getting control over you intake. I suggest that abstinence might be the best idea since you aren't able to stop at one.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm measuring the wine out so no cheating, and fit it in to my calorie count. That means I can have 7 oz with dinner. I drink it slowly, over an hour. I'm determined to make moderation work.

    If you calorie count your beer before you go out, and stay within your limit, you can still enjoy a beer or glass of wine. It takes practice, though, to have just one. But, short of AA and abstinence, to me controlling drinking amounts is similar to controlling food binging and poor choices. It just needs to become a habit, and does take practice.
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    Love my Apothic red and that has gotten me off track as well. Trying to limit it because I feel it is useless calories. My goal is to try to do extra cardio after I drink. I'm going to see how that works out.
  • bluejennn
    bluejennn Posts: 25 Member
    I like wine too, and I wouldn't recommend this, but liquor has less calories. Sometimes I'll splurge and have a few Jack and diet cokes!
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Best weekend yet. 2 glasses on Friday night and one cider on sunday afternoon. yahoo!