On the PLUS side!

Hello everyone!

I am very new to this, in fact I actually downloaded the app only this morning! Very excited to start my weight loss journey and hopefully build on a supportive community :)

I have a lot to lose and hopefully nothing to gain! Best wishes to everyone on their journey


  • Funship
    Funship Posts: 86 Member
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    @Funship thank you!
  • ebonnilouise
    ebonnilouise Posts: 4 Member
    I have a lot too lose too. Can I add you, just to see how you're going and maybe learn some things from you?
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    Aww of course you can! Anybody can
  • Rufuscnm
    Rufuscnm Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    This is the best app/way to stay on track. I fell away from tracking back in March 2015; returned today - noted increase of 10 pounds, even though I "thought" I was doing well. This keeps you honest. It's also great to see during the day as you track your exercise and your food intake how well you are doing (or how not so well!)...great motivator! Stay with it.
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    Good on you for coming back! I have also had this app previously, once or twice and fell back from it. One of the biggest reasons I feel is because I did not feel confident enough to engage with others in this community section of the app and reassure myself that I am not in this alone.
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    Aww thank you!!
  • TinaRawww
    TinaRawww Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome. I'll add you, I'm also welcome to motivating and being motivated.
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you!
  • Ramon0517
    Ramon0517 Posts: 137 Member
    I most definitely believe this app will help you more than you can think. I know it has helped me so much, because I can always come back to it and check my intake and exercise and not try to cheat myself lol You can do this, and you will. Nothing is impossible, and everything IS POSSIBLE. Always remind your self why you want a healthy lifestyle and don't call it a diet...ughhh how much I hate that word. You don't want that because a diet is temporary but a healthy lifestyle well just like it says it's for life. Keep it up don't let anything get on your way and pray to the good Lord to give you the strength, and will power to continue this journey.
  • theloveintern
    theloveintern Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you so so so much for this!! It is so lovely to have support from people who don't owe you a single thing. I wish you the best of luck with you journey, if one of us can do it, we ALL can do it!