Got a waaaayyysss to go! (F/5'9"/280ish)

Sereneinsanity Posts: 23 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all, my name is Christina. My highest weight was around 290, at the moment I'm at 275ish, started on MFP at 280. Over all my goal is to lose 100lbs, but I'll probably tweak from there and see what I feel like being. I'm fairly confident this time - I know what I feel like in an unsustainable race to lose, and that's not me this go round. I'd love to have some friends on here with similar stats, whether you are just starting, or you're already a success story.


  • ughbrit
    ughbrit Posts: 51 Member
    I think there may be a typo in your height haha
  • Sereneinsanity
    Sereneinsanity Posts: 23 Member
    :D My bad! If I was that tall I don't think I would need to be losing any weight....
  • ughbrit
    ughbrit Posts: 51 Member
    Right? Haha. I started out at 237lbs this January (I'm 5'8") and am down to about 211lbs if you'd like to add me. My all-time highest weight was 255lbs or so. I'm just about eating at a caloric deficit, everything in moderation, and doing exercise that you love.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    our stats are similar... I started at 292 (I am 5'8") I am currently at 270.5 ... goal is to lose 100 from now (total will be 122 lost when i get to goal) feel free to add me :)
  • Sereneinsanity
    Sereneinsanity Posts: 23 Member
    So far I've just been focusing on eating healthier, and keeping under/around my calorie goal. I think that I'll give it a couple months just focusing on diet, then I might start some exercise, probably weight training. Not good at keeping with cardio. The last time I lost around 40 lbs, and the only exercise was going walking when I felt like it.